Hehe awwwh, sounds like a barrel of fun! XD
Mine isn't much better though....I live surrounded by like ten feilds...it's most annoying =[
Frankoo =Phehe, I jixn stuff all the time. Like the other day..."oh the weather is getting better"
*que thunder and lightening!*
Haha really? *tehe* Don't worry about it, I do stupid forgetful things too.
My friend and I went to the cinema to see Fun With d*ck And Jane.
I saw Niagra Falls on the screen and forgot what it was called so I said...quite loudly "Hey!! It's the Grand Canyon!"
I was sinking slowly into my seat while she laughed her arse off XD
I finally saw your comment! :D heh
I'm not up to much, just watching videos on youtube 8) I finally saw the never mind the buzzc*cks with noel fielding in it, took me a while to find it though ¬.¬
How are you? =^-^=
Gerard Way., November 17th, 2008 at 12:45:05pm
ahaha, yeah,
she came online last night and told me about it.
i'm glad you guys had a lot of fun. (:
wild like children., November 15th, 2008 at 01:19:48pm
thats awesome!!
i wish i could win an award
Astro_Zombiee, November 9th, 2008 at 02:59:39am
congrats on winning theme of the month award
good job!!
Astro_Zombiee, November 8th, 2008 at 01:43:56am
Thanks <3 x]
And by the way,I voted you for the award. =)
temptation., November 7th, 2008 at 08:28:59am
*gives you the theme of the month crown*
congratulations, hun *hugs*
xoxo :]
Gerard Way., November 5th, 2008 at 01:13:19pm
Nothing actually...Congrats on winning the "Theme of the month" award! x]
temptation., November 5th, 2008 at 07:31:32am
Hey!I'm fine,thanks. How are you? (:
temptation., September 20th, 2008 at 09:24:20am
HAHA!! Awwwh no!!! I still feel quite ill!!
Haha, and yeah...I give my seiveness brain to people...or os that my stupidness?
x x x x <3
Day Of The Dead, September 19th, 2008 at 05:10:12pm
Hehe awwwh, sounds like a barrel of fun! XD
Mine isn't much better though....I live surrounded by like ten feilds...it's most annoying =[
Frankoo =Phehe, I jixn stuff all the time. Like the other day..."oh the weather is getting better"
*que thunder and lightening!*
Haha really? *tehe* Don't worry about it, I do stupid forgetful things too.
My friend and I went to the cinema to see Fun With d*ck And Jane.
I saw Niagra Falls on the screen and forgot what it was called so I said...quite loudly "Hey!! It's the Grand Canyon!"
I was sinking slowly into my seat while she laughed her arse off XD
x x x x <3
Day Of The Dead, September 16th, 2008 at 03:15:41pm
Tis okaii =]
When I saw it in the cinema, I just couldn't stop laughing at the song Johanna...I'm way too immature *tehe*
I'm okay thankyou, I got a cold though...damn people with colds!!
Haha, don't worry! I always spend most of my time on here..getting moaned at like "go outside! It's good for you"..but it's boring outside =[
x x x x <3
Day Of The Dead, September 14th, 2008 at 01:48:39pm
Thankyou =D
How are you?
Hey, you listen to musical soundtracks right? Have you got the Sweeney Todd one? It's immense :)
x x x x <3
Day Of The Dead, September 8th, 2008 at 03:27:22pm
Hi =D
I like your taste in music
Day Of The Dead, September 7th, 2008 at 01:43:13pm
Bahah, it asterisked out the word that's like the nickname for a guy who's called richard xDDD ahaa
Okay, spamming now, sorry... :X
gackt camui., August 29th, 2008 at 03:39:40pm
I finally saw your comment! :D heh
I'm not up to much, just watching videos on youtube 8) I finally saw the never mind the buzzc*cks with noel fielding in it, took me a while to find it though ¬.¬
How are you? =^-^=
gackt camui., August 29th, 2008 at 03:38:38pm