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Sam Sparrow
Suumit, New Jersey

Member since February 3rd, 2008


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Hey...The name is Sparrow. Yepper, it sure is. I live in Summit, New Jersey with my best friend in the world, Ricky. We both attend college at the Rochester Institute of Technology (obviously in Rochester, New York). During the school year, he and I live with his parents. Lame, I know. Cheap, it is. I play the bass guitar and a little electric guitar, was a drum major in high school, and can slide by on the piano. My Chemical Romance walked into my life in 2005, and they helped me get through a tough time in life. Music means everything to me. I am madly in love. I love art (going to school to be a story board artist) and poetry owns (though I am terrible at it.) Ummm....there's not much else. =P Yes, I know. Boring life.


  • Photo #12815

    My girlfriend (antother My Chem fan) Is she not pretty?

  • Photo #12814

    My sister, Sadi (My Chem fan) and my brother Skyler. Notice Sadi's TBP shirt. XP

  • Photo #12813

    Gerard at MTV Live


  • emolove4everurs

    hey wats up?

    emolove4everurs, September 11th, 2008 at 06:27:41pm

  • Emerald Muerte

    Same here, Demolition Lovers is such a beautiful song.
    I don't really have a favourite album, they're all so different and show different aspects to My Chem. Although I do like LOTMS, waaay better than TBPID. I was watching it this morning, so it just reminded me :]

    Emerald Muerte, August 10th, 2008 at 12:33:02am

  • Emerald Muerte

    haha, cool :]
    I'm okay, apart from the fact it's school time here in NZ which isn't that great. It's quite cold as well x]
    So, what's your favourite My Chem song?

    Emerald Muerte, August 6th, 2008 at 04:52:29am

  • Emerald Muerte

    Your welcome =)
    I'm Emerald. How are you?

    Emerald Muerte, August 1st, 2008 at 01:02:01am

  • Kitty Clover

    you're welcome :]

    Kitty Clover, July 26th, 2008 at 12:23:00am

  • skitty.

    entering graphics contests on the site x]

    skitty., July 25th, 2008 at 09:55:53pm

  • skitty.

    allright :]
    how've you been?

    skitty., July 25th, 2008 at 07:19:42pm

  • skitty.

    Hey there :]
    if your still confused, go ahead and ask away

    skitty., July 25th, 2008 at 06:47:11pm

  • Pasta

    Hey, thanks for the add

    Pasta, July 25th, 2008 at 06:44:17pm

  • emolove4everurs

    your welcome for the add! XD

    emolove4everurs, July 25th, 2008 at 03:42:21pm

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