
- Name:
- Ashley C
- Age:
- 34
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Kentucky
- PM:
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My Name is Ashley and i think that i am
a down to earth type of person and i dont like
to be mean to people. i totally love my friends
and i dont know what i would do without them.
but yeah im like 5 feet 4 inches and i have blackish
brownish hair i have brown eyes and i love animals.
i love music i dont know what i would do with out music
in my life it is what gets my through my hard times Music=Love♥,
but yeah if you would like to know any more about me just
message and i will try to answer your qestion well i guess im
finished so i hope to talk to alot of you later.
bye bye.
My Chemical Romance
I am like totally in love with Gerard Arthur Way.
He is a wonderful person no matter what you say.
and i do Not care what anybody else thinks i think
that he is a down to earth guy who just wants to help
people he loves to do that.
he onces says in a video that the reason he has concerts
is to help keep teenagers some place safe and to give them
a place to have fun and be safe.
and he once said that he was looking out in the crowed and saw
a couple of people had cuts on there wrists and he was think i hope
that they didnt do that because of me and because they thought that they
had to do that to like them or be cool because he dosnt think that it is cool at all and he is just a loving person who i am totally in love with.
some day i hope to met him in person.
that is my one with in the whole wide world is to met Gerard Arthur Way♥
i just think that people should treat them with more respect and im not saying that everyone should like them because everyone is aloud to have there own opinion. im just saying that people should treat them with more respect.
so that is all i really have to say.
♥♥♥Gerard Arthur Way♥♥♥
------A real MCR fan:
1.Real M.C.R fans know more songs than Welcome to the Black Parade.
2.Real M.C.R fans know Gerard Way's brother's name
3.Real M.C.R fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.
4.Real M.C.R fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard's hair.
5.Real M.C.R fans know the names of everyone in the band and what they do.
6.Real M.C.R fans shop for hours just to find a jacket like the band's have for a M.C.R concert.
7.Real M.C.R fans have this on their profile
I'm trying, I'm trying, to let you know how much you mean to me.
MCR= Five angels in disguise
MCR= Unicorns
MCR= Skittles
MCR= Coffee
MCR= Greatness
MCR= Parades of black
MCR= Blood
MCR= Afros
MCR= Bashing and smashing and cussing at cameras
MCR= from hair that goes from long and black to short and blonde then back to black
MCR= Three cheers for sweet revenge
MCR= Romances unlike any other
MCR= Fear of needles
MCR= A certin drummer's solo project that is highly adored and supported
MCR= Addiction
MCR= Vampires, werewolves and pirates OH MY!
MCR= Fantasy
MCR= Guitar burn
MCR= Ferard fan fiction
MCR= Demolition lovers
MCR= A life long wait for a hospital stay
MCR= Secrets
MCR= Many injuries
MCR= Obbsesion
MCR= An army
MCR= Dancing corpses
MCR= Comics
MCR= Sticking forks and toasters and wanting to do it again and again
MCR= Brothers
MCR= Creativity of the mind, body and soul
MCR= Icy blues
MCR= Love
MCR= Two little boys who lose their grandmother.
MCR= Crashing the cemetary gates.
MCR= Late nights and early sunsets.
MCR= Coke Zero
MCR= Power
MCR= Raging guitar solos
MCR= Being caught in the middle of a gunfight in a center of a resturant
MCR= Living in a house of wolves.
MCR= Having the shit scared out of you by teenagers.
MCR= Getting to the doctor, and calling the nurse, buyin roses and burning the church, hanging out with corpes and driving a hearse.
MCR= Setting the ferris wheel ablaze.
MCR= Letting them in.
MCR= Taking him/her down without a sound.
MCR= Diving headfirst for halos
MCR= Bulletpfoof vests.
MCR= Life being only a dream for the dead.
MCR= Life only being a joke.
MCR= Cats owning all dogs at all costs.
MCR= Not being o-fuckin-kay and screaming it.
MCR= Keeping your soul a secret in your throat.
MCR= Singing about eveyboby tying their shoes. *clap clap*
MCR= Never forgeting your roots.
