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Other side of this darkness

Member since March 29th, 2007


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deleted ages ago. hehe.


Lets Get High...
On Candy Canes!

Don't get my down... not yet...

The world scares me.

Sorry meat-eaters! I don' mean to offend you <3
For those who love animals but are in the dark about the facts check out: (Australian site)

Michaelaaaa xD - coz she wants to feel (though noone reads this)
Kaede- lotsa love. hah

A Little about myself:
"My name is Jen.
I'm practically Vegan
I love the colour Green!
I love music
I Love kick-ass lyrics
I feel music can get through to me when no-one else can.
I love rainy days
I love thunderstorms
I love inspiring Quotes!
My life is pretty sad (sometimes)
I love helping people out
I Love my Family
I Love my Friends
I promised I would never leave
I'm constantly battling myself (F U Depression!)
I Love animals (all animals...) I don't discriminate between them
I hate to see suffering... of anything... (who doesn't?)
I've been through a lot of shit in high school (I'm glad it's over!)
Some days I think the world is so fucked up it can never be repaired
Some days I think the world is so beautiful
I want to travel the world
I want a pet pig (preferably one i save :])
I believe everything & everyone deserves respect"


<3 The Used

<3 Billy Talent

<3 Silverstein

<3 Taking Back Sunday

On A Side Note...
I'm not on here much...
Feel free to contact me through these sites xD:
Tweet With Me
Live Journal

I <3 You All!


  • Kaede

    My Jennifer has grown up hahah kidding. Hehe thats good. Nothing wrong with taking action for what you believe in. I actually like listening to anything as long as its good whether its alternative to pop. I still listen to Green Day and stuff. Not so much MCR now.

    Hmm I guess thats how it is with music. If musicians see music as their life then its expected that they change along the way, I guess thats how humans are after all.

    Though its a different story when its just a career to them haha.

    Kaede, May 20th, 2010 at 09:41:27pm

  • Kaede

    Hey! You actually reply! lol

    Thats weird, when I left a message on your email you didn't reply back so I thought you just wanted time to yourself.

    Well, I'm glad that you're still here haha. I barely go on here just cuz I was bored.

    lol I actually don't listen to any alternative music now, its J-Pop all the way right now for me hahah.

    Welcome back Jenn!

    Kaede, April 9th, 2010 at 05:16:25pm

  • Kaede

    Whoa really? Thats weird lol.

    I'm not interested in MCR that much anymore but commend them for their influence. :)

    Kaede, April 7th, 2010 at 04:40:33pm

  • Your Ghost.

    I think so to. [=

    Your Ghost., March 27th, 2010 at 12:34:11pm

  • Your Ghost.

    Yes I doo! xD and, OMG. I knaww.<3 xD

    Your Ghost., March 26th, 2010 at 10:10:40pm

  • Your Ghost.

    So, Jennn, I miss you.</3

    Your Ghost., October 3rd, 2009 at 11:09:21pm

  • Your Ghost.

    heyheyhey.youyouyou. WHAT IS UPP? xD

    Your Ghost., September 3rd, 2009 at 01:54:12pm

  • Kaede

    I love you too!!!! I barely go on here nowdays but I stopped by for a visit and got your message! Keep rocking girlie :D

    Kaede, September 3rd, 2009 at 08:04:45am

  • Danny.

    Nah, i just find it amusing :)

    Danny., August 23rd, 2009 at 10:13:12am

  • Danny.

    I change it everyday

    Danny., August 22nd, 2009 at 08:52:08am

  • i s2 gw

    Yay for vegetariansXD omg! mcr and afi r gonna b at soundwave 2010!!
    hey:) by the way dorky rhyming :p

    i s2 gw, August 22nd, 2009 at 02:46:21am

  • Danny.

    Danny., August 20th, 2009 at 12:47:04pm

  • Your Ghost.

    not much really. Just busyy. (: & I'll look for you. Sorry I'm not easily found on twitter.

    Your Ghost., July 30th, 2009 at 05:37:57pm

  • Your Ghost.

    w00t! *hugs back* I am, I am. Its a good thing you did randomly stop by, cause I was feeling lonely! Lol. I'm okayy. I have at twitter now, I just made it! My name is RAWRxLovesMCR. I'm super new to twitter so I'm not exactly sure whats going on, but I can figure it outt. (:

    Your Ghost., July 28th, 2009 at 01:26:38pm

  • Your Ghost.

    JEEEENNN! Oh, How I've missed you! Sorry for totally dissapearing on you. I have a whole bunch of wonderful stories for you. And I miss talking to you.):

    Your Ghost., July 23rd, 2009 at 04:28:05pm

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