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Member since February 14th, 2007



MCR is my favorite band. I love that their music has meaning, they sound good, have great musicians, and they are absolute hotness. (all of them) Most people don't care, but I definitely have a reason to be inspired by them. Most people sterotype them as evil, or wicked, or bad people because they dress in black and talk about death, and vampires and etc and so on, but my theory is, those people who don't give them a chance, haven't experienced anything like them and most of their fans have. My lie is seemingly great. Great parents, good grades, nice house, you could say I'm popular too. My life wasn't the least bit messed up until 11/5/06. On that day, I heard the terrible news that there had been a horible car crash. A car had literally just ran off the rode for no reason, into a tree, and caught fire. In the car were 4 young boy scouts, and 1 assistant boy scout leader. 4 people died in that crash. I knew 3 of the people that died and the sole survivor. The three boys I knew were the ages 12, 13, and 14. The 12 year old boy that died went to school withme. I had all my classes with him, and I rode the bus with him. His early death devastated me, and the reat of my school peers. The 13 year old I had gone to school with in kindergarten, i switched schools pretty early on, but I was still upset about his death. The 14 year old was in 9th grade at our high school The Friday before the accident I had spent a whole period with him, and my friend got to meet him. His death saddened me too. I used to go to school with the sole surivivor of the crash, and his father, the assistant scout leader, died in the crash too. The week after the accident was the fastest, yet oddly the slowest week of my life. I had 3 funerals to go to in 2 days. It was like funeral, after funeral. I was tooo tired to go to school, emotionally drained. The whole town went to the funerals, the only funeral I really cried at was my 12 year old friend's, because I couldn;t hear or see anything at any of the other ones it was so crowded. The week was fast, nt in the sense that time was flying by, but in the sense that everything was happening at one time. The week was also the slowest because the week never seemed to end. It's not life my life is crap, I didn't become suicidal, and I didn;t go on drugs, but just because I didn't do any of those things doesn't mean that I am emotionally messed up. People might not give a crap about this whole story, but I just wanted to say what I went through to start liking this band. That I'm not bad, and I'm not obsessed with death, I just like to hear people who can express a part of life that causes them pain, and so many other people by singing. They save lives. I wasn't ever going to kill myself, but I was upset, and they definitely help me when I get to thinking about thosse boy scouts that were my friends, that died in that horrible car crash.

-The End of My Story


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