Emmett Cullen
- Name:
- Emmett Cullen
- Age:
- 31
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Forks, Washington
- PM:
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- Friends:
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- MSN:
- charmed_p3_92@hotmail.com
- YIM:
- xx_pilze_xx@yahoo.com
- MySpace:
- myspace.com/charmedxxone
Let's see, mah real name is Caitlyn, but you can call me Emmett, and oh, please do ^^. I love My Chemical Romance, and the Twilight series, if you couldn't guess by my name. If you must know, I want to go to Whatchagetapole, Ecuador, which is a city in Ecuador Kell and myself made up XDD. It's funny, I may have to post in here sometime XD. And I may do just that, but later. Hmm. Let's see, I love to roleplay, anime mostly, but I do indeedly like vamp/demon/lycan rp as well. If you ever want to rp, just message me ^^. I will love it. But only if you think you can rp well. It irks me incredibly badly when people can't spell, or use grammar, please don't >.> Rwar. Right, so I also have incredibly long blonde hair and green eyes ^____^. And I love emoticons ! WOOOT! Right, so that's about it.
Favortie My Chemical Romance song currently:
Member of the INO Cullen family. <3
Favortie My Chemical Romance song currently:
Member of the INO Cullen family. <3
i love your name =]]]
rosalie cullen, October 8th, 2007 at 10:11:07pm
i have rosalie!
add her, shes nice =]
Nouf Skd, October 5th, 2007 at 08:44:45am
well hello =]
it seems like you have the whole Cullen family here.
Nouf Skd, September 28th, 2007 at 12:48:28am
Bleeding; Juliet, September 9th, 2007 at 07:46:53pm
u are cool!!! go twighlight!!
do you have the new one???//?/????//////????
hey i m me
Bleeding; Juliet, September 5th, 2007 at 04:11:24am