
- Name:
- Rachel
- Age:
- 34
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- New Jersey
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My name is Rachel but you can call me Rachee or Rach-Gee 
-My first concert was My Chemical Romance on 4/9/08(Gerard's birthday)
-My favorite store is Hot Topic
-My favorite candy is Reeses Pieces
-My favorite band is Mindless Self Indulgence
Bands I wanna see in concert-
Tokio Hotel <3
Mindless Self Indulgence <3
The Used <3

My angel

Look, I know that a lot of people on here say that My Chemical Romance saved their life on here and I am not against that at all since I will always love My Chemical Romance.
The truth is though, this band saved my life, not My Chemical Romance. They are my favorite band.They have inspired me to do things that I have not thought of doing. I now play bass like it is my life line and it's because Lyn-Z inspired me.
So..Thank you Mindless Self Indulgence

-My first concert was My Chemical Romance on 4/9/08(Gerard's birthday)
-My favorite store is Hot Topic
-My favorite candy is Reeses Pieces
-My favorite band is Mindless Self Indulgence
Bands I wanna see in concert-
Tokio Hotel <3
Mindless Self Indulgence <3
The Used <3

My angel

Look, I know that a lot of people on here say that My Chemical Romance saved their life on here and I am not against that at all since I will always love My Chemical Romance.
The truth is though, this band saved my life, not My Chemical Romance. They are my favorite band.They have inspired me to do things that I have not thought of doing. I now play bass like it is my life line and it's because Lyn-Z inspired me.
So..Thank you Mindless Self Indulgence
Me :]
How are you?
I hope everything is okay.
Reply when you can =)
Pistol_GeeBucks, October 31st, 2008 at 09:26:35pm
we havent talked in a while
how r u???
sWeET_vEnoM, October 23rd, 2008 at 07:28:26pm
no, actually, i don't. x]
i've heard some of their stuff and i just didn't like it too much.
my friend goes to Germany a lot and she tried to get me into them, because her friends over in Germany lovvveee them.
and i tried to get into them, it just didnt work too well.
sad savior;, September 22nd, 2008 at 12:42:44am
aw thank you. <333
but i'm better now. x]
sad savior;, September 21st, 2008 at 02:25:40am
eh, i have a stomach ache. D:
but besides that, i'm great.
sad savior;, September 19th, 2008 at 06:22:39pm
oh, i have a crush on jimmy too. xD
so how are you today?
sad savior;, September 18th, 2008 at 07:18:20pm
sorry for the caps. xD
sad savior;, September 18th, 2008 at 12:35:16am
Yh, me too. Although I do quite like guitarist too. I think that's more admiration that they are so much better than me though, lol
I used to have a lot of girls as friends. But things change, and girls b*tch.
*shakes head sadly*
Pistol_GeeBucks, September 14th, 2008 at 05:05:25am
Yeah, I usually like the front men. But it does my head in how people think I only do because they're the more well-known. Like Gerard Way. I don't like him because he's the most popular. I just think he's gorgeous and an amazing person. XD
Yeah, I get a long with guys better than girls a lot of the time. But mostly our conversations are random or just strange lol.
Pistol_GeeBucks, September 13th, 2008 at 07:22:18pm
I think my fave member is Tom. Everybody seems to like Bill (and yeah he is kinda girly lol) but I think Tom is cute XD And yeah, I love McDonalds now.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to playing. We have no drummer so we're using my friend's little brother. He's only ten but he's awesome.
Yep. Boys are chldish. I've known one since I started high school, and we fight allll the time. Apparantly he used to fancy me. You'd think we were six years old. lol
Hope you're alright XD
Pistol_GeeBucks, September 13th, 2008 at 02:17:41pm
I replied to your pm =)
Yeah, I have heard of Tokio Hotel XD
McDonalds give away toys of famous bands and Tokio Hotel is one of them. I was happy when I found out and now have FOUR of them.
Lol, I make them harmonize.
Actually school is really crap for me. The usual prat girls that bully me and my friends are as mean as last year. And I'm streassed about my homework already and my music composition.
But me and my friends are learning a new song and I can't wait to go on stage and play it at our 'Celebration of Music' at school. I 've never performed inf ront of an audience before. But I have time to practice =)
Pistol_GeeBucks, September 12th, 2008 at 04:42:47pm
Yeah. I hear a lot about people who only started liking MSI because of the whole marriage thing. And that does my head in. Why like a band for that reason?
It must have been cool when like the two main influences in your life got married. lol
I don't why but I used to really, I don't know 'resent' Lyn-Z. I think I thought they got married too quick. But a year on and they're still so happy. So I'm happy for them XD
I'm back at school too. *mumble grumble* Starting my GCSEs now. Booo.
Pistol_GeeBucks, September 6th, 2008 at 06:25:20pm
Er, I dunno. I haven't really listened to many yet.
But I do like the one on the new video never wanted to dance
i think it's really catchy.
You'll probz hate me for this lol but I used to hate Lyn-z. I thought she came off as really slutty. But I totally regret it now =(
Pistol_GeeBucks, September 1st, 2008 at 11:12:26am
hey you live in jersey too?
hazmat, September 1st, 2008 at 10:59:17am
Yeah, I'mn alright XD
I've discovered I actually like MSI.
I've been sayign for ages I don't liek them and suddenly I do. Weird lol
Pistol_GeeBucks, August 30th, 2008 at 03:36:32pm