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Member since August 21st, 2007


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ummm...hey its macy! hows its goin everyone? well first i just wanna make it clear that im not emo (although i do highly respect those who are esp. the boys cuz they're hot Very Happy)! im just macy and thats all ill ever be and im not about to change for neone. so take just take it or leave it. but neways, and i am a follower of God and Jesus Christ is my savior. so yes i am a Christian and lovin it! i absolutely LOVE music. its a major part of my life. im that kid you see in walmart with her mom yelling at her to take out her headphones and stop listening to music 24/7. but that will never happen i promise you. cuz i listen to it while im shopping, in the car, in the shower,while im sleeping, while im reading, while im on the computer, while im doin chores, and pretty much whenever im doin nething else. i also create it with my piano and voice. i dont have a favorite band cuz its way to hard to choose, but i do have a top 7. it is Underoath, The Almost, Mayday Parade, My Chemical Romance, The Used, Switchfoot, and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. i love the members of all those bands but my 4 favorite band members in the whole world are Gerard Way, Bert McCraken, Aaron Gillespie, and Spencer Chamberlain. i love to read and yea i know that mite make me a nerd but so what? im proud of it dammit! i love love love to write poetry. it just releases my soul in a way i cant describe. i also draw too but its not always good. and i love to play soccer and softball. im also in the process of learnin 2 skateboard cuz ive wanted to know how for like ever. i love my family and friends they're the best and keep me alive. but neways thats just about everything about me you need to know bout me so if u wanna no more just add me and we'll talk!


  • ms.gerard.way

    Hello! Long time no talk! How's it going?

    ms.gerard.way, November 19th, 2007 at 06:21:44pm

  • ms.gerard.way

    Hello..where have you been? Or is it just me?

    ms.gerard.way, September 15th, 2007 at 11:49:58pm

  • ms.gerard.way

    Hey there!
    Hows it goin' ?
    Im bored...and reading stuff...
    oh and I updated my page if you'd want to check it out mayybbee??

    ms.gerard.way, August 29th, 2007 at 09:27:45pm

  • hopelovessmcr

    hey hey xx
    u seem nice i lovess ur name
    lol i can sorta skateboard id always wanted to as well
    answer back if u want to =]
    lovesss Hope xx

    hopelovessmcr, August 24th, 2007 at 09:18:08pm

  • IfYouEverFeltAlone

    Hey Thanks For Adding Me!

    IfYouEverFeltAlone, August 23rd, 2007 at 11:35:37pm

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