
- Name:
- xmrs.ierox
- Age:
- 43
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- In your closet w/ a gun.
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I'm obsessed with My Chemical Romance.
I am going to marry Frank. (He just doesn't know yet)
My birthday is 8 days before Franks'.
I grew next door to Mikey and Gerard (I was 67 they were 69)
Gerard has always been my idol, even when I was a kid.
I play bass guitar
I play drums
I play electric guitar
I play rhythm guitar
I'm obsessed with The Umbrella Academy
I worked with Mikey at Barnes and Noble
I absolutely love Twilight; I saw 8 times not even kidding
I love Leathermouth and Pencey Prep
I love to dance it’s my life along with my husband; he claims that I love to dance more than I love him.
I have a cat and a dog; their names are zero and Uno
I'm a dance teacher
I'm crazy
I love to read and draw
I'm in a band
I can't wait for the new MCR album
My nickname is Beast in Repose
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
A Night to Remember
Daniel Half Human
Diary of Anne Frank
Dark Water Rising
Size 12 isn't fat
MCR; This Is A Band That Will Save Your Life
A Countess below Stairs
Everyone worth Knowing
Unnatural Exposure
The Lincoln Lawyer
Lord of the Rings
Wife Swap
American Idol (ridiculous but addictive)
So You Think You Can Dance
My Chemical Romance
The Bouncing Souls
Pencey Prep
The Misfits
The Cure
The Killers
The Used
Iron Maiden
The Beastie Boys
The Smashing Pumpkins
Motion City Soundtrack
Metamorphosis (my band)
Mindless Self Indulgence
The Watchmen
The Uninvited
All Halloween Movies
All Saw Movies
Some Anime
Life On The Murder Scene
The Black Parade is Dead
My best friends are amazing, yet crazy. We are the weird party people you call the cops on at three in the morning. You know the ones you want to kill when you’re at the movies and the people behind of you won’t stop talking. That's who me and my friends are. My friends are........................
Rachel: She loves her dog he comes with us everywhere we go, I love rocky the dog. Rachel loves to dance in fact she a pro dancer along with me and my sister but she won’t come to my shop to get tattoos though she thinks that then she won’t get to dance at Broadway Dance Academy in NYC even though she just got in there and for those of you who don't know what that is, it’s one of the hardest dance academy's to get into.
She’s my cousin but she awesome I consider her to be my friend not my cousin we always hang out at concerts we went to a Leathermouth concert it was amazing yet crazy (we watched Frank most of the time he’s a like a whole show by himself) we thought we saw Mikey there but we didn't Franks an awesome guy he really nice when I met him we had a conversation like we knew each other for twenty five years although if that was true we would all be like 2.
My sister the craziest person ever. I love her but she’s insane. I call her boyfriends princess she can’t live without him. She also can’t live without Mikey Way she says that Mikey's wife is really her with different color eyes. She’s covered in tattoos (so am I so I can’t say anything about it) and she has a 2 1/2 year old. She is one of the best dancers I've ever seen.
My husband/best friend, we don't go anywhere without each other except for work and even then we talk the whole time were there, office jobs suck. We've been together for 15 years or since middle school even then we didn't go to school together he went to school in Newton Heights and I went to school in Belleville, but my parents were awesome and let him sleep over almost every night. He always comes to all my dance events
Kat: (Katelyn)
Kat is very quite she is a tattoo artist along with me and loves Gerard so much that she once tried to find out his address so she could get him to sign an anime drawing of himself when we were like 19 but then her friend reported her to the police even though she didn't find his address although she wasn't sure if he still live at home or if he lived in C.A. she said if he didn't live at home she would go to L.A., though she did had plane tickets to go to L.A. for a tattoo show with me anyways so she would have found him there but ya she’s crazy she loves to go to MCR concerts as well as Leathermouth concerts she went to 4 in 1 week. Kat is a dancer but she’s not pro.
Alyssa can’t seem to get accepted to any collages at all she thinks she’s bad at dancing because of it (she’s trying to get into a dance collage) but she needs a positive attitude and she'll make it. She thinks I don't know the meaning of the word relax but I relay think she doesn't, no day is long enough for her. Alyssa is amazing, but she packs her day full. Her day consists of something like wake up at 4, then work out until 6 then get ready for work, go to work, then come home, go to our job that we have together which is dance teachers, and she does that for 4 hours, then go out for a few drinks then go on the treadmill practice dance for fifteen minutes, and take a shower then go to bed around 11 or 12, or something like that. I don't know for sure. I love Alyssa but she needs to slow down.
Meyghan (Megan just spelled weird)
Meyghan is my dance student she like five years younger than me and she’s like awesome. She always stays at my house to get out of staying with her parents even though she’s like 20 but she does pay me so it’s not that bad she’s like one of my best friends she so weird she’s a great dancer though. She is my sisters "daughter" even though my sister is only like ten years older than her. If you can’t tell we're a weird family of friends but yeah its awesome Meyghan is my best dancer I definitely have to say that.
95% of teen population would be dead if Jonas brothers and miley Cyrus died and me and the other 5% would just be laughing hysterically
I am going to marry Frank. (He just doesn't know yet)
My birthday is 8 days before Franks'.
