Argh I know! Mine was due last Monday. Finished the photos, only did half the research though. And I've got Design due tomorrow which I've done hardly any of. >_<
What was your theme for the documentary photography assignment?
I screencapped the logos for the Twitter, LJ, and Flickr ones, and I have the Bebo and dA fonts on my computer.
So I just made them into little images, and made the images into links.
haha yay another auckland fan (:
/sorry, completely random
precious weapons., July 8th, 2009 at 04:01:36am
haha cool! I did mine on letterboxes xD
lol same, we got an extension, but still hardly anyone's finished.
For Design I'm doing promontional stuff for a band, like tour posters and CD covers etc. I'm not sure about Photography yet though. What about you?
Woah that sucks! D= lol my parents don't know the names of all the sites I go on, and I delete the history, so they can't block them. =]
little birds., June 14th, 2009 at 09:15:36pm
Oooh, your profile looks awesome now!! =]
Argh I know! Mine was due last Monday. Finished the photos, only did half the research though. And I've got Design due tomorrow which I've done hardly any of. >_<
What was your theme for the documentary photography assignment?
little birds., June 14th, 2009 at 04:16:34am
Thanks! =]
You should enter sometime!
I screencapped the logos for the Twitter, LJ, and Flickr ones, and I have the Bebo and dA fonts on my computer.
So I just made them into little images, and made the images into links.
little birds., June 1st, 2009 at 04:38:36am
Infectious Insanity, October 2nd, 2008 at 05:22:50am