
- Name:
- Jenny
- Age:
- 38
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Sheffield. UK
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- MySpace:
- www.myspace.com/joshgrobanrox
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A brief (or not so brief) intro
Ok... lets start this over... and be warned i have a tendency to say what i'm thinking at the time so this could go on for a while... and not make much sense... lol... i'm a student (studying biomedical sciences at uni)...i have 3 sisters... lol... i'm so interesting...
i'm 20... but i still feel like a kid... guess thats what you get having 3 younger sisters... so i either act young or my 15year old sis acts old... think prob the first one... lol... i can ramble on about nothing once i get going... although i can also be really shy... at school i was never really "in"... people knew that and some people were horrible about it... but i had a few good friends who'd look out for me so i wasn't too bad... nowadays i just try to be myself regardless of what other people think... i'm much happier that way
... i like all kinds of music, from Josh Groban to MCR... maybe cos most of the music i listen to i can connect with... like josh and My Chemical Romance ...either that or i listen to stuff that is soo incredibly cheesy and bad that its in a way fun to sing... "don't worry, be happy" comes to mind...
I think the main reason i love josh so much is because, as well as singing great music, he is such a great person... in the music industry there are so many people that are in it for the wrong reasons... or start out right and get sucked in... He's stayed true to himself and the music that he loves... even if that means doing the unexpected...
and why do i like MCR?... that one i think is harder to put down on paper... i guess its because they have allowed me to bring out feelings i was too afraid of before and have enable me to be my own person, regardless of what other people think... they're not afraid to write songs that bring out the worries and problems that people can face... and carry on regardless of all the negative comments they can get back in return... their music is able to help those who feel that people just don't understand them

"I can only say so much about how i feel. Music is what i always turned to when i was feeling a certain way. It's been my reason for everything" Josh Groban
am i gonna list some of the people i like?... ok i will... lol... bear with me a minute...
ok... here goes... MCR, Josh, fall out boy, elliot minor, bon jovi, queen, P!ATD, green day, stereophonics, razorlight, the feeling, the kooks, orson, the fratellis, kaiser chiefs... (although their lyrics are a bit annoying... but still fun to sing)... rob thomas, christina aguilera, avril lavigne (mostly her older stuff), kelly clarkson, paul simon, smashing pumpkins... elton john, regina spektor, Muse, Pink... i saw her in concert in november... or maybe it was december... she was great!!
... and lots of others... but i'm not listing them all or i'd be here forever...
...moving on...
i love singing (even if i'm not the best)... i'd at least like to think i can sing in tune... lol... not that it matters much... what matters is having a great time... it makes you feel better... and allows you to get out the feelings that you maybe too afraid to tell someone else about
... and i guess i could also mention i can play the flute and piano... theres something relaxing about hiding away and playing the piano for hours... playing actual pieces or just messing around with the keys...
ok... i like watching movies (except war films... never really been able to get into them... (except enemy at the gates?... is that it?... with jude law and joseph fiennes?) um... movies i like... theres waaay too many to mention them all so here's a select few in no particular order...
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Finding Nemo, Man in the Iron Mask, Harry Potter (any of them...), Pleasantville, The Holiday, Last Holiday, um... Peter Pan (with Jason Isaacs and Jeremy Sumpter), Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2&3... although the 3rd one was weird in parts... lol... disney stuff (Finding Nemo and Lilo and Stitch... that was a lot sadder than i thought it'd be... its about not feeling you belong and finiding that one friend who can help you through anything...)
i love drawing! its so great to be able to sit down and just draw... anything... its amazing when you can start off with this tiny doodle and let it develop into this massive picture... and it also makes lectures a lot more fun...
i also love drawing people which is something i used to hate doing... everything always used to have an outline... but its the shading and light that make it a great picture... ok... sorry... having a quote moment... do you ever get those when you say something... and then you think "hey... this could be quite a good quote"... ok... maybe not... lol... that one kinda went along the lines of "people are kinda like drawings... everyone can have a definite outline where everything is uniform and neat... but what makes them special is the smaller details... the lights and the shade... even the most shaded picture can be beautiful... and it makes things a whole lot more interesting"... yup... and that is why i'm never writing anything like that again... i think its probably less weird in my head...

oh... and a last pic of frank <3... and one of gee...

