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Day Of The Dead

Day Of The Dead
Echelon, Mars <3

Member since December 24th, 2006




I don’t come on here a lot anymore. I'm now at uni, working towards a degree (for those who wanted to know xD) and have other things going on...I will still be coming on, to check messages and such. Just not as much as I used to.

I’d like to say thank you to everyone I spoke to/speak to on here. I’ve made some really good friends here. Some who have become some of my best friends.

Things changed I guess. People on here helped me when I really needed it. This became a place where I could talk to people about my problems and they’d help me. I can’t say enough on how much it has affected me.

I’m not really sure on what to say about My Chem. I love them to bits and I will always, no matter what musical direction they may take or if they change. I just owe so much to them. When I wasn’t on here, wasn’t with my friends; I had them. When all the things I felt like I needed to keep me living weren’t there, they were a little reminder to stay strong and be myself. To me, they will always be my favourite band, no matter what. <3

I’d also like to say thanks to a few people here. From the first people I met on here but who had to leave for reasons....Vicky and Lock. I love you guys <3 I’d also like to say thank you to Justine, Mandy, Vanessa, Lorah and Jaylee. You guys are amazing. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


23rd September 2006~Mcfly-Nylon, The Click Five.
29th March 2007~My Chemical Romance-Thursday
24th June 2007~*Hyde Park Calling* Aerosmith-Chris Cornell, Jet, Brigade, That Haunts, Black Stone Cherry, Mcqueen
4th October 2007~Madina Lake-Halifax, Envy On The Coast, My American Heart
15th November 2007~My Chemical Romance-Mindless Self Indulgence
10th May 2008~*Give It A Name*Paramore-Cobra Starship, MC Lars, My American Heart, Finch, Plain White Tees
18th November 2008~Mcfly-Avenue, Reemer
27th November 2008~My American Heart-We Are The Ocean, Just Surrender
17th April 2009~*Give It A Name*Enter Shikari-The Blackout, The Academy Is..., The King Blues, Emery, Lights, In This Moment

5th May 2009~Mcfly-David Archuleta
29th May 2009~The Blackout-The Urgency, Hollywood Undead, Silverstein
22nd July 2009~Morrissey-Doll And The Kicks
5th August 2009~Relentless Boardmasters Festival-The Blackout, We Are The Ocean, Everything Burns, Downtown Riots

21st November 2009~The Blackout-*signing*
23rd February 2010~30 Seconds To Mars-LostAlone, Street Drum Corps.
6th April 2010~AFI-The Dear And Departed, Sick Of It All
8th April 2010~Madina Lake-Mayday Parade, We Are The Ocean
16th April 2010~Alesana-A Skylit Drive, Bury Tomorrow
2nd May 2010~LostProphets-The Blackout
3rd August 2010~Madina Lake
4th August 2010~Madina Lake

22nd October 2010~We Are The Ocean-A Ghost Of A Thousand, Our Last Night
30th November 2010~30 Seconds To Mars-Enter Shikari
10th December 2010~Asking Alexandria-Miss May I, The Amity Affliction
12th February 2011~My Chemical Romance-The Blackout, Lost Alone
21st February 2011~We Are The Ocean-Blitz Kids, Spy Catcher
24th February 2011~My Chemical Romance-*PLANETARY (GO!) VIDEO SHOOT*
12th April 2011~The Blackout-Hyro Da Hero, The Swellers
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th July 2011~Guilfest
26th August 2011~READING FESTIVAL-*Mainstage* My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds To Mars, The Offspring, Deftones, Rise Against, Bring Me The Horizon, New Found Glory, The Blackout, Architects
6th November 2011~The Blackout-We Are The Ocean
9th November 2011~Madina Lake-Chiodos
10th November 2011~Madina Lake-Chiodos


  • Need to know.

    Sweet, I'm jealous xD I miss that feeling! I've got a project due by the end of February so I'll sure be busy for now =S And I take it lectures and stuff are back to normal now though?

    Aww, that's such a cool idea! I remember my dad and sister once did that too when I was a really young but I was too scared of being attacked by bugs xO Hehe, I get that. Though obviously the weather would be the smallest problem really x]

    Haha yeah, I know very few people who actually really 'get' maths but I just love it! Thank God I've got months to decide xP Hehe not cool at all! x] Still it'd be pretty cool if you got a career working with bands or at venues or something ;D

    That's good! Too bad for the business one though =/ I've never had business but from what I've seen from my friends, I wouldn't do so well either =O Oohh, that's cool! You'll be releasing albums soon enough aye x) By desk you mean the equipment and the rest of it?

