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Edward Hetherton

Edward Hetherton

Member since March 25th, 2008


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So yeah, I got invited here by my random Canadian friend and decided that maybe it would be a great idea to set up an account. Well it was more the other way around. I signed up first but she told me about it.

A bit about me?

I'm called Mary and I'm 15. I live in the lovely country of England and don't I just love it. Music mad.

I play lots of instruments which is cool. I spose it gives me something to boast about cause other than that I haven't got much else. So basically they are: bass, piano, flute, guitar, violin, clarinet, saxophone and the tiniest bit of cello imaginable. Like I said, music mad.

Bands, I have too many favourites. My Chemical Romance (duh), Panic at the disco, Elliot Minor, Paramore, Simple Plan, Stanfour, The Academy is... and much more but as you'll probably guess, I'm a lazy idiot.

Why is my username Ed Hetherton? Mainly because he is my favourite bassist around. Closely followed by Mikey Way though.


  • PrinceArthur.

    I ahve a LOT of EM fics :D
    Sorry i havnt replied, INO is not really somewhere I visit now :D
    Talk to me on mibba though!

    PrinceArthur., September 1st, 2008 at 07:19:25pm

  • PrinceArthur.

    I am in fact on Mibba :D
    I dont go on IN O much noowadays, buyt Mibba is my home :D
    I write Elliot Minor FF :D
    "Elliot Minor Baby!"

    PrinceArthur., August 19th, 2008 at 10:19:16am

  • Nutella With Forks

    Duuuude! Thats so f*cking freaky! I was just offered a place in a band as bassist! xD
    Only problem is I don't have a bass yet.. :P
    Ooh.. I dunno if I'm going to EM in November..Midweek and three hours away.. :(

    Batman is brilliant. :)
    Some hilarious bits in it too..
    He makes a pencil disappear.. bahaha...


    Nutella With Forks, August 16th, 2008 at 06:15:29pm

  • Nutella With Forks

    Rain finished? *jealous* :p

    Up to nawthing..
    Saw the new Batman movie yesterday! Its MENTAL! xD



    Nutella With Forks, August 15th, 2008 at 03:51:48pm

  • Nutella With Forks

    No problem! :)
    We finally have a teddy! Waaaay!

    I'm good! Sick of the rain.. :(



    Nutella With Forks, August 13th, 2008 at 11:40:07am

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