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Griffin's Gunn.

Griffin's Gunn.
A great big bad trip.

Member since July 14th, 2007




All is not well, there is something happening here.
Only wise men will find it.

Griffin's Gunn.
ImageThis. Wasn't. Over. I. Knew. It. The fights were more violent. The insanity more intense. The fucking harder. I admited. I cryed. I hurt. And yet- I wrote about nothing. I wrote about the Gentlemen In The Fishtank. The people who were dying anyway, dying to fast to care about anyone or anything. I knew this story wasn't over. It isn't. It will never be. Not until their dead. Even then- I doubt it will be over. I believe we have an Epic ahead of us, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Harlequin Jack Period

In this era, Many things started to get to me. At the beggining, I had a girlfriend, but shortly after, I broke up with her. My loniness became my muse. Also, this marks the point I came out to being bi, and the point where I was out of writer's block. My first poem as Harlequin Jack was called 'Obsequy', or 'I Define Obsequy', and it was about change. Obsequy, which means a funeral, or a rite of passage, is the best way I could describe my changes. Through this time, I was (and still am) heavily inspired by Marilyn Manson's art work. The title 'Experience is the Mistress of Fools' was taken from a painting by the same name.

CryptorChid Period
This time marked the hardest times for me, both creativly and mentaly. I was going through writers block, and, the thing about my family is, mental illness runs through it. This means both my parents have some sort of long complicated dissorder. Also, so do my: Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, Cousins... really, the list goes on and on. I have a 97% chance of getting one by the age of 38. This was my muse at this point, I was going to go insane. Not only that, it would be soon. Also, at this point, I was suffering from Writer's Block, none of my thoughts could connect, to a point where, I just stopped writing for 3 weeks. This was a big deal to me.
Electrospasm Period
This was the beggining. This was when I discovered I was really, truely different. I didn't need to be like everyone else, because, It is almost impossible to be everyone else. I started writing. My first poem ever was the one I posted on here first. I called it 'Anger and Iced Tea'. I had no inspiration, but my parents 'divorce' and my mother's pre-mature empty nest syndrom and Dissasosiation Dissorder. I began to wrtie more and more, from the heart and what I truely believed and saw, not just what I chose to see. It was ugly, and It was wonderful. For the first time, I was myself.


  • Photo #6528

  • Photo #6522

  • Photo #6521



  • blablabla12345667

    Hehe thanks x] I'm assuming that you do too then xD Haha I love the Rocky Horror Picture Show x]
    Lol, Harlequin Jack and The Absinthe Bunny ftw xD
    You have cool hair btw >.> lol.

    blablabla12345667, January 22nd, 2008 at 09:39:22pm

  • Mellisshh yeahhh?

    sh*t man...

    im not a pedofile or any thing but i just gotta say it...

    your hot.

    sorry if that freaks you out or what ever but any ways...

    i sore on my friends comments you said you liked the rocky horror picture show.......


    well iv had my rant for the day

    my names missy btw!


    GRRRRRRRrrrr im a fish

    Mellisshh yeahhh?, January 22nd, 2008 at 03:11:44am

  • electrify

    *Rolls on the floor CRYING!* no sports?! bohooo.
    oh well.
    i guess i can live.
    ooooh, what kinda iPod did you get? i have two guesses:
    1. iPod Touch
    2. iPod Classic with 15151515 GB memory.
    *throws her own iPod Nano 4GB under the bed*
    an Internet show?? wehee, sounds cool. i might want to see that hilarious show, which you filmed for the first time today, am i right? i should be if you told me the truth. oh well, why would you lie.
    there's no reason.
    Sour Dough bread... i have no idea what that is. bread probably. i know, i know, they don't call me smart for nothing.
    there's absolutely nothing happening in my life. i'll get a haircut in two weeks. that's it. boooriiiiiiiing. boo for that.
    and are we or are we not booing for your life atm? i hope we are not. and that was my way to ask that how are you. :D just so you know.

    electrify, January 18th, 2008 at 03:13:47pm

  • electrify

    x]]] oh well, i know im late but
    HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!!!!!!!!!!
    15 years behind, at least 80 to come, eh? congratulations. Smiley
    and pretty damn nice gift from God you got. that day shall be remembered forever. got any other presents?
    -Putting water on bread. sounds important to me.
    . . . . . . .
    im good, im good. it's weekend so nothing to complain about. um... well there always is something to complain about like the sh*tty weather or math's homework buuut i try not to think about them. im kinda waiting for next Thursday since im going to my first ice-hockey match this year. :]] you love ice-hockey don't you?? i knew it. oooh, and soccer too? weheee. Smiley though im not that sure if soccer and ice-hockey are that popular In the Dark.ยจ.. hmm. if not, you should come and check how the things are In the Light.
    aaaand you're doing how well?

