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Charlene Swallowtail

Member since November 11th, 2006


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iPod Quiz!
Copy and paste this on a blank document and erase my answers then fill in your own

Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question even if they don't make sense. NO CHEATING!!

01. How am I feeling today?
Exo-Politics- Muse

02. Will I get far in life
Waltz Moore- From First To Last

03. How do my friends see me?
Blood- My Chemical Romance (I believe it.)

04. Will I get Married?
Untitled- Brand New (Guess not)

05. What is my best friend's theme song?
Famous Last Words- My Chemical Romance (STFU! That's MY theme song!)

06. What is the story of my life?
Fall Victim- Alkaline Trio (Figures...)

07. What is/was high school like?
Interlude- My Chemical Romance

8 How can I get ahead in life
Demolition Lovers- My Chemical Romance (Somehow doubt that...)

09. What is the best thing about me?
The Water- Hot Like (A) Robot

10. What is today going to be like?
Where Eagles Have Been- Wolfmother

11. What is in store for this weekend?
The End- My Chemical Romance (Sounds great)

12. What song describes your parents?
Zombies- Hot Like (A) Robot (ROFFLE! More like what she thinks of everyone else...)

13. To describe my grandparents?
Let Go- A Static Lullaby

14. How is my life going?
The Archers Bows Have Broken- Brand New

15. What song will they play at my funeral?
I Don't Love You- My Chemical Romance (Fuck... Unloved)

15. How does the world see me?
Catch- The Cure

16. Will I have a happy life?
Pyramid- Wolfmother

17. What do my friends really think of me?
Wake The Dead- The Used

18. Do people secretly lust after me?
Labia Extensions- Hot Like (A) Robot (Is that a yes?)

19. How can I make myself feel better?
Handcuffs- Brand New (Ooooo. Kinky)

20. What should I do with my life?
Resignation Song- Alucard (Uh, that doesn't sound good...)

21. Will I ever have children?
Perpertua and Felicitas- Alucard

22. What is some good advice for me?
Knights of Cydonia- Muse

23. How will I be remembered?
Welcome To Bangkok- Brand New (I lol'd)

24. What is my signature dancing song?
Can You Help Me- Hot Like (A) Robot

25. What is my current theme song?
Colossal- Wolfmother

26. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
You Won't Know- Brand New

27. What type of men/women do you like?
Vampires Will Never Hurt You- My Chemical Romance


  • T.T

    Hey...looky there...ino is slowy morphing into myspace. YAY FOR LAMENESS

    T.T, August 22nd, 2007 at 07:08:59am

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