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Buried Wreckage.

Buried Wreckage.

Member since January 1st, 2007


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My Chemical Romance. Shinedown. Green Day. The Used.
Wednesday 13. Murderdolls. Kill Hannah. Fall Out Boy.

This profile needs to be updated day I might fix it up again.
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  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    A reply to the message i sent yous!!!!!!!

    I also have Skpe so add me there too!!! :D

    Nova Cara Do Mal, August 19th, 2010 at 02:15:50pm

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    sh*t that sounds bad.
    We dont suffer that much with floods over here but we have allot of rain. lol

    Yeah i know what you mean... i been meaning to come on but i kept forgetting. tbh it doesn't feel the same on here anymore. =/

    Anyway how have you been. ;)

    Nova Cara Do Mal, June 19th, 2010 at 02:39:52pm

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    Sorry this is like REALLY late i been swamped under with work yet again. lol

    You guys were flooded?!
    Is everything ok?

    Nova Cara Do Mal, June 12th, 2010 at 01:04:01pm

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    Have you tryed speaking to a councilor or something?
    It sound strange being nervous all the time with out any know reason. hope your okays! D=

    Nova Cara Do Mal, May 2nd, 2010 at 09:02:39am

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    why what happened?
    How did you get so nervous... you werent attacked was you? *gives Brit a giant hug"

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 30th, 2010 at 09:19:46am

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    not too bad... feeling like a zombie cause of the lack of sleep i been getting but

    How is you?

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 28th, 2010 at 04:23:19pm

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    Yeah but it's not gonna go through America, its kinda curving round if you know what i meen?lol

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 27th, 2010 at 04:41:35pm

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    haha well its safe to say you wont. XD
    Mexico still might tho. :p

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 20th, 2010 at 11:08:43am

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    well i messed up the volcano went of in

    Well i believe that it is reaching the East midlands(where i live) soon but my dad recons it hit us last night i was like "well i see no ash..." lol

    your lucky your not gonna get it unless the wind changes. XD

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 17th, 2010 at 01:55:44pm

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    Honestly have no clue at all. =[
    You heard bout that ash in Poland?
    England's gonna be swamped in it. =/

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 16th, 2010 at 08:07:45am

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    aww see i told you. =3
    i love cats. =D

    Aww im meant to be at a dubstep night with my mates but i cant cause i broke my toe... =[
    you may laugh at that but it flippin hurt! XD lol

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 15th, 2010 at 04:25:41pm

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    Aww you cant say that
    she probably is like "yeah lets see you do better" or
    somethin.... then again.. shes probably just evil like you said. XD

    sorry for the late reply btw i had an assignment to finish. =/

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 13th, 2010 at 10:16:58am

  • Nova Cara Do Mal


    I WANT ONE! =D
    Lol peeing on laptops? XD
    I was thinking more along the lines of jumping around and knocking it off. =o

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 5th, 2010 at 09:35:09am

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    That would be a nightmare!
    Could be worse.. you could have a hyper dog or Raccoon. XD

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 4th, 2010 at 08:37:24am

  • Nova Cara Do Mal

    not bad England has quickly recovered from the recession and im still job less. =/ lol
    I was hoping to get a laptop as well but i thought "not a great idea" so im still usin the same old PC. =D

    Take it everything fine with you comp now! =D

    Nova Cara Do Mal, April 1st, 2010 at 11:08:02am

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