    Yeah, absolutely the best day ever too ='] That's good, quite close to the stage! I was way in the back in E2 but I honestly didn't mind. Aaahh, I loved it so much! :D And it was quite sunny, wasn't it? I had a beanie, leg warmers, gloves and an extra jacket and I didn't put any of them on till after the concert! Yeah, I think I'll check out some songs by Lost Alone actually though they didn't compare to The Blackout! Did you see the Blackout merch? There was this 'f*ckin great being me' shirt which was awesome 'cause that line's one of my faves by them xD

    Haha yeah, that's another thing too! Yes, I know some people didn't like the change but I think it's progress. Lool, yeah, it's a win-win! Hahaha, I thought 'dandy' was fitting too but yeah, it is very dancy x] Me too, they're all so sweet :] You're right, Helena really is beautiful especially live. It was the first song I heard by them too. Aww did you cry? I thought I'd cry a lot during certain songs but I didn't at all and then I couldn't stop when it was all over =3

    Good to know she's not alone lol x) Nah, I think this was the first time but I think they will start doing it every year seeing it was a success. So, what was his reaction? I know I'd more than freak if I was surprised with tickets! xD

    Need to know., February 14th, 2011 at 05:18:30pm

  • Need to know.

    Oooh, good luck, I'm sure you did great! =] Hehe yeah, definitely, there is no feeling quite like when exams are over and you can just do nothing and not feel guilty x] Ah, that's not too bad.

    That's awesome! Do you go camping often then? I totally would provided the weather'd allow it xD Yeah, it is, I still want to live abroad though.

    Uhmm, I'm not really sure. I always thought I'd choose the course for Computing which would basically lead to software development but I'm sort of leaning towards the Maths course now which would lead to...don't really know what haha x] Yep, I'm already excited for summer too!

    Yesss, it's absolutely beautiful! It made me cry :'] Yeah, I'd say its gotta be the hardest part in theory I've done so far. How did your exams go? Did you have practical ones in the studio too? x]

    Haha, yeah, exactly! Especially on shopping sprees and sales x_x Thank youuu! I arrive in London at about 2pm on Saturday and leave on Sunday morning so I'm literally simply going to be there for the concert. I'm really happy for you too =D In an interview Gerard was just saying how London crowds are one of the best ones :D Lol at 'might be' xD I'll come over if I see you! I'll be the one with my dad and dressed like some eskimo x] Yeah, I heard about them from a Madina Lake fansite a few years ago. I've been listening to them on repeat now to learn the songs I didn't know xP

    Oh my god, don't remind me of flip flops haha! I'm always so terrified I'm gonna slip or something with them! Yeah, my reaction as well =] I tried listening to all the albums in chronological order and you can really see (or rather hear) how the music grew up with them and all. But after all I'm just glad to be hearing from them, music, interviews and anything really. I missed them!

    Hehe indeed. I've actually got another friend who's already lost 2 mobiles this year and like another 6 last year -.-' There was this concert/countdown thing in the capital city which we went to. There were a loooot of people =O Hehe, happy to hear that! Aww, that's pretty sweet.

    :DD Thanks and same to you! It's gonna be amazing ^^

    Need to know., February 9th, 2011 at 06:03:07pm

  • wednesday.

    HEY! *hugs* ah. i feel like such a horrible friend. i forget to check my profile a lot to see if i have any new comments. *is ashamed* i promise that i shall be better at checking to see if i have any new comments!

    anyway. i graduated in december! so, i've just been mostly working on trying to find a job. i've applied to like 12 different places, and i haven't heard back from any of them. so that is a bit disheartening, but i still look for new job openings every day. oh man. i miss school so much now, haha! i didn't ever have to worry about trying to find a job while i was in school.

    and aw, your little cousin sounds so adorable! that's so cute that she wanted to play the guitar because she saw you playing it. my niece is going to be 10 months old soon. wow! how time flies by. it's insane to think that she's going to be a year old soon.

    haha yeah i know what you mean. i have a facebook, but i don't really care much for it. i'll check it every day, but i just don't really use it as much as i used to.

