arly kamikaze.

- Name:
- Perry.
- Age:
- 32
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- somewhere in california 0_0
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hallo there! its been a while that i've havent been on this thing cause I got bored of it...BUT I AM BACK ONCE MORE!!
ok first things first...hallo, my name is Arlete (pronounced argh!-let), but call me perry because I like perry the platypus from phineas and ferb because he's the shit. c'mon, a secret agent platypus???!!?? it can't get any better than that!!!
anyways, my chem came into my life at a time that i was desperate for some hope to cling onto, and they've been there for me ever since. I'm really excited for their next album! Its been a long wait since TBP!! and a loooong ass one!
I have recently regained my liking for The Cure. I've actually liked them since I was 14, but not as obsessed with them as I am today. I turned obsessed with them after my friend paul burned a copy of 4:13 Dream, and it was simply amazing. I have also renewed my love for Siouxsie and the Banshees, which I've also liked since I was 14. My Chem, The Cure, Siouxsie, The White Stripes, and Smashing Pumpkins are the bands I've loved from the start, and I always will.
Music means alot to me. It saved my life. I play the guitar and keyboards, but I suck at guitar, so I'm really hoping to get an electric for my birthday because they're easier to play. (my bday is on aug 6th..don't forget it XD...ok you can forget it if you want..haha)
here are a few peoples I admire:

Mikey Way: because even though he is very talented and in one of the biggest bands in the world, he's still that humble kid next door that you want to hang out with. and he has an amazing taste in music. Joy Division and Smashing Pumpkins?!!? hell yea!

Robert Smith: because he's an talented amazing songwriter and I love his morals and the way he thinks and his approach towards music, as he said that making music has been the same thing for him as it was 30 years ago, and that's what truly matters. music is his everything (along with his wife...haha) and i want to be like him someday. and he also has that perfect balance between being humble and being an asshole XD
i also like that in people haha
ok first things first...hallo, my name is Arlete (pronounced argh!-let), but call me perry because I like perry the platypus from phineas and ferb because he's the shit. c'mon, a secret agent platypus???!!?? it can't get any better than that!!!

anyways, my chem came into my life at a time that i was desperate for some hope to cling onto, and they've been there for me ever since. I'm really excited for their next album! Its been a long wait since TBP!! and a loooong ass one!
I have recently regained my liking for The Cure. I've actually liked them since I was 14, but not as obsessed with them as I am today. I turned obsessed with them after my friend paul burned a copy of 4:13 Dream, and it was simply amazing. I have also renewed my love for Siouxsie and the Banshees, which I've also liked since I was 14. My Chem, The Cure, Siouxsie, The White Stripes, and Smashing Pumpkins are the bands I've loved from the start, and I always will.
Music means alot to me. It saved my life. I play the guitar and keyboards, but I suck at guitar, so I'm really hoping to get an electric for my birthday because they're easier to play. (my bday is on aug 6th..don't forget it XD...ok you can forget it if you want..haha)
here are a few peoples I admire:

Mikey Way: because even though he is very talented and in one of the biggest bands in the world, he's still that humble kid next door that you want to hang out with. and he has an amazing taste in music. Joy Division and Smashing Pumpkins?!!? hell yea!

Robert Smith: because he's an talented amazing songwriter and I love his morals and the way he thinks and his approach towards music, as he said that making music has been the same thing for him as it was 30 years ago, and that's what truly matters. music is his everything (along with his wife...haha) and i want to be like him someday. and he also has that perfect balance between being humble and being an asshole XD
i also like that in people haha
Ahaaa rofl, I meant California.
I said Canada. wtf x]?
But yeah GCSEs are like the biggest exams of your life in the UK, well for now. After GCSEs you either leave school or do A-levels which are then the most important.
out of use., May 2nd, 2008 at 05:43:49pm
my going thruu some rough tiimes, and good tiimesz of my lyfe....hanging around with a girl ii like very much x]
well ii g2g now pce
Dylan.The.Emo, May 1st, 2008 at 09:51:12pm
my going thruu some rough tiimes, and good tiimesz of my lyfe....hanging around with a girl ii like very much x]
well ii g2g now pce
Dylan.The.Emo, May 1st, 2008 at 09:51:08pm
thx for the are you...?
Dylan.The.Emo, April 30th, 2008 at 05:21:21pm
thnks for the comment... hows it goin?
Halos_and_Hatred, April 30th, 2008 at 11:33:19am
Fun, fun.
Ahh I hate school,
I have GCSEs in like 2 weeks and I'm screwed.
Lolll :]
Yeahh, I swear Canada is like proper strict on drinking?
Isn't it?
out of use., April 29th, 2008 at 06:18:16pm
i havent heard of that film....LOL
i live in England so its not really that close tp disnet land at all!!!!
PollyPocket, April 29th, 2008 at 01:12:54pm
My weekend was pretty average ty :]
Friday night was pretty dull,
Saturday was good, except I got far too drunk and passed out "/,
and then Sunday I spent recovering :].
How was yours?
And bands tend to change a lot.
I like MCR, RJSA, All Time Low, The Chase, that kind of stuff :]
out of use., April 28th, 2008 at 04:08:46pm
i wana go to disneyland!!!!!!!
i went to watch a movie on saturday
what did u go see?
PollyPocket, April 28th, 2008 at 03:10:45pm
i only just noticed u asked me how my weekend was
yeh it was good thanks
really good until i came home and then i had a big arguement wiv my mum but its all fine now
how was yours?
PollyPocket, April 28th, 2008 at 03:02:09pm
u like mcr?? really?? i wud never of guessed =P
PollyPocket, April 28th, 2008 at 02:41:16pm
Hey, I'm good thanks.
How are you? x
out of use., April 25th, 2008 at 06:50:44pm
mcr (duh), MSI, Paramore, enter shikari, gallows, lostprophets, bullet for my valentine a7x, aiden, etc........I like ALOT of bands
how about u?
PollyPocket, April 24th, 2008 at 02:12:24am
PollyPocket, April 22nd, 2008 at 02:32:25am
Metal, Emo, Rock (Most kinds) ect.
Green Heaven, March 31st, 2008 at 03:38:35pm