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Irvine, Scotland

Member since October 11th, 2006



Hello Smile

my picture is of my birthday cake. it was amazingly pretty. i was gutted when my mum n dad actually FORCED me to cut it. it tasted super good though Smile

i hate filling these silly things out, im rubbish at it, so ill type randomly and hope for the best.
im currently at college, but i start uni in september. strathclyde to do bioscience with teaching...i want to be a biology teacher. no, im not insane, but i am a bit crazy.

im very open in person, i talk to random people in flip and hellfire or on the bus or the train all the time, but online its a different ball game, so ive been a bit shy on here. however, everyone is very friendly and im very opinionated so im starting to open up a bit lol.

i suppose i should say i love my chem. because i do. ive been to see them three times in three different venues, but i have to say the first time was my favourite - lol dirty thoughts. my best friend in the whole world hates them with a passion though, so when we fight its generally about that lol.

anywhore, if you feel like it add me as a friend, or say hey if i pass you on a topic Smile

peace out x

p.s. i heart team LGTFA. because we are the coolest.


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