MCR= Saving a soul.
MCR= Putting a spike in a heart.
MCR= Draining blood every hour on the hour.
MCR= Holding in your heart the sword and the faith.
MCR= Finding a way to carry on.
MCR= Disappering with out your love.
MCR= Never coming home.
MCR= Not letting the ghosts catch you if you fall down.
MCR= Not going down with yourself but indeed going down with your friends.
MCR= Not telling what you do for a living.
MCR= Life.
♥ If You Ever Felt Alone ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Rejected ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Confused ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Anxious ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Wrong ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Wronged ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Unclean ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Angry ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Ashamed ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Curious ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Used ♥
♥ Be Prepared To Feel Revenge ♥
♥ Feel The Romance ♥
♥ My Brutal Romance ♥
♥ My Beautiful Romance ♥
♥ My Innocent Romance ♥
♥ My Childish Romance ♥
♥ My Miserable Romance ♥
♥ My X-Rated Romance ♥
♥ My Harlequin Romance ♥
♥ My Selfish Romance ♥
♥ My Chemical Romance ♥
My Name is Ashley and i think that i am
a down to earth type of person and i dont like
to be mean to people. i totally love my friends
and i dont know what i would do without them.
but yeah im like 5 feet 4 inches and i have blackish
brownish hair i have brown eyes and i love animals.
i love music i dont know what i would do with out music
in my life it is what gets my through my hard times Music=Love♥,
but yeah if you would like to know any more about me just
message and i will try to answer your qestion well i guess im
finished so i hope to talk to alot of you later.
bye bye.
My Chemical Romance
I am like totally in love with Gerard Arthur Way.
He is a wonderful person no matter what you say.
and i do Not care what anybody else thinks i think
that he is a down to earth guy who just wants to help
people he loves to do that.
he onces says in a video that the reason he has concerts
is to help keep teenagers some place safe and to give them
a place to have fun and be safe.
and he once said that he was looking out in the crowed and saw
a couple of people had cuts on there wrists and he was think i hope
that they didnt do that because of me and because they thought that they
had to do that to like them or be cool because he dosnt think that it is cool at all and he is just a loving person who i am totally in love with.
some day i hope to met him in person.
that is my one with in the whole wide world is to met Gerard Arthur Way♥
i just think that people should treat them with more respect and im not saying that everyone should like them because everyone is aloud to have there own opinion. im just saying that people should treat them with more respect.
so that is all i really have to say.
♥♥♥Gerard Arthur Way♥♥♥
------A real MCR fan:
1.Real M.C.R fans know more songs than Welcome to the Black Parade.
2.Real M.C.R fans know Gerard Way's brother's name
3.Real M.C.R fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.
4.Real M.C.R fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard's hair.
5.Real M.C.R fans know the names of everyone in the band and what they do.
6.Real M.C.R fans shop for hours just to find a jacket like the band's have for a M.C.R concert.
7.Real M.C.R fans have this on their profile
I'm trying, I'm trying, to let you know how much you mean to me.
MCR= Five angels in disguise
MCR= Unicorns
MCR= Skittles
MCR= Coffee
MCR= Greatness
MCR= Parades of black
MCR= Blood
MCR= Afros
MCR= Bashing and smashing and cussing at cameras
MCR= from hair that goes from long and black to short and blonde then back to black
MCR= Three cheers for sweet revenge
MCR= Romances unlike any other
MCR= Fear of needles
MCR= A certin drummer's solo project that is highly adored and supported
MCR= Addiction
MCR= Vampires, werewolves and pirates OH MY!
MCR= Fantasy
MCR= Guitar burn
MCR= Ferard fan fiction
MCR= Demolition lovers
MCR= A life long wait for a hospital stay
MCR= Secrets
MCR= Many injuries
MCR= Obbsesion
MCR= An army
MCR= Dancing corpses
MCR= Comics
MCR= Sticking forks and toasters and wanting to do it again and again
MCR= Brothers
MCR= Creativity of the mind, body and soul
MCR= Icy blues
MCR= Love
MCR= Two little boys who lose their grandmother.
