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Im Your Guardian Angel
wanting 2 be in his arms

Member since March 10th, 2007



hey im danielle i hate my name anyway i love MCR!!!! im one of there bigest fans ever!!!! i alos love avenged sevenfold , 30 seconds to mars and alot more. i love 2 have fun so plz add me! im alos very random so yeah add me!!!! =] <3 much love. oh yeah i love my bf with all my heart hes the most amazing guy ever!!
I wanna spen my life with him i love him so much

"Really I don't know anything other than Jersey. I like the dirtiness of it. Now I'm getting to see the world, and it's great, but it's not better than Jersey"

Camera man: "Did you read the new Ellen Degeneres book?"
Frank: "Yeah."
Camera man: "What did you think?"
Frank: "It made me a fucking lesbian!"

Rap sucks ass so put this in your profile:

R: Retards
A: Attempting
P: Poetry

do you know what your name means ,cause i know what mine means
D: one in a million
A: You like 2 drink
N:You like 2 drink alot
I:Great in bed
E:Gerat in bed
L:Unbelievably great in bed
L:Unbelievably great in bed
E:Gerat in bed

N:you like to drink ALOT.
I: Great in bed.
C:You are really silly.
O:awesome kisser
L: Unbelievably great in bed
E:Great in bed.

and here is the key!
A : You like to drink
B : You like people.
C : You are really silly.
D : one in a million.
E : Great in bed.
F : You are dead sexy
G : You never let people tell you what to do.
H:You have a very good personality,looks and a very good kisser
I : Great in bed.
J : People Adore you
K : You're wild and crazy.
L : Unbelievably great in bed.
M : Great in bed.
N: you like to drink ALOT.
O: awesome kisser
P : You are popular with all types of people.
Q : You are a hypocrite.
R : Fuckin Crazy.(in a fun way)
S : Easy to fall in love with.
T : You're loyal to those you love.
U : You are really silly.
V : You are not judgemental.
W : You are very broad minded.
X : You never let people tell you what to do.
Y : Great in bed.
Z : Always ready.......

92% of teens move on to rap music. If you're part of the 8% that rock out every day, put this in your profile.

----------l *** PuT thIS oN
l----------l yOur page iF u HaV
l-PUSH-----l evEr puLLeD a DoOr
l-------o--l ThaT sAyS PUSH!


  • MyMutantRomance

    Thanx for the friend request!

    MyMutantRomance, October 19th, 2007 at 10:05:58pm

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