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somewere n this mesed up world

Member since April 6th, 2008


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i love MCR!. The day im not okay came out my life was changed. i love mcr with all my heart and they r the biggest thing in my life. i like to skateboard and i am a MAJOR ipodadict. i have 2 very annoying little sisters and a really big family. i am home schooled now so everyone i no is gone. i think i am the biggest outcast in my whole family and i dont care. i dont plan on going to college or anything like that cuz i just never like school. i guess.. i hate planning things. i move alot and that really sucks but then again so does everything else. when i listen to my chemical romance and they take me far away from here. everyone tells me its just a phase but i know they will never go away. well thats all there is to know about me so peace out:]my email is

They told us they weren't OK. They told us vampires would never hurt us. They want us to say our Famous Last Words and join The Black Parade. They said the mirror wasn't big enough for the both of them. They cried for the ghost of us. They introduced us to Helena. They don't love us like they did yesterday.
Put this on your profile if you love My Chemical Romance!

92% of teens move on to rap music. If you're part of the 8% that rock out every day, put this in your profile.

---[]--- Support ROCK
---[]--- add the GUITAR to your page

Okay, here's the D.E.A.L. people. A lot of people on Mibba have the "R.E.A.L. M.C.R. F.A.N." thingy on their page. Well listen up. That's not a R.E.A.L. MCR fan. A real MCR fan doesn't S.T.A.R.T. smoking because they think they will be H.O.T. like Frank and Gee. A real MCR fan knows that no one in MCR E.N.C.O.U.R.A.G.E.S. smoking. They know that smoking is bad for you and you shouldn't do it. They also dont ask for G.E.R.A.R.D. or B.O.B. or anyone for dinner. Also, they might not know more S.O.N.G.S. than the black parade, but maybe they just H.E.A.R.D. of them and thats the only song they know. Or maybe they only K.N.O.W. that song because it's on the radio a lot and they can't A.F.F.O.R.D. the CD. Anyone can be a MCR fan. You don't have to know all their songs, including "S.I.S.T.E.R. T.O. S.L.E.E.P." , "kill all your friends", "heaven help us" , "B.U.R.Y. M.E. I.N. B.L.A.C.K.", "my way home is through you" and all the other ones. A real MCR fan likes the boys for their M.U.S.I.C., not their looks. They dont W.R.I.T.E. fan fiction to prove they know MCR. They write it for their own E.N.T.E.R.T.A.I.N.M.E.N.T.. They dont write "I love Gerard" on all their underwear. Thats O.B.S.S.E.S.I.V.E..

So if your a R.E.A.L. M.C.R. F.A.N., put this on your profile. And yes...this was written by Coolestloserx82x

This is for everyone who:
_cries during Famous Last Words.
__still cries during The Ghost of You.
___wants to dance during Dead!
____says MCR saved their life.
_____comes on this site everyday.
______defends MCR on a daily basis.
_______has made friends based on the fact that they like MCR.
________knows that My Chemical Romance will always be there to fall back on.
_________wants Bert and Gerard to stop fighting.
__________hated Eliza Cuts.
___________cried when they saw Gerard drunk on Life On The Murder Scene.
___________has done something with their life because of MCR.
__________writes My Chemical Romance on their shoes.
_________has ever quoted a member of MCR.
________misses Mikey's glasses.
_______thinks Mikey is sexy with or without glasses anyway.
______loves Gerard's hair no matter what color it is.
_____calls Frankie 'super midget.'
____supports Bob Bryar's solo project.
___blasts I'm Not Okay as loud as it can go.
__wants Jamia and Frank to have kids.
_is a proud member of the MCRmy.

-Knows the true meaning behind "Helena" and what it means to Gerard and Mikey.
-Knows what MCR means.
-Knows what Gerard has been through.
-Knows that they had a former band member, Matt Pelissier, drummer.
-They love and care about their fans very, very much.
-Believes in the Black Parade.
-Isn't afraid to sing one of MCR's songs out loud in public.
-Is proud to be one.
-Takes Gerard's wise sayings seriously.
-Knows they aren't alone.
-Isn't a person who shops at Hollister and Abercrombie all day and wears pink clothes and a bunch of girly make-up everyday.
-Doesn't consider MCR totally emo.
-Doesn't like them just because they heard their song on the radio or saw 1 or 2 music videos.
-Knows they have 3 albums.
-Doesn't like them just because the lead singer is hot.
-Hates MCR fan posers.
-Has been to or wants to or is going to an MCR concert. (Projekt rev. counts)
-Isn't a person who wears black just because it's in style.
-Goes CRAZY when MCr is on the radio or tv
-Knows how the band really started out.
-Knows how much Frank loves New Jersey.
-Thinks MCR aren't rich vampires.
-Be yourself

