
- Name:
- Ellie
- Age:
- 35
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Australia
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- MySpace:
- www.myspace.com/reachmearose
I'm Ellie I'm generally a very happy person. I like most things, including, sugar, music, dyeing my hair, cutting up my clothes, sleeping, eating and other such typically teenage teenage things (I also really like alliteration. Honestly. I find it aesthetically awesome).
My favourite colour is purple, I play bass, acting rocks my sock drawer and I'm gonna spend my life being an actor (statistically speaking, this also means I'll probably spend my life being poor.)
Fairly obviously, I'm a massive mcr fan, I haven't loved a band so much since the Spice Girls.
I'm at uni, doing media and communications, don't ask me about my course, alot of it goes straight over my head.
I adore the Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness, despite Yr 12 Lit doing it's best to ruin books for me.
I'm very materialistic, which is probably not such a fantasmical quality, but what can I say? Shoes, dresses, hair dye and cd's are probably the way to my heart.
I also tend to like people, so talk to me if you think I seem bearable.
I don't like: wankers, techno, most rap and r'n'b. obnoxious people who think they're better than me, labels when used offensively, people who use labels offensively, pickles, seafood, early mornings, split ends, socks that match, exams, ignorance, racism, sexism, most other isms, homophobia, body odour and porcelain dolls.
Well that's pretty much Ellie 101, you now know more about me than my parents do, so congratulations

hey ellie boo,,, how's it hangin
Teach me to live, February 16th, 2008 at 11:21:42am
people know more about me than my parents do too. WOOO!!!! lmaoXD
Teach me to live, November 9th, 2007 at 12:57:47am