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New Jersey

Member since May 18th, 2008



Hi Smile My name is Rachel but you can call me Rachee or Rach-Gee Smile
-My first concert was My Chemical Romance on 4/9/08(Gerard's birthday)
-My favorite store is Hot Topic
-My favorite candy is Reeses Pieces
-My favorite band is Mindless Self Indulgence

Bands I wanna see in concert-
Tokio Hotel <3
Mindless Self Indulgence <3
The Used <3


My angel

Look, I know that a lot of people on here say that My Chemical Romance saved their life on here and I am not against that at all since I will always love My Chemical Romance.

The truth is though, this band saved my life, not My Chemical Romance. They are my favorite band.They have inspired me to do things that I have not thought of doing. I now play bass like it is my life line and it's because Lyn-Z inspired me.

So..Thank you Mindless Self Indulgence


  • Photo #11602

    Me :]


  • Pistol_GeeBucks

    Hey again!

    Gawd I hate school. And the stupid chavs and barbies and what not...
    But I am calm. *deep breath*

    How are yooouuuu?

    Pistol_GeeBucks, June 20th, 2008 at 01:19:11pm

  • Brenny Boo

    Ha, good for you. I haven't. I knew that I never would.

    Brenny Boo, June 20th, 2008 at 05:28:33am

  • DeathCabCutie

    Hey Rachel!! I like your profile =]]

    DeathCabCutie, June 19th, 2008 at 04:53:07pm

  • Brenny Boo

    Yes, I have seen them live :]

    Brenny Boo, June 19th, 2008 at 04:42:07am

  • Please Die !

    Awwh my god you're soo gourgeous !
    Yeah that's me, and thanks btw
    I love Jim, he is an inperation. &&; the Doors, too ^^
    mouah xx.

    Please Die !, June 17th, 2008 at 08:33:52am

  • Brenny Boo

    Damn, I wouldn't know I have a lot. I think it would be.... hm... cemetery drive or Im not okay. or IDLY or Cancer >.> I have no idea xD

    Brenny Boo, June 17th, 2008 at 05:06:43am

  • Please Die !

    hay again !
    I love the new profile ^^

    Please Die !, June 16th, 2008 at 08:07:55am

  • Brenny Boo

    lol thanks. :] And yeah I have a few people I wanna slap. I think I slapped them already. lol.

    Brenny Boo, June 15th, 2008 at 08:03:11am

  • Brenny Boo

    Nothing much really. Pretty sucky now cause school is starting for us. And my classmates are a bunch of assholes who cants catch a drift. You know? lol. Well its okay it was late, I don't mind. :]

    Brenny Boo, June 14th, 2008 at 01:48:17am

  • Pistol_GeeBucks


    Sorry it took forever to reply. I went on holiday to Ireland with my nana
    it was coooool
    Pfft, i had a crap b-day. i got real ill and dizzy so i was asleep by seven.

    Aww, well.
    Hope you're well. XD

    (i died my hair awesome pink!)

    Pistol_GeeBucks, June 6th, 2008 at 03:50:15pm

  • Switchblade Saint

    HUGS mwax

    Switchblade Saint, June 6th, 2008 at 01:56:00am

  • Brenny Boo

    Well yeah it is. Well here every things F-I-N-E here xD Well its good for you that your last day is tomorrow. So what are your plans for the summer then?

    Brenny Boo, June 5th, 2008 at 04:48:21am

  • Switchblade Saint

    i hate u for getting to meet Frank & Mikey...

    oh well

    its so great talkin 2 u on Chat. :) c ya round

    Switchblade Saint, June 4th, 2008 at 06:08:38am

  • Brenny Boo

    Yeah we can share. And my fave song would gave to be Hybrid Moments. Awesome song. And thanks. Me and my friend were doing a role play thing :]

    Brenny Boo, June 4th, 2008 at 04:32:19am

  • Killer of Sweetness

    Hehe no worries. I don't get much here. Hehe ^^
    Wow me too. It all started with the 'Helena' video. lol And now I love them =P

    Killer of Sweetness, June 3rd, 2008 at 02:35:39pm

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