
- Name:
- Laura
- Age:
- 32
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- America?
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- lovaintjustajoke
92% of the teen population likes rap and hip-hop. If you're one of the 8% who listens to rock music, paste this in your profile
The one thing I want to do right now is meet Gerard Way and everyone else.
My Chemical Romance
Oh the sound of those words.
They make me want to fly.
I get lost in every single word.
I cant say they saved me, because I was never suicidal.
But I can TOTALLY say they have changed me.
Whenever I hear them I want to scream.
Gerard Way is TOTAL love.
I cant explain the feeling I have for him.
Its like he understands me through his beautiful words.
Forever and Always
My Chemical Romance <3
Gerard: MINUTES before we were going on, im stretching, and i wear tight pants, you know? crotch explodes, you know? and Mikey was like 'You gotta go change!'
Mikey: waredrobe maufunction!
Gerard: he was freakin out. he was like 'you gotta go back to the bus and get a new pair of pants'
Gerard: it was like, blue underwear everywhere!
Bob: Gerard wears blue underwear!
The one thing I want to do right now is meet Gerard Way and everyone else.
My Chemical Romance
Oh the sound of those words.
They make me want to fly.
I get lost in every single word.
I cant say they saved me, because I was never suicidal.
But I can TOTALLY say they have changed me.
Whenever I hear them I want to scream.
Gerard Way is TOTAL love.
I cant explain the feeling I have for him.
Its like he understands me through his beautiful words.
Forever and Always
My Chemical Romance <3
Gerard: MINUTES before we were going on, im stretching, and i wear tight pants, you know? crotch explodes, you know? and Mikey was like 'You gotta go change!'
Mikey: waredrobe maufunction!
Gerard: he was freakin out. he was like 'you gotta go back to the bus and get a new pair of pants'
Gerard: it was like, blue underwear everywhere!
Bob: Gerard wears blue underwear!