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Taping Frerard in action 0_o

Member since August 11th, 2006



My name is Ayla! (And before you ask, yes it is from the book "Clan of the Cave Bears" ).


I am from Alberta Canada, and I am 6'3. No lie, I'm actually THAT tall ^_^. Feel free to add me to your story, I luff being a character...*HINT HINT*.


Hair: Brown (boring, I know. I plan on dying it black and orange! Oooo)
Eyes: They look black, but Im pretty sure they're a really dark brown.
Height: 6'3 (I think we already went over this..)
Peircings: Two in each ear-the lower part. (Boring again. *sigh* lol, but you know I want the left part of my lip and the right side of my nose. mother disagrees. Grr!)
Clothing: I dont fit into any 'genre' actually. I'm more of my own sub-genre. Hehehe. I wear Tees and jeans...and my converse runners. And I own a couple skirts (that I wear with leggings underneath of course!). I own a fancy pair of leggings that have stars down my left leg. They're pretty fantastic.


-In grade 10! Woo hoo. Youngest and tallest in my grade. Yeeay?
-I'm vegetarian-ish. I'll eat seafood, but thats it. Very Happy
-I'm against drugs. I'm all for alcohol though. Haha, excellent.
-I wont give advice to those who dont want it
-I'm super hyper, and ish the life of the party ^_^(According to myself at least. Razz)
-I'm pretty concieted (But I NEVER make fun of anyone I dont know personally.)
-I get decent marks in everything but math. Math is horrid, I damn it to hell!!!!!
-I luff sweet tarts
-Frankie is mah MCR lover. But I have nothing against being with any of the other members. They ALL rock my socks <3
-I think I'm afraid of commitment, and I've never said "I love you" to anyone but family. Although I haven't said it recently.
-I'm horrible at dealing with sad/upset/depressed people. I think I should be good though, seeing as I have to deal with them alot.


And I supose if you want to know me better (although I dont know why you would Very Happy) you can send me a message, or add me as your friend!...*hint* Hehehe


Image Jack Black makes me SWOON!!! Embarassed


♫ I gave you coffee, coffee, gallons of the stuff. I gave you all you could drink and that will never be enough So give them coffee, coffee, coffee!! Im the kind of caffine addict that you love! ♫


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