
- Name:
- H o l l y :D
- Age:
- 30
- Gender:
- Female
- Location:
- Behind you
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I live in england. Where we drink tea 'n stuff. 
I love to read, write, and draw, and one day - I hope to be as good at drawing and Art as Gerard Way. c:
Now for the sad/pathetic stuff that makes it obvious that I have WAY too much time on my hands to think. XDD
I was Premature ---
1. occurring, coming, or done too soon: a premature announcement.
2. mature or ripe before the proper time.
3. a premature infant)
----by three months, and could have died as a baby. Which is why I think life is so precious. I beleive God wanted me to live for a reason, and I want to make some kind of difference to this world... Since I don't really have anything else to go on.
I'm not smart, I'm not pretty, I'm not anyone special. I have no talent. No special abilites. No super powers. No self confidence. Nothing. So I don't think I'm going to get anywhere successful in life.
But I am going to change this hell hole.
I am gonna make people see they're WORTH something.
I really want to make a difference to people's lives like My Chemical Romance.
Over the internet, I'm sociable and stuff. It's easy over the internet to talk to people. You don't have to be constantly worried about how you look or any of that shit.
In real life, if I'm alone with no friends around, I won't talk that much. I'm scared I'll make a complete idiot of myself by saying something stupid. If I'm with friends, I'll seem pretty quirky, and prolly make a fool of myself, usually because I'm trying to show off, or find out how I should act around you.
I adjust to the people I'm hanging around with... It makes me feel kinda fake. :/ Like I don't know who the real me is anymore... XD;
Woa, man, deep. =3=
People can be so harsh and pissy. Mankind is made of
1. People who enjoy other people's misery and misfortune
2. People who reject others for no reason.
3. People who judge others when they don't even know them.
But in the end, you're not going to get anywhere if you keep sinking into self pity.
Life might not be good sometimes or all the time, but it's precious.
No matter what. There is always at least one person who cares or WILL care about you in this world. One day.

I love to read, write, and draw, and one day - I hope to be as good at drawing and Art as Gerard Way. c:
Now for the sad/pathetic stuff that makes it obvious that I have WAY too much time on my hands to think. XDD
I was Premature ---
1. occurring, coming, or done too soon: a premature announcement.
2. mature or ripe before the proper time.
3. a premature infant)
----by three months, and could have died as a baby. Which is why I think life is so precious. I beleive God wanted me to live for a reason, and I want to make some kind of difference to this world... Since I don't really have anything else to go on.
I'm not smart, I'm not pretty, I'm not anyone special. I have no talent. No special abilites. No super powers. No self confidence. Nothing. So I don't think I'm going to get anywhere successful in life.
But I am going to change this hell hole.
I am gonna make people see they're WORTH something.
I really want to make a difference to people's lives like My Chemical Romance.
Over the internet, I'm sociable and stuff. It's easy over the internet to talk to people. You don't have to be constantly worried about how you look or any of that shit.
In real life, if I'm alone with no friends around, I won't talk that much. I'm scared I'll make a complete idiot of myself by saying something stupid. If I'm with friends, I'll seem pretty quirky, and prolly make a fool of myself, usually because I'm trying to show off, or find out how I should act around you.
I adjust to the people I'm hanging around with... It makes me feel kinda fake. :/ Like I don't know who the real me is anymore... XD;
Woa, man, deep. =3=
People can be so harsh and pissy. Mankind is made of
1. People who enjoy other people's misery and misfortune
2. People who reject others for no reason.
3. People who judge others when they don't even know them.
But in the end, you're not going to get anywhere if you keep sinking into self pity.
Life might not be good sometimes or all the time, but it's precious.
No matter what. There is always at least one person who cares or WILL care about you in this world. One day.