    yeah i know that some of the things i've posted around here lately probably weren't the most uplifting things ever, haha! i've just been discouraged because i can't find a job, and i've been sick for over five weeks now. i was taking antibiotics, and they worked. but then i had a relapse and i got sick again. so the doctor put me on different antibiotics, and i had an allergic reaction to them the other day. my throat and tongue swelled up so much that i could barely swallow. i've been ill for so long that i cry because it's such a frustrating situation. so, it has been a pretty rough year so far. but, i'm trying to remain positive, and i feel that it will turn around for me soon, and things will get better!

    how have you been? i hope that you've been well!

    x x x x x x x <3

    wednesday., February 8th, 2011 at 02:37:25am

  • Kill all ur friends

    uh let me see. im writing a series for my sis ( based off of mcr's second album) and a ferard that my friend want sme to do. its very tireing

    Kill all ur friends, February 6th, 2011 at 10:38:01am

  • Kill all ur friends

    fine im just so hungry :[ lol and im trying to write a story uh its hard to write when your stomach is yelling at you

    Kill all ur friends, February 5th, 2011 at 01:36:46pm

  • Kill all ur friends

    thanks for accepting me :)

    Kill all ur friends, January 26th, 2011 at 03:54:03pm

  • xxizzyrossxx

    hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiii........................ i miss u soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!

    xxizzyrossxx, January 23rd, 2011 at 10:07:44am

  • Need to know.

    It turned out fine considering x] I start at the end of April and finish on May 28th - 2 days before my birthday! xD My friends and I are already planning on how to celebrate ^^ Do you know when you finish yet?

    Yeah, it's absolutely pretty. I have to say one of my favourite things about the UK is that way you can just visit somewhere you've never been over the weekend for a short holiday :D It's totally different from here. Haha yeah, though with my parents, shopping is more of a break from all the countryside rather than the other way round xP

    Dw, my sister's just the same! Hehe thanks! I'm gonna miss it :'] Yeah, no kidding, we've just started a new year and it will be February soon enough! :O

    Aww, you'll get there eventually =) Aah, that's pretty cool! Have you ever seen August Rush (the movie)? The way that kid sees music is inspirational! Lol, agreed x_x Too many rules and complications for me. But I guess it gets kinda better with a lot of practice x)

    Haha, yeah, that's how I feel. I actually just got the yearly bank statement which shows you all the credit card charges and it was heartbreaking seeing how the money went awat =S Yesss, I'm going on the 12th now =D I totally can't wait, I get butterflies just thinking about finally seeing them!

    Hehe, well the weather's decided on being cold for now but I don't mind xD Haha I guess the majority of people anywhere would rather have summer huh x] I absolutely love Danger Days too! There were a couple of song I wasn't sure about especially since it's so different and 'lighter' than the other albums but I was in love with every song by the second listening. It's hard to choose a fave and when my sis asked me that she was like " just mentioned each song on the album..." xDD

    Christmas was awesome! The whole family from my dad's side came over which was different but it reminded me of when I was little :) NYE was both amazing and a bit crappy because we had fun but then one friend started feeling sick 'cause of the crowd and another lost her handbag and mobile =/ Still I have a good feeling about this year & I'm looking forward to it, you know? =D And how about you? How were your holidays? =)

    Need to know., January 21st, 2011 at 04:58:58pm

  • Need to know.

    I did, thanks =] And no problem, B!
    Ttyl xxx

    Need to know., January 2nd, 2011 at 03:39:39pm

  • Need to know.

    Happy new year =D Hope you're enjoying your holidays! :] xxx

    Need to know., January 1st, 2011 at 12:37:05pm

  • Need to know.

    Hehe thanks. Yeah I can't stand it =/ It was probably because it was the first exam. Gah, and the exam timetable is already out! o_0 We had to apply and everything :S

    Yeah, I personally find it quite inspiring the way some people can be so positive. No, Inverness is the furthest up we went. I googled some pictures though and it's look breathtaking! =O Did you go there? She had to work (she actually had 2 jobs haha lucky!) and anyway she doesn't enjoy the countryside and stuff like that but prefers shopping.

    That's awesome! Hehe yeah, I know what you mean. Most of my classes, except english, have a huge majority of guys. It's going great so far! I'm quite busy because they're constantly giving us hw and tests but I don't mind the pressure x] Yes, I can't believe how fast the weeks are flying!

