Haha, exactly!
I hate asking for things after someone's already asked for it.
I keep thinking that everyone's going, "Oh god, didn't she see the post 5 pages back? I don't wanna upload it again." xD
But barely anybody answers my requests. =[
I think I just ask for obscure things. xD
Ahahaha, I love looking at people's avatars (and banners).
I can't make banners for crap. xD
But I love downloading songs that other people asked for, as well. xD
When I'm bored, I go to mibba. 8]
Or I make avatars.
Yuckk.. ><
I'm just sitting here, browsing through INO.
Actually, I'm sticking to the n00bz WAYT and the media section. 8]
I stalk the media section, tbh. xD
=) Interesting username..I like it.
Bronte, April 22nd, 2008 at 05:56:42pm
Oh oh oh! You lucky duck. =P
I wish mine could hold more, I'm starting to get into a lot more bands and I wanna put their stuff on my iPod. x]
Yes! Eisley = <3
But Neurosonic = <3333333333333
la cerise, March 26th, 2008 at 08:58:44pm
D= Really?
I have space for about 400 songs. xD
And I loooooooooooooove Eisley now. Thank you so much for uploading those for me. =]
la cerise, March 26th, 2008 at 03:46:29pm
Haha, exactly!
I hate asking for things after someone's already asked for it.
I keep thinking that everyone's going, "Oh god, didn't she see the post 5 pages back? I don't wanna upload it again." xD
But barely anybody answers my requests. =[
I think I just ask for obscure things. xD
la cerise, March 25th, 2008 at 09:37:20pm
Ahahaha, I love looking at people's avatars (and banners).
I can't make banners for crap. xD
But I love downloading songs that other people asked for, as well. xD
When I'm bored, I go to mibba. 8]
Or I make avatars.
la cerise, March 24th, 2008 at 10:56:40pm
Nyahahahahaha (weird laugh. xD).
Yuckk.. ><
I'm just sitting here, browsing through INO.
Actually, I'm sticking to the n00bz WAYT and the media section. 8]
I stalk the media section, tbh. xD
la cerise, March 24th, 2008 at 10:23:16pm
That video on you profile is funneh.
Sorry, it just had to be said.
So what's up?
(And yes, I'm perfectly aware that we are PMing each other and there's really no need to have profile comments, but....yeah. xD)
la cerise, March 24th, 2008 at 09:11:08pm
Hello, fellow Neurosonic fan. :D
la cerise, March 23rd, 2008 at 06:02:28pm
*steals comment virginity*
oh ily shoes btw
Colorado Sunrise., January 31st, 2008 at 10:08:48pm