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Bad parenting

Jazz Hands
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May 22nd, 2007 at 09:14pm
i am not a parent, but bad parenting is not being caring w/ur child and not seeing their schedules, and not kissing them2 bed, not helping with homework, not caring, not loving, not being w/e u wanted when u were a kid.
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July 3rd, 2008 at 10:13pm
Good parenting is when parents dont do anything selfish to compromise their child's health; and they have empathy
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Always Born a Crime
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July 3rd, 2008 at 11:05pm
I think an essential part of good parenting is being able to communicate with your child, and give them advice, help them if they need it. I don't have a particularly close relationship with my parents, but I can still go to them if I need help, and I know if I didn't have them my life would be drastically different. And that makes me think of something else-parents have a lot of influence, and they're really models for the children. It's not all biological, one of my best friends is adopted, and she has very strong morals, which she shares with her adoptive parents.
Thinking Happy Thoughts
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July 9th, 2008 at 07:37am
parents always do what they have been brought up to do and try to give you in your life what they missed out on in thiers but there will never be a perfect parent beccause there will always be somethign that the child will hate them for and try to do better for their own children

bad parents spoil their children
bad parents cant controll their children
bad parents dont listen and dont understand
Bleeding on the Floor
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July 9th, 2008 at 09:15am
I don't know who originally said it, but:
"You know your a good parent your kids tell you they hate you."
It's both humorous and true.
Being a good parent is always doing what's best for your child, even if they don't like it.
It also means loving your child unconditionally no matter what they do.
Bulletproof Heart
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July 12th, 2008 at 06:58am
what defines good parenting?
I think good parenting is having the right amount of discipline and love. Good parenting prepares a child for life. If a parent lets the kid do what they want, then that is bad parenting, because that results in a selfish child, who wont be able to deal with the real world. Hating a child, and making them act like an adult is aslo bad parenting, because then they have had no childhood, and by the time they are leaving for university, they are still loving kiddies things, but in private. They are still crying in bed, and sleeping with teddies, and talking to the fish, and you can make them smile, by finding a white glittery unicorn, or similar kids toy.

what defines bad parenting?
I think bad parenting is simply parenting a child to what you want them to be, not parenting them to prepare them for becoming themselves. Pushing a child to do well in school is fine, but not letting them go out because they have to do extra study is too much. Bubble wrapping a child is also bad, because, again, the cannot grow up properly. Ideally, a balance between freedom, and responsibilty needs to be met.

how much does bad parenting affect a child?
Bad parenting affects a child a lot. A child who is mollycoddled, gets to 16 before being a ble to tie their laces. They are exceptionally bright, because all they can do is study, but they have no people skills, or any concept of road safety, or stranger danger. A child who is spoilt doesn't understand that they can't always get their own way, and eventually, people stop talking to them, because they don't want to be treated like a slave, or they are fed up of being bitched at, because someone has done something relativly normal, but it annoyed the spoilt child. Kids that are forced to grow up fast want to be kids again, throughout their lives. Kids that are abused learn not to trust people, and go through life without having any relationships.

do children choose to only remember the bad parenting, not the good?
no. Children do remember the good as well, but the bad often sticks more, because many children just want to impress their parents, and being told off/smacked excessivly makes them feel like they didn't manage it. Children remember the simple hugs, the smiles they get when they go to school the first time alone, but the bad things stick more. It is human nature though, if we didn't remember the bad things, we would trust people that shouldn't be trusted, and so would get in danger
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Awake and Unafraid
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July 12th, 2008 at 09:10am
I think straight out that bad parenting is when parents either obsess over their children or completely ignore them.

You the parent are responsible for your child, usually your views are passed on to your child. eg. religion.

It's also important to know when to let the child make their own decisions, if they get a little hurt in the progress its important sometimes to let a child realise what hurts or not.

Like telling a little kid not to touch the pointy bush in the yard, they'll learn not to once he runs into it.

I think good parenting is knowing the balance between protecting and neglecting.
Death Defying
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August 5th, 2008 at 05:32am
bad parenting is...

1. leaving your children entirely alone.
2. forcing your children to have the same opinions as you, yet you tell them to be themselves.
3. phisically, sexually, and/or mentally abusing them.
4. favoring other siblings
Joining The Black Parade
Age: 36
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August 14th, 2008 at 08:26am
I think that if you can't take care of your children then yea you're doind the right thing by giving them up when it's needed, if you know that they'll have what they need.
Some people may think that it's bad parenting just because the parents gave the kids up, but they don't even take the time to consider the reasons why.
Colorado Sunrise.
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August 14th, 2008 at 11:22pm
in my opinion, there's really strict parents, parents who don't give a f*ck, and parent who are motherly/fatherly when they need to be.

if you're gonna be major strict with your child and like, not let them go places with their friends, not let them talk on cellphones, not buy them things, no aim and stuff like that. simple, they're kids and they're gonna want to have these things so they'll make an aim, steal, hang out with friends behind the parents back. i see this a lot, and i try to explain to kids as much as i can but i always get this:
"but you don't understand how flipping annoying it is when i get no freedom!"
freedom, every kid wants a little bit of that.

then there's not caring, i don't know how parents could even do that, it's harsh on the childs future if you're not their to support them and teach them the value of things. if you don't care about a child, the child will probably either notice and not respect their parents or make their own life and not thank their parents for support.

i think the best thing to do is give children freedom and be all strict when you need to.
every kid's different, they don't learn alike, parents need to understand.
and i can't stand when i see a parent take their anger out on their kids,
i've seen it in a mall before .__.
Age: 32
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Posts: 3
August 14th, 2008 at 11:48pm
I am not a parent myself but in my short experience of growing up with two sets of parents (originals divorced when I was 6), the thing that constitutes “bad parenting” (apart from obvious things such as abuse and alike) is a parent of convenience; someone who plays the role of the care giver, providing things such as food and board, more of a landlord than a blood relation. Only when personal gain can be achieved, financial or otherwise does it become imperative that a healthy talking relationship is maintained with the child that only months before they were nothing more than a sack of flour that could be written off as a tax expense. In my opinion someone who is raising a child must want to raise it, must want to teach it to be a decent human being, otherwise it is almost a crime to emotionally damage a person beyond repair in order to recover a small piece of dignity that was lost to no fault of the child.
Age: 35
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Posts: 11
August 17th, 2008 at 05:53pm
Good parenting is kind of a hard thing to define, I mean who's to say that only some people are good parents. If the children are alive health and atleast semi-happy, then the parents are attemping to do a good job.
Good parenting to me means that there is atleast one of the parents that are always there be help the child when nessicary, They teach the child right and wrong and they make sure that the kids goes to school, does his/her best and then goes on to bigger and better things.
From my exsperience a good parent is one that is around enough to know whats going on in the childs life, has a steady job( or steady source of income) and keeps the child in food and clothes. But being around to much can be just as detramental to a child as not being around enough. Smothering the kid might keep them out of trouble when they are with you, but know that the child will rebel and the child will make it big when they do. If they are to controled there are only three things that could evenutally come. Turn around and fight back, run away... or both. If they make it under the smothering rule til college they are the ones that will drink themselfs into a coma or get into some big trouble because they aren't used to the freedom of being on their own.