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Moonlight melodies.

Moonlight melodies.
Just call me whatever.
Wherever you're not.

Member since January 23rd, 2008




  • Helmee Bluth

    I do notice your long messages. I like them. I usually get short-ish ones from people.

    Well, my normal dreams are really odd. That wouldn't make them normal then. would it? No, it's my norm. Right.

    I don't know. We watch it when PBS gets it 'cause we don't get the channel it's really on. The last one I saw was the one I said I last saw.
    I watch it with my parents.

    I should have known that. My parents are really into Star Wars. I think.

    Canadiananas. Wow.
    Maybe you wanted to see Star Wars.

    Helmee Bluth, October 28th, 2008 at 06:54:32am

  • joy division.

    eating ice cream.
    that is a genius idea : D
    and rofl, i'll probably have to get a charger whatsit for it x]
    how do you watch doctor who online?

    joy division., October 28th, 2008 at 04:35:01am

  • Helmee Bluth

    I wonder how Darth Vader would swim with 15 elves around his ankles.

    Oh, and I dreamt that I was watching the Doctor Who you almost spoiled for me.
    I haven't seen a new episode for a while. And the last one I saw was the one where Rose was put in the other . . . reality. Is that the term?

    Helmee Bluth, October 26th, 2008 at 03:38:23am

  • Helmee Bluth

    I wasn't the one who brought up exploding.
    I thought for a second that I might have said it. But no.

    I'm glad I won't explode.

    You swim weird.

    Helmee Bluth, October 24th, 2008 at 08:34:39pm

  • joy division.

    Me too!
    I never want him to leave.
    But hey ho.
    I really can't last that long without a full series out.
    the DVD player only has 2 hrs battery power!
    How on earth can I have a Doctor Who marathon with 2 hrs battery!

    joy division., October 24th, 2008 at 04:05:59pm

  • Helmee Bluth

    I see new Doctor Who episodes later than other people.

    I think I just got spoilers. *covers eyes*

    Helmee Bluth, October 24th, 2008 at 10:13:40am

  • Helmee Bluth

    Are those underpants?

    Helmee Bluth, October 23rd, 2008 at 12:54:39am

  • joy division.

    awww man, that sucks!
    I feel lucky now.
    But I live in Britain, and it's a British tv drama, so if they didn;t play it here, it would be a bit stupid.
    less than 68 days until the christmas special : D
    I hope 'The Next Doctor' means literally the Next Doctor.
    Although it can't, 'cause DT is signed until at least 2010.

    joy division., October 22nd, 2008 at 12:41:53pm

  • joy division.

    LMFAO yeah. x]
    she hogs the tv watching CBBC and Kids stuff.
    So not worthy of Doctor Who.
    It needs it's own DVD player.
    It is that special.

    joy division., October 21st, 2008 at 01:52:05pm

  • joy division.

    lmfao, she's 10 xD
    I'll leave before she does, unfortunately D:

    joy division., October 20th, 2008 at 12:43:42pm

  • Helmee Bluth

    He's over half your age, Becky!
    *thinks of your past profile banners*
    Oh yeah, that's never really stopped you before, did it?

    *swims off*

    Helmee Bluth, October 20th, 2008 at 04:04:15am

  • Helmee Bluth

    Well, he did marry Lyn-Z.

    I'm sorry. I like Lyn-Z and the rest of MSI.
    I just had to say that because it sounded funny.
    It was done with love, I swear.
    It's not even really funny, is it?

    But I think I saw her with a bandana . . .

    Helmee Bluth, October 19th, 2008 at 07:35:14am

  • joy division.

    Good plan (Y)
    And I wish my sister would leave the house for 8 months.

    joy division., October 19th, 2008 at 06:55:52am

  • joy division.

    Ahhh I see.
    I'll have nowhere to actually watch them if I dont get the Personal DVD player.
    My sister hogs the DVD player.
    I have been ~deprived.

    joy division., October 18th, 2008 at 07:07:52am

  • Helmee Bluth

    I thought of some of their songs as cowboy songs anyway.

    Yeah, she is the jealous type.

    Okay. I think he mentions it on both of these. 3Xwo
    & tfq8
    I'd have to put on the sound on to check right now and I can't. They're both under 20 seconds anyway.
    Oh, and Gerard curses.
    Of course.

    There shouldn't be spaces in the urls.

    Helmee Bluth, October 17th, 2008 at 09:12:39am

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