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precious weapons.

precious weapons.
Lei Lei
New Zealand

Member since January 29th, 2008


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Hi I'm Lei Lei
I enjoy music and taking photos <3

My favourite bands of all time would have to be My Chemical Romance and The Used...they are incredible.

So i guess that's all for now. comment me if you have anything to say...i won't bite (:

oh and last but not least...i love INO <3



  • Fatatio

    lei lei D:

    Fatatio, September 20th, 2011 at 04:31:01am

  • Fatatio

    thank you lei lei <3
    have a happy new year, because i won't be online to wish you that on the right day! XD

    Fatatio, December 28th, 2010 at 10:10:11am

  • Fatatio

    it never snows here... :| well, today it snowed, but it was for like...5 minutes? and then it will never be a white christmas XD

    Fatatio, December 17th, 2010 at 01:17:36pm

  • Fatatio

    i just realized you are 12 hours ahead! ong, you really are on the other side of the world XD
    is it summer over there? it's winter here, and's raining a lot in europe these days, more than it was used to do :|

    Fatatio, December 4th, 2010 at 06:53:26am

  • Fatatio

    ha, welcome back!
    i haven't been active for months too, but now i post with regularity, more or less XD
    i love ino, after all :3

    Fatatio, December 2nd, 2010 at 06:40:39am

  • Fatatio

    lol, don't stalk meee :D
    i'm doing good, everything os alright! how are you? <3

    Fatatio, November 25th, 2010 at 02:03:54pm

  • it's all happening

    hi your name is really cute. hahaha just thought i'd let you know. :)

    it's all happening, September 24th, 2010 at 12:21:33am

  • poetic tragedy.

    Thank you very much :>

    poetic tragedy., August 23rd, 2010 at 07:10:30am

  • brandleys;

    haha don't worry about it.

    brandleys;, May 14th, 2010 at 04:11:30pm

  • brandleys;

    yeah i know i feel so bad for him. i hope he gets treatment for it though...

    all those shows are on TLC... they have some pretty good shows on that channel, imo

    brandleys;, April 30th, 2010 at 01:03:40pm

  • brandleys;

    I've never watched Grey's Anatomy. I watch Mystery Diagnosis and Untold Stories of the ER on TLC. Or a special on TLC, like the tree man or the people who keep growing and stuff.

    brandleys;, April 28th, 2010 at 07:34:54pm

  • brandleys;

    yes and he just kind of acts like a creep too.

    yeah it was really weird. i love watching medical shows.

    and thank you!

    brandleys;, April 25th, 2010 at 09:06:06am

  • brandleys;

    haha just something about my history teacher gives me the creeps. i'm not exactly sure what it is... haha

    lol thank you.

    yes i watched a documentary on TV a while back and there was this man who had scissors left in his abdomen from a surgery. somehow, his body created some sort of protective coating around it. it was weird.

    brandleys;, April 23rd, 2010 at 07:34:06am

  • brandleys;

    yes my english teacher is amazing. as well as my biology teacher and art teacher. my world history teacher is creepy.

    i know, there really is no point in most mathematics. i'm not going to do anything with it ever, so i think the subject should just die.

    yes surgeons, i have a lot of respect for. but sometimes they leave stuff like scissors in the patient's body. it's really weird. like, how can you forget that?

    brandleys;, April 20th, 2010 at 08:00:52am

  • chris pine.

    tbh, it's james franco's birthday and not mine.
    i keep forgetting to change the age after i changed themes xD
    thanks though (.

    chris pine., April 19th, 2010 at 04:13:04pm

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