I grew next door to Mikey and Gerard (I was 67 they were 69)
Gerard has always been my idol, even when I was a kid.
I play bass guitar
I play drums
I play electric guitar
I play rhythm guitar
I'm obsessed with The Umbrella Academy
I worked with Mikey at Barnes and Noble
I absolutely love Twilight; I saw 8 times not even kidding
I love Leathermouth and Pencey Prep
I love to dance it’s my life along with my husband; he claims that I love to dance more than I love him.
I have a cat and a dog; their names are zero and Uno
I'm a dance teacher
I'm crazy
I love to read and draw
I'm in a band
I can't wait for the new MCR album
My nickname is Beast in Repose
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
A Night to Remember
Daniel Half Human
Diary of Anne Frank
Dark Water Rising
Size 12 isn't fat
MCR; This Is A Band That Will Save Your Life
A Countess below Stairs
Everyone worth Knowing
Unnatural Exposure
The Lincoln Lawyer
Lord of the Rings
Wife Swap
American Idol (ridiculous but addictive)
So You Think You Can Dance
My Chemical Romance
The Bouncing Souls
Pencey Prep
The Misfits
The Cure
The Killers
The Used
Iron Maiden
The Beastie Boys
The Smashing Pumpkins
Motion City Soundtrack
Metamorphosis (my band)
Mindless Self Indulgence
The Watchmen
The Uninvited
All Halloween Movies
All Saw Movies
Some Anime
Life On The Murder Scene
The Black Parade is Dead
My best friends are amazing, yet crazy. We are the weird party people you call the cops on at three in the morning. You know the ones you want to kill when you’re at the movies and the people behind of you won’t stop talking. That's who me and my friends are. My friends are........................
Rachel: She loves her dog he comes with us everywhere we go, I love rocky the dog. Rachel loves to dance in fact she a pro dancer along with me and my sister but she won’t come to my shop to get tattoos though she thinks that then she won’t get to dance at Broadway Dance Academy in NYC even though she just got in there and for those of you who don't know what that is, it’s one of the hardest dance academy's to get into.
She’s my cousin but she awesome I consider her to be my friend not my cousin we always hang out at concerts we went to a Leathermouth concert it was amazing yet crazy (we watched Frank most of the time he’s a like a whole show by himself) we thought we saw Mikey there but we didn't Franks an awesome guy he really nice when I met him we had a conversation like we knew each other for twenty five years although if that was true we would all be like 2.
My sister the craziest person ever. I love her but she’s insane. I call her boyfriends princess she can’t live without him. She also can’t live without Mikey Way she says that Mikey's wife is really her with different color eyes. She’s covered in tattoos (so am I so I can’t say anything about it) and she has a 2 1/2 year old. She is one of the best dancers I've ever seen.
My husband/best friend, we don't go anywhere without each other except for work and even then we talk the whole time were there, office jobs suck. We've been together for 15 years or since middle school even then we didn't go to school together he went to school in Newton Heights and I went to school in Belleville, but my parents were awesome and let him sleep over almost every night. He always comes to all my dance events
Kat: (Katelyn)
Kat is very quite she is a tattoo artist along with me and loves Gerard so much that she once tried to find out his address so she could get him to sign an anime drawing of himself when we were like 19 but then her friend reported her to the police even though she didn't find his address although she wasn't sure if he still live at home or if he lived in C.A. she said if he didn't live at home she would go to L.A., though she did had plane tickets to go to L.A. for a tattoo show with me anyways so she would have found him there but ya she’s crazy she loves to go to MCR concerts as well as Leathermouth concerts she went to 4 in 1 week. Kat is a dancer but she’s not pro.
Alyssa can’t seem to get accepted to any collages at all she thinks she’s bad at dancing because of it (she’s trying to get into a dance collage) but she needs a positive attitude and she'll make it. She thinks I don't know the meaning of the word relax but I relay think she doesn't, no day is long enough for her. Alyssa is amazing, but she packs her day full. Her day consists of something like wake up at 4, then work out until 6 then get ready for work, go to work, then come home, go to our job that we have together which is dance teachers, and she does that for 4 hours, then go out for a few drinks then go on the treadmill practice dance for fifteen minutes, and take a shower then go to bed around 11 or 12, or something like that. I don't know for sure. I love Alyssa but she needs to slow down.
Meyghan (Megan just spelled weird)
Meyghan is my dance student she like five years younger than me and she’s like awesome. She always stays at my house to get out of staying with her parents even though she’s like 20 but she does pay me so it’s not that bad she’s like one of my best friends she so weird she’s a great dancer though. She is my sisters "daughter" even though my sister is only like ten years older than her. If you can’t tell we're a weird family of friends but yeah its awesome Meyghan is my best dancer I definitely have to say that.
95% of teen population would be dead if Jonas brothers and miley Cyrus died and me and the other 5% would just be laughing hysterically
hows it goin?
black*roses, January 2nd, 2009 at 12:09:59pm
gots mibba?
black*roses, December 22nd, 2008 at 11:23:20pm