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Site history

So, how it all started...? It all started not so long time ago when some unusual band, called My Chemical Romance, left a huge impression on us. Their catchy songs and original appearances never gave us some time to think, we simply HAD to love them.

As My Chemical Romance's popularity was raising high, (Green Day fansite) exploded due to enourmously love for MCR. GSBians kept talking about them, worshiping their spontaneous reactions... Five Americans walked into their lives. A Green Day website suddenly became oveloaded with MCR talk. Devoted fans first got the MCR Forum on GSB. But it wasn't enough. Their love couldn't fit in, it was way too bigger and stronger than just a forum. So the Wishmaster sat on a cosy chair, took a magic stick and made a glorious website - a website dedicated to My Chemical Romance, a website named Or INO, as we like to call it. Original layout and MCR colors were enough to make a boom among MCR fans.

In its first months (starting June, 2005), the website became the most popular, regarding other MCR dedicated sites. And it's getting bigger and bigger as we speak - bigger in lots of ways. We don't have to name them one by one. They're all self explanatory. But you can always let your imagination go :)

October, 2006. MCR fans wishes came true. 2 wishes to be precise. MCR's new album and INO's new layout. We're not here to judge the album, just the site history. So... When you first take a look at INO, you don't see what's INO really made of. But when you scratch a surface, you see people who, along with the layout itself, make INO what it is now. A beautiful small world. So, let's keep it that way.