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World War Three (WW3)

Touched by Angels
Age: 33
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May 24th, 2008 at 08:20am
love and monsters.:

Worlds wars.
We've already had two of them.

- Is it likely there will be another world war?
- If so, when do you predict it will be? In our lifetimes? In our children's lifetimes?
- Do you think that if there was another world war, it would end up in the ending of the world, what with all our advances in weapons, focusing on nuclear weapons?
- Who do you think will be the starters of the war?
- What do you think would be the reason for the war?

And any other questions you wish to raise.

- In my opinion, it's already started.
- I really don't know, I hope it doesn't, but the world is just so violent, I wouldn't be suprised if it did.
- Everyone, it's really sad, people need to give it a rest, stop shooting.

Seriously, in the words of George Harrison [sorry about all my Beatles references >.<] "If everyone who owned a gun shot themselves the world would be a better place."

I'd hate to say it, but he is right. Sorry to say. And I don't think it is ever going to change either.
Spiritual Adviser .
Joining The Black Parade
Spiritual Adviser .
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May 24th, 2008 at 05:43pm
Mutually assured destruction, was, is and always has been a completely insane idea. It's worrisome to know that the two superpowers in the cold war thought like that.

But to the questions.

- Is it likely there will be another world war?
No. Not in a sense at all connected to the first two, which were essentially european affairs which spilt over into the colonies. Countries are getting smaller, and relations are now run by economics. The EU and the advent of the euro have tied together most of europe's economies as such to prevent them warring with each other. The UN security council probably has enough about it to stop anything too big kicking off at least between the big nuclear powers.

- If so, when do you predict it will be? In our lifetimes? In our children's lifetimes?
Anything close to a world war will need a very different political situation, which I can only really see happening after some sort of major economic crash, thus forcing political upheaval.

- Do you think that if there was another world war, it would end up in the ending of the world, what with all our advances in weapons, focusing on nuclear weapons?
No, purely because the major powers are too dependant on one another and are forced into (fairly) friendly relations by the UN. I've also little doubt, that if the US were to enter into a war with the clear moral highground, no need to win over an indigenous population, they would finish it quickly, on combat terms western nations are the likely winners of any war.

- Who do you think will be the starters of the war?
- What do you think would be the reason for the war?

I'll answer both of these together, one of the countries is almost certain to be the US, simply because they are the major players on the world stage but I imagine that they would be reacting to aggression coming from either Russia, China or the middle east.

I'm completely agree with you.
Fabulous Killjoy
Age: 32
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Posts: 173
May 27th, 2008 at 02:19pm
- Is it likely there will be another world war?
Unfortunatley, I Think There Will Be.

- If so, when do you predict it will be? In our lifetimes? In our children's lifetimes?
I Reckon That It's Going To Happen In The Next 20 Years Or So. It Seems Just Such A Shame That We Are Going To End Up Destroying Each Others Lives.

- Do you think that if there was another world war, it would end up in the ending of the world, what with all our advances in weapons, focusing on nuclear weapons?
I Think It Would End Up In The World Being Blown Apart To Be Honest. With All Of The Wepons That We Are Wasting Money On In The World, They Seem To Be Pretty Brootal.

- Who do you think will be the starters of the war?
One Of The Starters Will Most Probs Be The USA. They Just Seem To Have A Beef With Everyone These Days Since Bush Was Elected.

- What do you think would be the reason for the war?
I Really Don't Know.
Age: 30
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Posts: 77
June 1st, 2008 at 10:11am
if there was another world war... we would all be dead. i guess with the current advances in weapons and how they contune to advance them.... its kinda scarey because i have herd about all the other world wars and the second one was pretty bad with the A-bombs... think of what we could do NOW?
hunteri heroici.
Always Born a Crime
hunteri heroici.
Age: 31
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June 5th, 2008 at 02:14pm
In the words of Albert Einstein:
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
I completely agree with him.
WW3 is gonna be sooner than we think.
Jazz Hands
Age: 34
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Posts: 327
June 29th, 2008 at 03:53pm
Ther will be another WW one day I'm sure, but I'm 99% sure it won't happen in our lifetime
Go fuck yourself
Devil's Got Your Number
Go fuck yourself
Age: 31
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Posts: 37823
July 4th, 2008 at 02:12pm
Is it likely there will be another world war?
Everyone else is saying sadly yes, I'm unfortunately agree upon that, I honestly think the world is going deeper into pain and stuff and I think we're getting to wrapped up with it

- If so, when do you predict it will be? In our lifetimes? In our children's lifetimes?
I honestly think it'll come pretty soon. The first 2 World Wars were pretty cloese together. I tihnk with whats going on in Iraq might just cuase another world war.

- Do you think that if there was another world war, it would end up in the ending of the world, what with all our advances in weapons, focusing on nuclear weapons?
I don't think the nuclear weapons will be any good. End the world? no, we've survived this long, that might mean that tomorrow we all get killed because of a meteorite though, I don't know, there is no way to tell for how much longer we will survive. I don't think we'll last much longer on this earth though

- Who do you think will be the starters of the war?
Probably if it isn't the middle east,it would most likely be the US, we've fought in alot of wars, most of them just because we felt like getting in other peoples business, then they fired back because they didn't want help, or only some of them did (Iraq comes to mind) But why did we go to Vietnam?

- What do you think would be the reason for the war?
theres alot of reasons, it might be some person goes insane and needs more power, it could be over religion, it could be over anything, even global warming
dee dee ramone.
Always Born a Crime
dee dee ramone.
Age: 32
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Posts: 5369
July 4th, 2008 at 03:14pm
there's going to be a WWIII, for sure. No doubt about it.
As much as it shames me, I think China will probably start it, or have something major to do with it. With one of the highest stock[iles of nuclear weapons in the world, something's going to kick off soon. Either China, or terrorism will start WWIII, and to be honest, it'll probably be in our lifetime. Hopefully I'll live to about 70, so that's 55 years. I hate to say it, but something's going to go wrong there.
Go fuck yourself
Devil's Got Your Number
Go fuck yourself
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Posts: 37823
July 4th, 2008 at 03:50pm
dee dee ramone.:
there's going to be a WWIII, for sure. No doubt about it.
As much as it shames me, I think China will probably start it, or have something major to do with it. With one of the highest stock[iles of nuclear weapons in the world, something's going to kick off soon. Either China, or terrorism will start WWIII, and to be honest, it'll probably be in our lifetime. Hopefully I'll live to about 70, so that's 55 years. I hate to say it, but something's going to go wrong there.
thats a good prediction, maybe some other country, maybe Korea, or somewhere else will decide they want those weapons. Maybe some third world country wil decide that they want to get lucky too, like America. It's nice to make all these questions, but maybe we should think about how to prevent all of this instead of fantasizing about it and see if life turns out better. People say this generation will change the world, why ddon't we? we see theres struggling, we see all the hardache, we don't we voluenteer and change it?