
- Name:
- jeni
- Age:
- 35
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- in a room
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I gues i'm suppost to say a few things bout me here so heres what i'ma say i am who i am, i say what i actually say and i'm not afraid to be who i am, well anymore. i love the color black and I'M NOT GOTH FOR JUST SAYING THAT
my music taste
my music ranges as my brother once told me, not to long ago a person who loves music loves ALL kinds of music, altho i do have a couple faviortes i admit i'm more into others than others lol
armor for sleep
a perfect circle
afi (it actually stands for A fire inside)
all time low
amber pacific
brand new
bullet for my valentine
dead poetic
fall out boy (??? fading in and out)
fort minor
funeral for a friend
from first to last
greeley estate
Hello goodbye
Kill hannah
new radicals
motion city soundtrack
matchbook romance
my chemical romance
seven dust
senses fail
straylight run
The academy is....
The Audition
The Birthday Massacre
The 69 eyes
The graduate
The rasmus
The salads
the early november
The Used
Time and distance
treaty of paris
waiting for wilson
Uhiklubi (just getting into them, its in another language to how great is that)
30 seconds to mars(????? not sure if i like them or not really)
purty quotes i found
Beach balls at festivals are the work of the devil!
- Gerard Way
Dont piss your life away with suicide
- it's a bullshit way out
- Gerard Way
Cameraman: So, did you read Ellen DeGeneres's new book?
Frank: Yeah.
Cameraman: How was it?
Frank: It made me a lesbian.
Interviewer: Why should the world give a damn about My Chemical Romance?
Gerard: Because we give a damn about it.
Frank: Save your life.
Gerard: Yeah. Good enough for me, and there are so few people that actually do give a damn about the world.
Frank: Yeah.
my music taste
my music ranges as my brother once told me, not to long ago a person who loves music loves ALL kinds of music, altho i do have a couple faviortes i admit i'm more into others than others lol
armor for sleep
a perfect circle
afi (it actually stands for A fire inside)
all time low
amber pacific
brand new
bullet for my valentine
dead poetic
fall out boy (??? fading in and out)
fort minor
funeral for a friend
from first to last
greeley estate
Hello goodbye
Kill hannah
new radicals
motion city soundtrack
matchbook romance
my chemical romance
seven dust
senses fail
straylight run
The academy is....
The Audition
The Birthday Massacre
The 69 eyes
The graduate
The rasmus
The salads
the early november
The Used
Time and distance
treaty of paris
waiting for wilson
Uhiklubi (just getting into them, its in another language to how great is that)
30 seconds to mars(????? not sure if i like them or not really)
purty quotes i found
Beach balls at festivals are the work of the devil!
- Gerard Way
Dont piss your life away with suicide
- it's a bullshit way out
- Gerard Way
Cameraman: So, did you read Ellen DeGeneres's new book?
Frank: Yeah.
Cameraman: How was it?
Frank: It made me a lesbian.
Interviewer: Why should the world give a damn about My Chemical Romance?
Gerard: Because we give a damn about it.
Frank: Save your life.
Gerard: Yeah. Good enough for me, and there are so few people that actually do give a damn about the world.
Frank: Yeah.
Miss tlkin to you to chica!!
Helena'sGhOsT, October 20th, 2010 at 02:09:29pm