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xKatie Antoinettex

xKatie Antoinettex
Katie =)
the back streets of your mind

Member since March 20th, 2007



Okies so i always suck at making profiles so i was like i should TOTALLY ask my friends what they think of me and write it in here so here it goes it will probably make you scared and run away far far away from me....

"you're a skank and that's why we love ya, you're random as a sheep in a tree and you like mean girls just a bit too much..." Ta kerry i am soo not obsessed with Mean Girls she is worse but apart from that tis all true!!

"random hyper jitterbuggin caring bestiessssssss best ever" awwk ruthie isn't she soo sweet lols and the jitterbuggin is an inside joke we don't actually go out and start dancing to jitterbug or somefin LLF

"Well you're sweet, caring, funny as, cheerful ((unless ur in a bad mood)), you get your point through although it's quite mixed up Razz You're hard on yourselfRazz " llf can i get ann 'awww' lols aren't friends just the sweetest well the last time i did this expcet the profile thing deleted itself how it did that who knows but it did it was much nicer and sweeter but meh wat you goin to do abt it!!

"Katie is a random weirdo that makes up strange storys in her head and accuses me of being a cow rapest, other than that she is pretty cool XD " Okay i made on story about Bob and she soo helped llf and P.S she actually does rape cows its sick i now but very true and very very sad!!

Okay this is what i would describe the fabulous me as!!! I am not exactly your obvious My Chemical Romance fan to begin with i don't have much black clothes I am not emo i am premo (he he) you should totally join the premo side tiss great. Tres girly girl and obsessed with sex well kindof Cool I love pink i am very retarded at times but apart from that i can be really nice and i really look after mi friends... J'adore shopping and Starbucks!!

Join the Starbuckism klan llf

Soo you ppl are offically probably scared but I am not really that insane as the profile makes me sound like lols any ways please add me as a friend i have like two i feel like a loner!!


x x x x


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