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If We Were Dead...

If We Were Dead...
Under Your Bed

Member since September 17th, 2010


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Hey! I'm Lori, though you can call me most anything. I'm sixteen at the moment, and I'm stuck in a shitty town called Mobile, Alabama. Alright, so I guess Mobile isn't to bad, I just wish I could go back to Arkansas. I dig Invader Zim, (More than just Gir like most, I like the whole show.) and the color Grey. I like Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, and The Umbrella Accademy, as well as incense. I smoke pal mal (Did I spell that right? I never pay attention to the pack, aside from the fact that it's green.) menthol 100's, and I'm alwyas into donations. ;D My Mom is dead, she died this past May, and I got to go to Arkansas for a day to attend her funeral. No, I'm not putting this as a sob story, I don't want sympathy, I just think it's something about me you should know. Hell, I make your Mom jokes all the time. Shit, bell is about to ring. I'll finish this next block, I guess.


  • Photo #16760


  • Logan.

    Oh, I know this is extremely late but I just access facebook
    by typing an "s" next to the http part.

    Logan., July 17th, 2011 at 09:49:58am

  • Anetunisha

    hey do you get online anymore? If so you should message me lol

    Anetunisha, February 2nd, 2011 at 10:26:55am

  • Anetunisha

    You need to get online! lol

    Anetunisha, December 10th, 2010 at 10:53:08am

  • Anetunisha

    Not really lol

    Anetunisha, November 2nd, 2010 at 11:13:11am

  • Anetunisha

    lol it makes me think of trees
    "Oak"y lol
    Meh its OGT week (Ohio Graduation Tests) i already passed all mine last year woo!

    Anetunisha, October 26th, 2010 at 11:25:16am

  • Anetunisha

    a proxy? I've heard the term but don't really know much about it. Sorry.

    Anetunisha, October 20th, 2010 at 10:43:21am

  • Logan.

    You seem pretty cool also from reading your profile,lol. :)
    I'm Logan. Nice to meet you.

    Logan., October 13th, 2010 at 09:08:36pm

  • Anetunisha

    So whatcha up to?

    Anetunisha, October 12th, 2010 at 10:18:49am

  • Anetunisha

    Its only my lab teacher that gives me alot of work. Math & English are cool. But MDT sucks

    Anetunisha, September 28th, 2010 at 10:12:53am

  • Anetunisha

    My teacher gives us too much work blehh

    Anetunisha, September 24th, 2010 at 10:12:09am

  • Anetunisha

    Its basically like Graphic Design and Web Design we are learning HTML and We will be creating our own website

    Anetunisha, September 22nd, 2010 at 03:24:38pm

  • Anetunisha

    I'm in my lab
    Media Design Technologies
    So I get to be on the computers and right now we arent doing anything
    I love that this site isnt restricted :3

    Anetunisha, September 22nd, 2010 at 08:35:52am

  • Anetunisha

    Hello there Stranger :D
    How was day today?
    Will you be my friend?
    It seems all mine have left me :(
    So I'm searching for some :)

    Anetunisha, September 17th, 2010 at 05:16:54pm

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