My Deviantart gallery
um... and thats probably all i'm gonna write...
I am completely oblivious to a lot of the things that are going on... and i like it that way
A brief (or not so brief) intro
Ok... lets start this over... and be warned i have a tendency to say what i'm thinking at the time so this could go on for a while... and not make much sense... lol... i'm a student (studying biomedical sciences at uni)...i have 3 sisters... lol... i'm so interesting...
i'm 20... but i still feel like a kid... guess thats what you get having 3 younger sisters... so i either act young or my 15year old sis acts old... think prob the first one... lol... i can ramble on about nothing once i get going... although i can also be really shy... at school i was never really "in"... people knew that and some people were horrible about it... but i had a few good friends who'd look out for me so i wasn't too bad... nowadays i just try to be myself regardless of what other people think... i'm much happier that way
... i like all kinds of music, from Josh Groban to MCR... maybe cos most of the music i listen to i can connect with... like josh and My Chemical Romance ...either that or i listen to stuff that is soo incredibly cheesy and bad that its in a way fun to sing... "don't worry, be happy" comes to mind...
I think the main reason i love josh so much is because, as well as singing great music, he is such a great person... in the music industry there are so many people that are in it for the wrong reasons... or start out right and get sucked in... He's stayed true to himself and the music that he loves... even if that means doing the unexpected...
and why do i like MCR?... that one i think is harder to put down on paper... i guess its because they have allowed me to bring out feelings i was too afraid of before and have enable me to be my own person, regardless of what other people think... they're not afraid to write songs that bring out the worries and problems that people can face... and carry on regardless of all the negative comments they can get back in return... their music is able to help those who feel that people just don't understand them

"I can only say so much about how i feel. Music is what i always turned to when i was feeling a certain way. It's been my reason for everything" Josh Groban
am i gonna list some of the people i like?... ok i will... lol... bear with me a minute...
ok... here goes... MCR, Josh, fall out boy, elliot minor, bon jovi, queen, P!ATD, green day, stereophonics, razorlight, the feeling, the kooks, orson, the fratellis, kaiser chiefs... (although their lyrics are a bit annoying... but still fun to sing)... rob thomas, christina aguilera, avril lavigne (mostly her older stuff), kelly clarkson, paul simon, smashing pumpkins... elton john, regina spektor, Muse, Pink... i saw her in concert in november... or maybe it was december... she was great!!
... and lots of others... but i'm not listing them all or i'd be here forever...
...moving on...
i love singing (even if i'm not the best)... i'd at least like to think i can sing in tune... lol... not that it matters much... what matters is having a great time... it makes you feel better... and allows you to get out the feelings that you maybe too afraid to tell someone else about
... and i guess i could also mention i can play the flute and piano... theres something relaxing about hiding away and playing the piano for hours... playing actual pieces or just messing around with the keys...
ok... i like watching movies (except war films... never really been able to get into them... (except enemy at the gates?... is that it?... with jude law and joseph fiennes?) um... movies i like... theres waaay too many to mention them all so here's a select few in no particular order...
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Finding Nemo, Man in the Iron Mask, Harry Potter (any of them...), Pleasantville, The Holiday, Last Holiday, um... Peter Pan (with Jason Isaacs and Jeremy Sumpter), Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2&3... although the 3rd one was weird in parts... lol... disney stuff (Finding Nemo and Lilo and Stitch... that was a lot sadder than i thought it'd be... its about not feeling you belong and finiding that one friend who can help you through anything...)
i love drawing! its so great to be able to sit down and just draw... anything... its amazing when you can start off with this tiny doodle and let it develop into this massive picture... and it also makes lectures a lot more fun...

i also love drawing people which is something i used to hate doing... everything always used to have an outline... but its the shading and light that make it a great picture... ok... sorry... having a quote moment... do you ever get those when you say something... and then you think "hey... this could be quite a good quote"... ok... maybe not... lol... that one kinda went along the lines of "people are kinda like drawings... everyone can have a definite outline where everything is uniform and neat... but what makes them special is the smaller details... the lights and the shade... even the most shaded picture can be beautiful... and it makes things a whole lot more interesting"... yup... and that is why i'm never writing anything like that again... i think its probably less weird in my head...

oh... and a last pic of frank <3... and one of gee...

My Deviantart gallery
um... and thats probably all i'm gonna write...
I am completely oblivious to a lot of the things that are going on... and i like it that way
XxMCR-myxX, July 18th, 2008 at 10:42:21pm
Hi!! you rock at drawing!! lol
Bob_Bryar_Our_Hero, November 13th, 2007 at 04:43:51am
hillo (: how r u? xD
Famous Living Dead, October 28th, 2007 at 06:01:45pm
ur amazing at drwing =]
Zoldyz X Long X Dead, October 10th, 2007 at 08:28:18pm
wow you are soooooooooooo good at drawing!!!
I Like Rusty Spoons, September 24th, 2007 at 04:56:03am
hey jen :D, how r u??
mein herz brennt, September 22nd, 2007 at 12:50:47am
you're a really good artist ^_^
Fall To Peices., August 23rd, 2007 at 12:45:27am