Ms. In Chains

- Name:
- Ms. In Chains
- Age:
- -
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Kerosene tank
- PM:
- Send a private message
- Friends:
- Add to friends
The place where I come from might not say anything to you.
These thoughts in my head might not mean anything to you.
This profile is just another to you.
And I´m totally down with that. You should be too.
But if the world´s 8th miracle happens, you can always ask me to be your friend, or PM me.
If you´re too confused after reading this, I´d be happy to answer to your questions

These thoughts in my head might not mean anything to you.
This profile is just another to you.
And I´m totally down with that. You should be too.
But if the world´s 8th miracle happens, you can always ask me to be your friend, or PM me.
If you´re too confused after reading this, I´d be happy to answer to your questions

Ämm, i'm slow.
Are you from Finland? :D
Johnny Sniper, November 10th, 2007 at 10:58:57am
Oh, nice :D
And btw, i like your profile so much :>
Johnny Sniper, November 9th, 2007 at 04:11:59pm
i live in ohio. the usa
mychemandrea, November 7th, 2007 at 01:28:39pm
they for accepting my friendship. That's cool that we have similarities. Love the profile. That rose is effing sweet!
Heatherbob, November 7th, 2007 at 10:17:55am
thank you for them
i want to use them , but for some reason they wont show up on my profile ....
and i have no clue what linked to my profile mean..haha
sorry. if you could tell me how to use them i will and im very greatfull.
Mrs.Lovette, November 5th, 2007 at 09:50:10pm
yeah i haven't got around to listening to them yet. i'll probably give them a try
The_Joker, November 1st, 2007 at 05:21:19am
Oh yes, I think I know who you mean. ;]
I mean I don`t know him but I know what you`re talking about...
So your feelings are still quite, hm... strong?
Fantasma, October 31st, 2007 at 05:14:33pm
it was nice at Kirjamessut, though there in Helsingin Messukeskus there was Ruokamessut at the same time so that`s where I actually spend most of my time, eating free food samples (and stalking good-looking Italian men in a chocolate fondue -section XD). No, I didin`t buy any books... But recently I bought this one awesome book that includes all the stories of Edgar Allan Poe. The book has black covers and spooky white letters on it... :D
How have you been?
Fantasma, October 30th, 2007 at 09:53:23pm
Moi :)
I`m fine thanks, I`ll be spending the weekend in Helsinki. I`ll meet some people and I`ll also be heading to Kirjamessut...
What about you dear, have any weekend plans? :]
I would so much want to send you a pm about one thing! But it would take so much time because it`s something I have a lot to say about, so I´ll send it to you another time because it is so late now. :] Damn that my brother had to be infront of this computer for so long, I didn`t have the chance to come here before now... *annoyance*
Well, I think I`ll go to sleep now, but I hope you`re doing well. :]
"Standing on the rooftops everybody scream your heart out. This is all we`ve got now everybody scream your heart out."
Fantasma, October 26th, 2007 at 11:38:16pm
cool :)
S-I-N I S-I-N, October 25th, 2007 at 10:11:53pm
A beautiful rose you`ve got there. I like it.
Fantasma, October 25th, 2007 at 07:44:03pm
thanks, and hellz yes, I love it!!!
abbey ftw. *is bad at spelling*
Morreh the Animal, October 25th, 2007 at 11:38:58am
S-I-N I S-I-N, October 24th, 2007 at 11:42:03pm
Your welcome =]
The Only Hope., October 24th, 2007 at 10:24:45pm
Okay for color you go [color=color you want] text you want colored then [/color]
And for font
Its [font=1-7] there are seven different fonts then [/font]
And what else can help you is at the bottom of people's profiles there's a link that says BBcode so you click thast and it tells you all about that stuff.
I hope that helps
The Only Hope., October 23rd, 2007 at 09:44:49pm