
- Name:
- Margot
- Age:
- 32
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Belgium
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My name is Margot (yes you say it like Margo)
aboout me.. hmmm
I'm crazy, I like acting crazy. AND CHOCOLATE. I looooove chocolate.
I live in Belgium this small ass country, but I love my friends here :]
Bands I like:
♥ My Chemical Romance
♥ Green Day
♥ Misfits
♥ Nailpin
♥ Mindless Self Indulgence
♥ Rise Against
♥ Pencey Prep
♥ Leathermouth
♥ Lostprophets
♥ Slipknot
♥ Black Flag
♥ Taking Back Sunday
♥ Enter shikari
♥ Timbaland
♥ There are more but those are the ones I listen to a lot.

Of course.


This picture is from the first time I went to My chemical Romance.
June 28th 2007. We had a blast!
Second time I saw them as an birthday present

And Mindless Self Indulgence as support act

I like ::
♥ Cookies
♥ festivals
♥ bands
♥ music
♥ concerts
♥ guitars
♥ big sunglasses
♥ thight pants
♥ mp3
♥ my cell phone
♥ tiramisu
♥ converse
♥ the rainbow
♥ coffee
♥ accesoires
♥ nail polish any kind of color
♥ Escade Rokin' Rio perfume
♥ deodorante
♥ make up
♥ striped socks
♥ Batman ftw !!
Dislikes ::
/ mean people
/ teenies
/ wannabe's
/ techno
/ people that cheat on each other
/ rednecks
/ smelly things =/
/ ... I can't think of any other things xO

My name is Margot (yes you say it like Margo)
aboout me.. hmmm
I'm crazy, I like acting crazy. AND CHOCOLATE. I looooove chocolate.
I live in Belgium this small ass country, but I love my friends here :]
Bands I like:
♥ My Chemical Romance
♥ Green Day
♥ Misfits
♥ Nailpin
♥ Mindless Self Indulgence
♥ Rise Against
♥ Pencey Prep
♥ Leathermouth
♥ Lostprophets
♥ Slipknot
♥ Black Flag
♥ Taking Back Sunday
♥ Enter shikari
♥ Timbaland
♥ There are more but those are the ones I listen to a lot.

Of course.


This picture is from the first time I went to My chemical Romance.
June 28th 2007. We had a blast!
Second time I saw them as an birthday present

And Mindless Self Indulgence as support act

I like ::
♥ Cookies
♥ festivals
♥ bands
♥ music
♥ concerts
♥ guitars
♥ big sunglasses
♥ thight pants
♥ mp3
♥ my cell phone
♥ tiramisu
♥ converse
♥ the rainbow
♥ coffee
♥ accesoires
♥ nail polish any kind of color
♥ Escade Rokin' Rio perfume
♥ deodorante
♥ make up
♥ striped socks
♥ Batman ftw !!
Dislikes ::
/ mean people
/ teenies
/ wannabe's
/ techno
/ people that cheat on each other
/ rednecks
/ smelly things =/
/ ... I can't think of any other things xO

Mikey's_Glasses, August 6th, 2008 at 08:03:12am
hey :D
i love your username
kaitlyn., February 26th, 2008 at 08:13:46pm
I HAVE TUA !!! *dances jig*
MJLS, November 4th, 2007 at 04:37:32pm
Hey =]
Zalig, je luistert ook graag naar Rise Against =D
G'ebt een zalig profiel =]
nog 10 dagen ;]
nilrebna., October 27th, 2007 at 05:05:40pm
haha yeah. I must stop changing it.
But I still need to add more. but can't be bothered. And why am I replying in english?! XD
William Francis., October 3rd, 2007 at 05:47:27pm
i'm complaining hmpf xD
MJLS, September 29th, 2007 at 08:51:11pm
Hey custard bud 8)
dom howard., September 26th, 2007 at 07:19:07pm
ik denk ik drop ff een commentje. xD
William Francis., September 24th, 2007 at 05:12:43pm
Ff commenten.
Dat stukje wat je schrijft over Rock Werchter is echt goéd. Ik mag nog niet naar concerten van mijn moeder. Maar ik weet zeker, dat als het bij mij zo ver is, dat ik ook wel zal huilen. Wanneer ze op tour gaan voor hun nieuwe album (Dat zal toch nog wel heel lang duren, en aangezien ze van plan zijn hun volgende album wat anders te gaan doen) ga ik nog eens proberen om erheen te gaan. Dat zou écht geweldig zijn :|!
Yar-aap, September 1st, 2007 at 06:42:01pm
Heya :D
I'm Laura *waves*
asleep or dead., August 29th, 2007 at 01:21:56am