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Member since December 17th, 2006


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Okay . . . I am lazy so basically I am copying and pasting what i have on myspace profile.

I always hate these things or talking about myself. Ya think it would be easy.... Well, let's see.... I have recently started my professional career as a Librarian in a public library. I absolutely love my profession and love being around knowledge. It is interesing working in a public library. It definately makes for great observation of mankind.

I am extremely happy in my life right now. In fact, I haven't been this happy in years. I love being single. (I attritbute some of my happiness to finally getting over the break up of my long term relationship and realizing I am much better off.) I plan on making 2007 the best year of my life. It certainly feels like it is going to kick ass. I have lots of things planned for this year: tons of concerts, flying to Cali to see my bestest friend I haven't seen in 3 years, and going to Europe for the first time.

I have been a vegetarian for 4 years. Why am I a vegetarian (everyone asks this question eventually)? I have never enjoyed eating dead flesh and plus meat contains a plethora of hormones, steriods, and antiboitics. I have started eating mostly organic but it does really cut into my budget. However, I think it is worth it.
What else....I love all my friends to pieces and feel I am the luckiest person in the world to have so many great friends. My friends are my family and don't know what I would do without them. I may not keep in contact with all of them as well as I should but I do think about them often. I love shopping and over the last few years have been learning restraint...somewhat. Other than that...I am usually a very happy person who loves to socialize and chill out.

If ya want to know more (although that's basically my whole life story lol), message me or just ask me. I am pretty much an open book. I always say if your ashamed to be talking about it then you probably shouldn't be doing it.

New Funny Video to quote:


  • Photo #2426

    My Industrial Piercing

  • Photo #2425

    My Urban Family Infected by Potter Mania. Deadly Hallows Release Party


  • tabitha

    Hey there! It may be a while before I get back to your part of the world (I think August at least -- I'll be there for a con) but let me know if you're in my part of the world, I'd love to meet up!

    tabitha, May 16th, 2008 at 08:15:39am

  • MorbidVampFaery

    CHARLIEEEEEEE..... lol.

    MorbidVampFaery, March 4th, 2008 at 12:45:14am

  • Geraldine

    Lol, that's the spirit! Show them to everyone you know, including your boss, lol.

    Love you! /Nilla.

    Geraldine, October 23rd, 2007 at 10:17:26pm

  • Geraldine

    Hey, Mandy! Just saying hi! Love you, xoxo.

    Geraldine, October 12th, 2007 at 01:14:45pm

  • omg stfu

    *takes comment virginity*

    omg stfu, August 30th, 2007 at 10:12:41am

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