x. Gerard Way puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter".
x. Mikey Way can slam revolving doors.
x. The chief export of The Frank Iero is pain.
x. Mikey Way counted to infinity...twice.
x. Frank Iero can divide by Zero.
x. The grass is always greener on the other side. Unless Gerard Way has been there, then its soaked with tears and blood.
x. The Frank Iero once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
x. Gerard Way sleeps with a night light. Not because Gerard Way is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Gerard Way.
x. Mikey Way is the reason Waldo is hiding.
x. A Tsunami is water running away from Bob Bryar.
x. Bob Bryar doesnt get brain freeze. Slurpees know when to back the fuck off.
x. Bob Bryar does not teabag the ladies. He potato-sacks them.
x. Mikey Way can speak braille.
x. Frank Iero jacks off to Monster Trucks.
x. Jeeves asks Ray Toro.
x. If The Bob Bryar is late, time better slow the fuck down.
x. Geico saved 15% a year by switching to Gerard Way.
x. Ray Toro went back in time and stopped the JFK assination by catching the bullet in mid air. JFK's head just exploded in sheer amazement.
x. Gerard Way has to sort his laundry into three loads: darks, whites, and bloodstains.
x. The most effective form of suicide known to man is to type "Frank Iero" into Google and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky!"
x. Jesus walked on water. Gerard Way walked on Jesus.
x. When Frank Iero gives you the finger, he's telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
x. Gerard Way doesn't use pickup lines, he simply says, "Now."
x. Mikey Way is like a Tsunami, if you can see him coming it's already too late.
x. Bob Bryar ate the Stay Puff Marshmellow man.
x. Ray Toro didn't vote for Pedro. He deported him.
x. When God said, "Let there be light", Gerard Way said, "say please."

. \....\........... /..../
..../... I....I..(¯¯¯`\
...I.....I....I...¯¯.\...\My Chemical
...I.....I´¯.I´¯.I..\...) Romance Rocks!!
...\.....` ¯..¯ ´.......'

________*/• \________
_______*(•_ )________
_______ .|¯|_________
_______ .|•|_________
_______ .|•|_________
_______ .|•|_________
_______ .|•|_________
___\###/ |•|/&&/_____
____\ ######## //____
_____"+,_____,+"____ put this on ur blog if u love ..........ROCK


---/\---put this on your profile
---\/---If You
---[]---Support ROCK
---[]---add the GUITAR to your page
-/._. \-
/_/ \_\

----///-\\\----If you have ever felt
----///--\\\---Feel in pain put this on your file and help someone out who feels that way people need to know they are not alone :]

c(o o)o
_(- -)this monkey is named BRENDON!!post BRENDON every where to gain world domination!!

---♥♥-♥♥----Put This
---♥♥---♥♥--σn Your
---♥♥---♥♥--youtube If
---♥♥---♥♥--You Know
-----♥♥♥----Whσs Di℮d
----♥♥-♥♥---σr is suff℮rin
---♥♥---♥♥--frσм cαnc℮r<333

* •. .•**My Chemical Romance*..*
/.•*•.\ ¸..•¤**¤•., .•¤**¤•. *





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----- You know you live in 2008 when... -----

1.) You accidentaly enter your password on a microwave.

2.) You haven't played solitare with real cards for years.

3.) The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is they dont have a screenname or my space.

4.) You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the buttons on the TV.

6.) Your boss doesn't even have the ability to do your job.

7.) As you read this list you keep nodding and smiling.

8.) As you read this list you think about sending it to all your friends.

9.) And you were too busy to notice number 5.

10.) You scrolled back up to see if there was a number 5.

11.) Now you are laughing at yourself stupidly.

12.) Put this in your profile if you fell for that, and you know you did.


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______'$$$$O$____$$____$$___$$ ____o$$$

Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's
what you're supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun! Copy
this entire question thing and paste in on your INO; change all
the answers so that they apply to you. 1. What is your occupation?