MCR= Crashing the cemetary gates.
MCR= Late nights and early sunsets.
MCR= Coke Zero
MCR= Power
MCR= Raging guitar solos
MCR= Being caught in the middle of a gunfight in a center of a resturant
MCR= Living in a house of wolves.
MCR= Having the shit scared out of you by teenagers.
MCR= Getting to the doctor, and calling the nurse, buyin roses and burning the church, hanging out with corpes and driving a hearse.
MCR= Setting the ferris wheel ablaze.
MCR= Letting them in.
MCR= Taking him/her down without a sound.
MCR= Diving headfirst for halos
MCR= Bulletpfoof vests.
MCR= Life being only a dream for the dead.
MCR= Life only being a joke.
MCR= Cats owning all dogs at all costs.
MCR= Not being o-fuckin-kay and screaming it.
MCR= Keeping your soul a secret in your throat.
MCR= Singing about eveyboby tying their shoes. *clap clap*
MCR= Never forgeting your roots.
MCR= Saving a soul.
MCR= Putting a spike in a heart.
MCR= Draining blood every hour on the hour.
MCR= Holding in your heart the sword and the faith.
MCR= Finding a way to carry on.
MCR= Disappering with out your love.
MCR= Never coming home.
MCR= Not letting the ghosts catch you if you fall down.
MCR= Not going down with yourself but indeed going down with your friends.
MCR= Not telling what you do for a living.
MCR= Life.
♥ If You Ever Felt Alone ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Rejected ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Confused ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Anxious ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Wrong ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Wronged ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Unclean ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Angry ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Ashamed ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Curious ♥
♥ If You Ever Felt Used ♥
♥ Be Prepared To Feel Revenge ♥
♥ Feel The Romance ♥
♥ My Brutal Romance ♥
♥ My Beautiful Romance ♥
♥ My Innocent Romance ♥
♥ My Childish Romance ♥
♥ My Miserable Romance ♥
♥ My X-Rated Romance ♥
♥ My Harlequin Romance ♥
♥ My Selfish Romance ♥
♥ My Chemical Romance ♥
Myy Best Friend♥
r u on INO!!!! if u r can u PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!! come on tha chatroom
METALLICA_PWN, January 9th, 2008 at 02:38:54am
r u comin 2 tlk 2 me on chatroom!?!?!

METALLICA_PWN, January 9th, 2008 at 12:11:34am
r u comin on 2daii if u r plz come on soon
METALLICA_PWN, January 8th, 2008 at 11:03:46pm
Im bored and i miss u cauze i hav no one 2 tlk 2 on INO! so plz come on
METALLICA_PWN, January 8th, 2008 at 08:02:04pm
added ^_^
btw niice pics. =]
color my world., January 2nd, 2008 at 04:42:25pm
IM SOOOOO BORED CAUZE U AINT ON!!!!!! so plz come on!!
METALLICA_PWN, January 2nd, 2008 at 02:40:55am
hey! can u PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on tha chatroom and tlk 2 me!

METALLICA_PWN, January 2nd, 2008 at 12:04:38am
R u comin bac on tha chatroom?!?!?!? come on plz!!!!!!!! I MISS U
METALLICA_PWN, January 1st, 2008 at 10:43:36pm
come tlk 2 me on chatroom PLZ!!!!!!!!!! cause im sooooo lonley
METALLICA_PWN, January 1st, 2008 at 04:51:01am
METALLICA_PWN, December 27th, 2007 at 05:12:41am
come bac on PLZ!!!!!! computer f*cked up
METALLICA_PWN, December 25th, 2007 at 11:59:29pm
METALLICA_PWN, December 25th, 2007 at 08:44:58pm
r u goin on tha chat rooms? cauze im on and LONLEY! so plz come on

METALLICA_PWN, December 25th, 2007 at 04:16:59am
hey! frerard 4 eva
METALLICA_PWN, December 9th, 2007 at 10:06:34pm