    electrify, January 13th, 2008 at 09:42:54am

  • electrify

    O.o you're going to Manson's gig??!! in what *counts* 7 days?? noooo! i mean yaaay, good for you. :'D i want to come tooooo. >.<
    weeeeell how did it go with your science fair? you should have told me about that earlier so i could have sent you my old sciense fair kinda thingy. it's in Finnish though, but im sure your teacher would have known how to appreaciate your Finnish skills. it's difficult language. x]
    yeah, procrastinating doesn't really help when it comes to school, but f**********ck, the place just sucks.
    umm.. have you had your b-day? because if i remember correctly, the last time i was here [in your profile] it said you were 14... hmmph. but i'll save the congratulations jazz for later, then when im sure that there's a reason for jazzing. x]

    electrify, January 12th, 2008 at 11:15:46am

  • electrify

    Well it sounds very promising that you hate school with passion now already. you've still quite a few years left of it. x]] nah, school is sh*t, it really is. try to hang in there. :p im so lucky since i only have a tad over year left of it. + then the school i need to attend in the future but lets not get into that. i'd rather think of the feeling of freedom in the spring 2009.
    Ha, not sure when your school starts? Good. there's no need to.
    O.o Manson has his b-day today??? and i had no idea! i didn't bake a cake or anything. :[ but thank you for telling, now i shall remember that forever. <3
    You're doing good?

    electrify, January 5th, 2008 at 03:37:24pm

  • electrify

    Thank yous very muchly. you have a glorious 2008 also. :]]
    :/ people should go and read your poems more. :/ then you'd win it for sure. aha, i shall maybe add some links to my sig.. bahhahhaa.
    argh, my school started today. :[[[[ suuuuucks. and i have an exam week going on, meaning that all i have this week is exams. which sucks even more. >.<
    Your school didn't start yet, did it?
    bah, i guess i need to open Word again and keep on writing my essay.

    electrify, January 2nd, 2008 at 04:34:53pm

  • Sweeney Todd

    Hi hi hi!!!

    Sweeney Todd, January 1st, 2008 at 09:02:06pm

  • electrify

    i shall thank my God that I am not a boy.
    though, how did the boys fit in to your mouth?? O.o
    Or wait, don't tell me.
    Yey, it will be 08 soon. :] and the INO awards resuslts will be revealed. I certainly hope that you're the Poet Of The Month.

    electrify, December 31st, 2007 at 06:11:16am

  • electrify

    Erm... kiddies taste good but you have never tasted them? O_o
    Awh, how can you hate children? They are damn annoying at times, yes, but good god they can be adorable. The younger they are the better. I guess i won't ever be able to switch baby-sitting tips with you? x] maybe better so. :p
    NoNoNo, i don't spend my New Year with kids, they are here now. With New Year's blahBlah i mean the going to your friends place and eat -stuff. :]]]]] OhOhOh, some Gal-Pals, eh? Where have you left all the boys?

    Bahhahhaa, you remind me of Mark, not yourself though, who also hates ignorant people. who wouldn't. You two must be related since he loves Marilyn Manson too.

    electrify, December 30th, 2007 at 04:20:49pm

  • electrify

    Psh, fine. I shall call you Mark then.
    Ah, you find Marilyn Manson hot? I think he's rather creepy. o__O I mean he looks rather creepy, but is pretty damn smart actually. at least most of the time. and when it comes to making music // art, he's veryVery smart.

    Aaand, im doing fine. My mum just desiced to tell me that my two nieces are coming here today, [sleepover] and that kinda pissed me off. It seems to be so damn hard for her to tell me stuff like that earlier so i could prepare myself for the barbies and all. >.< argh. The last holiday before all the New Year's blahBlahs, and i get to play with barbies. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Oh, and my nieces are great, but the timing isn't. x]] *sigh*. Any plans for New Year?

    electrify, December 30th, 2007 at 05:18:20am

  • electrify

    i very muchly liked your comment. rather funny, i'd say.
    ooh, you become obsessive easily? *coughSoDoIcough* though i am not yet that obsessive with Manson. i think it's his looks which is between me and the holy obsession.
    damn me, looks, the most useless thing in the world. the fact is that i could never afford bying all his CD's. so that, if nothing, is the reason why i use the unholy ways to get his music.
    aha, burn in hell me.
    So your name is Harlequin Jack+Absinthe Bunny.
    interesting. I am pretty sure that your real name is Jabquinny. yes, that must be it. or then it's Mark.. hmm.. Jabquinny it is.
    how are you doing, Jabquinny aka Jabby?

    electrify, December 29th, 2007 at 02:22:04pm

  • electrify

    oh wow.
    i just came across with some of your poems.
    they're reallyReally good. I love them.
    and Marilyn Manson is great. <3 though i got into his music maybe like two months ago.
    oh damn, what am i jazzing about.
    Just ment to say hi. so hi.
    the end. finally.

    electrify, December 28th, 2007 at 02:38:15pm

  • LittleSydneyScissors

    You're cute...[lol]
    Haha, ok, now I'll be serious...I like whatcha write! You're really good. =]]
    I'm Sydney, by the way.

    LittleSydneyScissors, December 24th, 2007 at 03:11:57pm

  • The Creature

    I'm fine, thank you.
    And you?

    The Creature, December 14th, 2007 at 05:59:26pm

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