
- Name:
- *leandro*
- Age:
- 26
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- sylmar ,CA
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My Chemical Romance save my fucking life and i am so happy with that bitch!!!!
let me intro im leandro G. maglonzo ^^ im 18 blah blah blah shit up dude just live some comment(s) ^^
MY TOP 10 bands; lol hehehe
1.My Chemical Romance!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. papa roach
4.system of a down
6.drowning pool
7.FM static
9.silver stain
10.we the kings
there happy now hehe thx for the view ^^
i am a very big fan of My Chemical Romance sis i know them there like the coolest band i ever heard and seen damn there like superheros in my eyes ^^
let me intro im leandro G. maglonzo ^^ im 18 blah blah blah shit up dude just live some comment(s) ^^
MY TOP 10 bands; lol hehehe
1.My Chemical Romance!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. papa roach
4.system of a down
6.drowning pool
7.FM static
9.silver stain
10.we the kings
there happy now hehe thx for the view ^^
i am a very big fan of My Chemical Romance sis i know them there like the coolest band i ever heard and seen damn there like superheros in my eyes ^^
Well hi :)
Richey Edwards., October 5th, 2009 at 05:46:38pm
omg you are so freaking awesome!
and i iz a ninja!
your like a hyper mcr person!
i love mcr too!
-gasp- its awwesome! lolz hi i iz matteu
lolz to pronouce meh name its the same thing as saying "mathew", only without the "th" lolz
Matteu'sUndaUrBed!, March 3rd, 2009 at 11:07:42am
hey, you alright xx
EllyVenom, February 12th, 2009 at 11:37:10am
hey love ur profile i added u
and if u accept can u mail me cauz i havent got a computer and the skool has f*cking blocked my profile
ohh by the way ur cute lol
RAWWWRR!!!!BMTH!!!!, February 11th, 2009 at 06:06:20am
how's it going?
ThreeCheers_x, February 10th, 2009 at 02:54:08pm
no problem...how are ya??
ThisOneKid!, February 8th, 2009 at 03:07:29pm
hi ur so right mcr r the best band in the world n they save lives
n i no this is a bit up front but ur fit lol
sorry im random lol
luvin_gerard_way, February 8th, 2009 at 09:20:24am
omygod, dude you sound awsome. MCR is the best band on the face of this planet, right above from first to last.
x_xskellx_x, February 4th, 2009 at 08:31:16am
heyy!!! welcome!! how are ya?
ThisOneKid!, February 3rd, 2009 at 01:25:52pm
ThreeCheers_x, February 3rd, 2009 at 07:21:26am