    Man, it sounds really cool! =D That's great =] What type of music do you write? We're doing harmony at the moment for music theory and most of it is just beyond me ¬.¬ Haha I'd have to make lists for everything if I had to remember all that x]

    Yeah, I hardly know where the money's going -.-' Oh that's not bad at all. I definitely need to get a job next summer. Meh, I didn't go see them =S But I swear I'll see them someday, maybe next time they're in Europe -cross fingers-

    Aahh, you're so lucky! The weather here is driving me crazy. One day all the roads flooded (we have crappy road) and the next it was so hot I only had a t-shirt on. I can hardly get into the xmas spirit :O
    I'm fine, thanks. Just passed my bass guitar exam which I thought I'd fail haha xD And how are you? Did you hear Danger Days? What'd you think? =]

    Need to know., November 26th, 2010 at 03:54:33pm

  • Richey Edwards.

    B, you are gorgeous

    Richey Edwards., November 8th, 2010 at 04:54:47pm

  • wednesday.

    :( well, i just got laid off from my job today. but, it was good while it lasted.

    and yay! i'm glad that you were able to pass all of your exams. that's good! summer break was pretty good. i worked a lot, and hung out with friends a lot. but, i've been back in school since mid-august. i graduate in december, so i'm just looking forward to being done with school, and going out into the real world.

    that's so cool that you got to meet all of them! it's always nice to be able to meet your heroes. i went to the paramore concert last month. it was so awesome. i love them live. aw, well i'm sorry that yall broke up! i know that's got to be tough. but, at least yall can remain friends. have you talked to him much lately?

    adriana will be six months old in a few weeks. she's getting so big! my parents babysit her during the week. so i get to see her five times a week. it's nice to be part of her life. because i secretly want to be the cool aunt, haha! when she gets old enough, i'm going to introduce her to awesome music and awesome movies. she already likes paramore. well, when i let her watch paramore videos, i think she is memorized by hayley's hair color. because she always get super excited when she sees hayley.

    oh wow that's awesome that you are doing a music production course! that sounds so interesting! i wish i would have done something like that, haha. eh. i haven't been up to much. mostly school. and work. but now it's just going to be school. and i need to start looking for another job.

    ah. sadly, i don't have a twitter :( i just have facebook. and a myspace. but i haven't really used myspace in a while.

    x x x x x x x x x <3

    wednesday., October 2nd, 2010 at 12:47:41am

  • Need to know.

    Hehe, yeah! :] Congrats, that's great! Especially since you're focusing on music tech and all =] I did pretty well too =D I wish I had done better in English though 'cause I got a writer's block right in the middle of the exam -.-'

    Haha, agreed xD Haha, it would rock! But I doubt the teachers would ever agree to not use text books -.-

    Hehe, exactly! x]

    Wow, that's incredible! =O It sucks when horrible happen to such nice people =S But it must have made them really happy to have family members with them after going through something like that =] It was great! We mostly visited the highlands so it was all very peaceful countryside and stuff. We visited several small villages by car and climbed part of mountain which was pretty cool :D I did miss my sister though =/

    Yeah, I understand that. So long as you make some new friends and keep in touch with the old ones I think new schools aren't that bad :] I'm a 2nd year in college now so I'm still studying computing, maths, physics etc. I start next monday!

    Woah, that sounds so awesome! :DD Do you have practical lessons in studios as well as normal lectures? Are you enjoying it so far? I've always wondered how recording studios really worked :O The only way I've ever recorded my bass is using my mobile xD

    xD Yeah, you need some time to relax every now and then! Yeaaah, everything is so freaking expensive right? -.- Did you find a good job? I'm actually trying to save up because I might get to see Mcr in Paris. I'm not sure it's gonna happen 'cause it's so expensive and the other concerts are sold out =S The rest of my holidays were amazing though thanks =] A lot happened and not all of it was good but everything's fine now!

    Yeah, it's ok, it's been the same here. Can't believe summer's already over! =O I look forward to hearing from you though. I do but I don't use it that much x] I'm aworldunseen

    Need to know., October 1st, 2010 at 06:26:28pm

  • xxizzyrossxx

    Where have u gone i miss u! :'( i srry for not talkin to u in lik forever!!!!!!!!i wanna cry!!!:(

    xxizzyrossxx, September 25th, 2010 at 08:52:10am

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