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Michael James Way.

Michael James Way.
Authority Anarchist
New Zealand

Member since April 27th, 2006



Always Chocking From The Stench And The Fume.

Who is Authority Anarchist (caity)?

My name's Caity. I currently reside in Hamilton, New Zealand. It's a great little city. I'm 27 years old. I have a son, a daughter and an amazing partner. I have been a HUGE fan of My Chem. since 2006. I'm pretty average, there isn't anything overly exciting about me. If you want to know anything else, just leave me a comment, I'll reply as soon as I can, just keep in mind that I don't come on here all that much anymore.

Banner Credit
Michael James Way.
What is there to say about this man? Words can not describe how this man has affected me. Mikey is one of those people who just has affect on me. He seems so caring and so kind. He seems like so much fun to be around. Not to mention those amazing eyes. He seems like he'd be an amazing friend, and an amazing person to talk to. I've loved watching him grow from the shy boy, that you never heard from, that he once was, to the man that he is in the band now. He's changed a lot in the years that I've loved My Chemical Romance. And it's been a great thing to watch. I miss his glasses every day. But he's happy, and that's great!

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.
Lady Gaga, what to say about her…When she first started appearing everywhere, I didn’t think much of her, catchy songs and all, but no one I really took much notice of. I never knew that she would be so influential, and so involved in my life. This woman is so influencing to me. She has such strong views, and she’s not afraid to voice them. She is a powerful, influential woman, and I look up to her more than I can explain now. She is loving to all her fans, and she tries her hardest to make sure that her fans know that she loves them. She is an inspiration.

p r i d e {lgbtiq} +


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You Get What Everyone Else Gets.


  • Helena Rush.

    Mona and Cym ignores me :/
    Alison's never here..
    Theres few of my friends that remained to be my friends from CoS
    I'm meeting Lina (the used.) from here in 4 days, in London x]
    Eeekk gonna be so awesome. I'm highly nervous though!!

    Ilysfm xo

    Helena Rush., July 31st, 2009 at 04:18:28am

  • Helena Rush.

    All is forgiven dear Caitybear =D lmao
    I miss my computer *wails*
    more than that..
    This suuuuckks....
    >_< and MCR's got some dumbass secret code on their new website.
    like what the actual fckers?! :/
    They make EVERYTHING so complicated, lmao.

    ilysfm xo

    Helena Rush., July 28th, 2009 at 09:35:28pm

  • broken toy soldier.

    I love the ball pictures.
    you're quite gorgeous ;)
    but thats hardly a surprise <3

    broken toy soldier., July 24th, 2009 at 03:33:42pm

  • Helena Rush.

    you copied me :O LOL

    Helena Rush., July 17th, 2009 at 09:29:10pm

  • precious weapons.

    oh cool xD
    haha same with me! (:

    precious weapons., July 17th, 2009 at 07:23:55pm

  • precious weapons.

    oh sounds sweet as!
    did you go skiing or snowboarding? (:

    precious weapons., July 16th, 2009 at 01:28:43am

  • Helena Rush.

    caity is pretty.
    caity is amazing.
    caity is wonderful.
    caity is beautiful.
    caity is awesome.
    caity is the way.
    caity is the truth.
    caity lights our lives.
    caity is incredible.
    caity is missed.
    caity is fantastic.
    caity is random.
    caity is gorgeous.
    caity is indescribable.
    caity is EPIC!

    ily xo

    Helena Rush., July 13th, 2009 at 08:56:10pm

  • precious weapons.

    oh that sounds epic (:
    yeah same, probably just hanging out with friends and stuff like that. nothing really exciting, but still fun.

    precious weapons., July 10th, 2009 at 07:17:23pm

  • Helena Rush.

    alison use to call me that.
    that brings back memories...


    Helena Rush., July 8th, 2009 at 08:35:21pm

  • precious weapons.

    haha yup
    so do you have anything planned for these holz? ;D

    precious weapons., July 5th, 2009 at 11:07:38pm

  • precious weapons.

    haha that's awesome
    i do listen to some pop music too, but not much

    precious weapons., July 3rd, 2009 at 03:24:10am

  • precious weapons.

    yes they are ;D
    same, they're one of the few techno/pop bands i really love
    yeah =\

    precious weapons., July 1st, 2009 at 02:59:25am

  • broken toy soldier.

    your picture is super cuteeeeee
    I wish you to upload more so i can see how prettyful you look =D
    {pee.ess. a green dress=awesomeness!}

    broken toy soldier., June 30th, 2009 at 04:14:20pm

  • precious weapons.

    that's awesome, i love fog <3

    aww that sucks. tickets will sell out really fast though.
    yes same! mainly because 3oh!3's coming with them, and i really want to see them.
    yeah they would be.

    precious weapons., June 29th, 2009 at 12:38:35am

  • precious weapons.

    aww i bet they're really good (:

    it's so beautiful though xD
    and there was fog today, which was wonderful <3
    just wondering, are you going to the green day concert?

    precious weapons., June 27th, 2009 at 05:00:09am

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