Emerald Muerte

- Name:
- Emerald
- Age:
- 32
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- New Zealand
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- MSN:
- dazzlinxdiamond@msn.com
- MySpace:
- http://www.myspace.com/sweetstrawberrirevenge
My Chemical Romance.

And then, we'll solve the mystery of laceration gravity.
Two years and going.
Words can not explain how much these guys mean to me. It's beyond having to listen to them everyday, promote them to everyone around me, even plaster another ten posters to my walls of those guys, they changed my life incredibly.
Oh and being in the NZMCRmy is pretty awesome too.

Death is a midnight Runner.
I fucking love these guys. They're amazing, there is so much depth to their music and the ambiguity of the lyrics make them all the more beautiful and substancial. This band saves my sanity, daily.
And I'm in the Despair Faction, come say hello

I've grown out of them, but I still haven't let go of my first love of a pop-rock band. Nathan King's new album makes me feel so young again.

Nobody love's no one. -Oh it's so sad isn't it.
Ville is a pretty wise man. The guitaring, drums, bass, vocals, everything about this band is irresistable. The consistency of their darkness which witholds such beauty makes them the best love-metal band ever. Yes, that's right; everrrr.
I do not take full credit for the following pictures

-" I ain't cool, You ain't cool, none of us on this motherfucking stage are cool, and that's the way we fucking like it!" -Gerard.

-"You guys are bad ass.... Bad Ass Motor Scooters, that's what you are!" -Gerard.

I took that one. =)

And that.

That too.

The crowd x]
The awesome people =D


My famous last words;
Life, is how you make it. You only get one shot. Make a fucking difference.
Keep the faith,
Emerald xoxox

And then, we'll solve the mystery of laceration gravity.
Two years and going.
Words can not explain how much these guys mean to me. It's beyond having to listen to them everyday, promote them to everyone around me, even plaster another ten posters to my walls of those guys, they changed my life incredibly.
Oh and being in the NZMCRmy is pretty awesome too.

Death is a midnight Runner.
I fucking love these guys. They're amazing, there is so much depth to their music and the ambiguity of the lyrics make them all the more beautiful and substancial. This band saves my sanity, daily.
And I'm in the Despair Faction, come say hello

I've grown out of them, but I still haven't let go of my first love of a pop-rock band. Nathan King's new album makes me feel so young again.

Nobody love's no one. -Oh it's so sad isn't it.
Ville is a pretty wise man. The guitaring, drums, bass, vocals, everything about this band is irresistable. The consistency of their darkness which witholds such beauty makes them the best love-metal band ever. Yes, that's right; everrrr.
I do not take full credit for the following pictures

-" I ain't cool, You ain't cool, none of us on this motherfucking stage are cool, and that's the way we fucking like it!" -Gerard.

-"You guys are bad ass.... Bad Ass Motor Scooters, that's what you are!" -Gerard.

I took that one. =)

And that.

That too.

The crowd x]

The awesome people =D


My famous last words;
Life, is how you make it. You only get one shot. Make a fucking difference.
Keep the faith,
Emerald xoxox
Yeah, but I am going to try my hardest to not get tired out and put out a lot of effort so I can be good on the field because apparently 'everyone' is telling my sister [who was in color guard all four years before she graduated this year] that I'm not very good. I'm pretty sure she's just messing with me, but oh well. Well this summer I have been listening to mcr practically non-stop switching between "Bullets" and "Three Cheers" and then "WTTBP" (: I have a list of some other stuff in my profile if you wanna check it out. It's the rainbow stuff (:
ashestoashes;, August 7th, 2008 at 11:30:43am
hahaha yep.
Comercials at night are horrible.
Well all comercials are but
the ones at night are worse.
Buried Wreckage., August 7th, 2008 at 05:43:48am
Same here.
Im not even awesome in life
so I very much doubt
I would be in death too.
Buried Wreckage., August 7th, 2008 at 03:10:48am
Ugh! Unfourtunately yea, we've got band camp only it's not fun at all. We stand out in the sun all day doing practice drills over and over again and I'm pretty much hopless at color guard so when we have to march and do things with music at the same time I am pretty much a wreak. We have two over summer break and the next one is starting next week, Aug. 11-15 from 8:00am to 2:30pm. I just hope I don't die in a way that is too embarrasing... XD My favorite my chem song at the moment has got to be Prison. It's too great :) what about yourself?
ashestoashes;, August 6th, 2008 at 11:08:39am
haha maybeee.
Yeah thats how it is with mine too.
It wins in life and death just because its that awesome.
Buried Wreckage., August 6th, 2008 at 03:19:35am
At my school we aren't allowed to dye our hair any colors that aren't "natural". Purple seems natural enough haha. Yea I do play the French horn in band [school band XD]. It's pretty lame and I'm in color guard. Do you play anything?
ashestoashes;, August 5th, 2008 at 07:28:09pm
I'm fine, thank you. I just got home from visiting my mom. No computer there. lol. How are you?
samsparrow, August 5th, 2008 at 03:24:41pm
My hair is dark brown too. Its naturally medium-dark brown and I used semi-permanent to darken it and it kind of just stayed dark lol.
Anyway my life has been pretty uneventful too. But its going to get busy... I go home and get my haircut and then I have to go to a wedding and then I go on vacation again and then school starts! And school is going to be hectic this year. =P
Bullets of Revenge, August 4th, 2008 at 01:28:52pm
The schools here wont allow that.
At least the ones around here dont.
I watched it tonight too!!
Buried Wreckage., August 4th, 2008 at 06:12:46am
Agh, man...now I really want TBPID. *dies of envy*
Haha, you've given me incentive to go attack the nearest store that sells it. xD
I'm sorry for not responding promptly, I got hit with the "lazy ass" disease.
I'm going to be more active, hopefully. ^_^
I've been doing alright, just trying to keep up with day to day "adventures".
Example: "Where's my sock?"
Thrilling, right? lmfao. xD
How've you been?
MyChemicalBlack, August 3rd, 2008 at 03:16:30pm
I wish we were allowed to put colors in our hair at my school... but I'm going to get a really fun haircut this week so its almost as good lol.
Its very, VERY hot. And there's a lot of "emo" people or whatever lol. But besides the heat its pretty fun here.
What have you been up to?
Bullets of Revenge, August 3rd, 2008 at 01:00:26pm
Purple hair? Sounds fun :) Is it permanent? I've died my hair once this weird orang-ey blond-ish color haha. It turned out bad so I haven't colored my hair since.
Thanks, I just learned how to put pictures up and it's way easier then I though.haha. I'm pretty good. I slept in really late and just got up a little while ago. :)
ashestoashes;, August 3rd, 2008 at 11:25:46am
Like all of it or just parts?
Duuddeee youre allowed
to have un natural colors in
your hair at your school?!
Buried Wreckage., August 3rd, 2008 at 05:22:12am
im from Dunedin
um My way home is Through You , Our lady Of Sorrows, Prison, House Of Wolves wbu
Incognito., August 2nd, 2008 at 08:44:27pm
Its where you sit on an intertube and float down a river. It was kind of scary because the river was really strong! Haha
Anyway, purple! That's awesome.
Bullets of Revenge, August 2nd, 2008 at 08:00:09pm