The Almost

- Name:
- Ixel Pixel
- Age:
- 32
- Gender:
- Female
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The video below is © me.
“So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black tee shirts?”Gerard Way

They call me Ixel Pixel. But feel free to just call me Ixel! xD I love My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, chocolate, cats, frosting, Adam Lazzara, Gerard and gingerbread! :3 I like to do Dance Dance Revolution and Dance Factory. I like to write and draw and make up poems and rhyme. I BET I CAN MAKE MCR RHYMES HOLD ON! OK: Gerard-Schmerard, Frank-Pank, Ray-Gay, Bob-Fob, Mikey-Spikey. LOL. Sorry I'm hyper sometimes. ._.; HAVE U HEARD THAT SONG IT GOES: Get a new daddy; Get a new daddy; Police will take the old one away in a caddy

Hey girls, you're beautiful. Don't look at those stupid magazines with stick-like models. Eat healthy and exercise, that's all. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. You're too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. You are gorgeous, whether you're a size three or fourteen. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside as long as you're a good person; as long as you respect others. I know it's been told hundreds of times before, but it's true. Hey girls, you're beautiful...
- Gerard Way <333

1.Real M.C.R fans know more songs than Welcome to the Black Parade.
2.Real M.C.R fans know Gerard Way's brother's name
3.Real M.C.R fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.
4.Real M.C.R fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard's hair.
5.Real M.C.R fans know the names of everyone in the band and what they do.
6.Real M.C.R fans shop for hours just to find a jacket like the band's have for a M.C.R concert.
7.Real M.C.R fans take time to right on the front of all there underwear "i love gerard".
8.Real M.C.R fans ask their mom whats for dinner and are disappointed when she dont say gerard.
9.Real M.C.R fans start smoking 'cause they think they will be hawt like frank and gerard.
10.Real M.C.R fans ask for bob for christmas and cry when they dont get him.
11.Real M.C.R fans do dirty things with their M.C.R action figures and are proud to admit it.
12.Real M.C.R fans sleep with a picture of M.C.R and actually have to wipe off the droole stains.
13.Real M.C.R fans piss them selfs when they see them.. on T.V.
14.Real M.C.R fans would admit to let them rape you.
15.Real M.C.R fans go in a rendition of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge when they hear a guy in a restaurant say "So Long"
16.Real M.C.R fans have this on there profile.
92% of the teen population likes rap and hip-hop.
If you're one of the 8% who listens to rock music, paste this in your profile
“So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black tee shirts?”Gerard Way

They call me Ixel Pixel. But feel free to just call me Ixel! xD I love My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, chocolate, cats, frosting, Adam Lazzara, Gerard and gingerbread! :3 I like to do Dance Dance Revolution and Dance Factory. I like to write and draw and make up poems and rhyme. I BET I CAN MAKE MCR RHYMES HOLD ON! OK: Gerard-Schmerard, Frank-Pank, Ray-Gay, Bob-Fob, Mikey-Spikey. LOL. Sorry I'm hyper sometimes. ._.; HAVE U HEARD THAT SONG IT GOES: Get a new daddy; Get a new daddy; Police will take the old one away in a caddy

Hey girls, you're beautiful. Don't look at those stupid magazines with stick-like models. Eat healthy and exercise, that's all. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. You're too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. You are gorgeous, whether you're a size three or fourteen. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside as long as you're a good person; as long as you respect others. I know it's been told hundreds of times before, but it's true. Hey girls, you're beautiful...
- Gerard Way <333

1.Real M.C.R fans know more songs than Welcome to the Black Parade.
2.Real M.C.R fans know Gerard Way's brother's name
3.Real M.C.R fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.
4.Real M.C.R fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard's hair.
5.Real M.C.R fans know the names of everyone in the band and what they do.
6.Real M.C.R fans shop for hours just to find a jacket like the band's have for a M.C.R concert.
7.Real M.C.R fans take time to right on the front of all there underwear "i love gerard".
8.Real M.C.R fans ask their mom whats for dinner and are disappointed when she dont say gerard.
9.Real M.C.R fans start smoking 'cause they think they will be hawt like frank and gerard.
10.Real M.C.R fans ask for bob for christmas and cry when they dont get him.
11.Real M.C.R fans do dirty things with their M.C.R action figures and are proud to admit it.
12.Real M.C.R fans sleep with a picture of M.C.R and actually have to wipe off the droole stains.
13.Real M.C.R fans piss them selfs when they see them.. on T.V.
14.Real M.C.R fans would admit to let them rape you.
15.Real M.C.R fans go in a rendition of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge when they hear a guy in a restaurant say "So Long"
16.Real M.C.R fans have this on there profile.
92% of the teen population likes rap and hip-hop.
If you're one of the 8% who listens to rock music, paste this in your profile