2. What color are your socks right now?

black and white

3. What are you listening to right now?


4. What was the last thing that you ate?

fried chicken

5. Can you drive a stick shift?


6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
blood Red

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

My Friend

8. Do you like the person who you found this from?

As A Friend

9. How old are you today?


10. Favorite drink?

chocolate milk

11.What is your favorite sport to watch?

base ball

12. Have you ever dyed your hair?


13. Pets?

had a dog

14. Favorite food?


15. Last movie you watched?

national treasure

16. Favorite Day of the year?

april 9

17. What do you do to vent anger?

?????????????????????????????????? What The Fuck????????????????

18. What was your favorite toy as a child?


19. What is your favorite, fall or spring?


20. Hugs or kisses?


21. Cherry or Blueberry?


22. Do you want your friends to do this to?


23. When was the last time you cried?

month or sumthin like that

24. What is on the floor of your closet?

carpet and clothes and alot of junk

25. Who is the friend you have had the longest?

Uhhh Can't Remember

26. Who is the friend you have had the shortest?

cant member

27. Favorite smell?


28. What inspires you?

my chemical romance

29. What are you afraid of?

getting old

30. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers?


31. Favorite car?


32. Favorite cat breed?

dont no?

33. Number of keys on your key ring?

dont have 1

34. How many years at your current job?


35. Favorite day of the week?


36. How many states have you lived in?


37. How many countries have you been to?

1 U.S.A.

38. What is your favorite country?

i hate countries


  • ChelseyCharizard_

    Hey! I'm Chela ^.^ I'm are you? =]

    ChelseyCharizard_, July 24th, 2008 at 12:26:04pm

  • listen to your heart

    sori 4 the late kinda busy nowadays....never mind....juz pm or comment me...u'll get reply 4 sure...ermmm....i understand ur fact,i have the similar prob as u do.....ol we got 2 do is pray 4 help from god...hoping 2 get a better life from him everyday.always be by ur dad's side.that's lo that u can a gud a dad,that's ol he wanted from his child.u cant save his life.onli god can.pray 4 him.may ur dad live longer.i hope wishing u ol the best 4 wutever ur goin tru from far way.anywy,why did u say im awesome?im the worst person on this planet!no1 ever say im awesome be4.that was so nice.thanx.sumhow,sum people still appreciate me.that is so niceeeeeee.....awwww i rili do appreciate that.wut do u wanna noe bout me?juz asked....

    Smiley Smiley Smiley

    listen to your heart, May 12th, 2008 at 09:03:03am

  • MyChemicalBlack

    Agh, that sounds horrible. :(
    I'd go insane. But luckily INO is there to curb the craziness?

    MyChemicalBlack, May 7th, 2008 at 09:05:03am

  • x-I'm Not Okay-x

    lol yea :D
    that would be amazing!!
    and i wish that these stupid people would stop
    putting me in a bad mood lol.

    x-I'm Not Okay-x, May 5th, 2008 at 11:25:17am

  • not tonight

    how are you?

    not tonight, May 2nd, 2008 at 09:10:07pm

  • MyChemicalBlack

    Hm, just awaiting the end of the week.
    It may sound lame, but school does that to you.
    Lmfao. xD

    MyChemicalBlack, May 2nd, 2008 at 01:51:17pm

  • x-I'm Not Okay-x

    that's good :D
    and what have you been up to lately??
    anything exciting??

    x-I'm Not Okay-x, May 2nd, 2008 at 09:59:07am

  • listen to your heart i wonder...i was a lil bit ????? wit ur name....hell yeah,thinks r getting better luv it!i hope u 2!wishing u ol the best 4 wutever ur goin tru... Smiley Smiley Smiley u can talk 2 me if u want 2...i would like 2 noe more about u....hihi....

    listen to your heart, May 2nd, 2008 at 07:55:25am

  • MyChemicalBlack

    No problem, I'm doing okay right now thanks. ^_^
    How have you been? Smiley

    MyChemicalBlack, May 1st, 2008 at 01:15:01pm

  • x-I'm Not Okay-x

    your welcome Smiley
    and im good,
    how about you??

    x-I'm Not Okay-x, May 1st, 2008 at 09:42:09am

  • listen to your heart

    so....hi....why dont u answer my que?

    listen to your heart, April 30th, 2008 at 04:46:46am

  • listen to your heart feelin better...thanx for the add...what country r u from?that name.....?

    listen to your heart, April 30th, 2008 at 03:41:28am

  • mYcheMicaLromaNce609

    LOL my annoying cousin likes back to the future too

    mYcheMicaLromaNce609, April 6th, 2008 at 08:39:56pm

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