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united states

Member since May 5th, 2007


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"she keeps her distance and sits on fences. puts up resistance and builds defenses."

So you want to know about me?

i'm erin lennan.
jersey is where it's at.
singing is an everyday thing for me.
and i'm actually really good at it =].
i'm not always confident. but i'm a lot better than before.
i don'tsmoke, do drugs or drink alcohol,
it's just not how i want to ruin my life.
if i want to ruin my life i'll join the circus. even though i am afraid of clowns.
i'm also afraid of: snapping turtles, sharks, alligators&crocodiles, snakes, spiders, throwing up, failing and fighting.
but wolves, painted turtles & horses are my favorite animals Smile
music displays my life story.
and yea, i still jam to boy bands like'n sync, the backstreet boys, britney spears, christina agulara, dreamstreet(chris trousdale was mine), abba and the spice girls. deal. i'm stuck in the 90s and i love it.
i love the asian at the corner from annie's house
i trip over myself and blades of grass. :]
i love little kid movies! my two favorites are: anastasia and the little vampire =d
you'll be suprised at how outgoing i am.
hanging with my friends brings a smile to my face.
writing is how i escape from reality.
sucking at gh3 =] is what i'm good at.
upstate new york is my get away.
i love to take black and white pictures.
rock concerts are where i belong.
eyeliner!!!<3 i'd die without it.
traveling is my future. promiiiseee.
i listen to "good day" by the click five every morning while i'm getting ready.
songs like that ^^^ get my pumped.
thank god for the replay button.
vintage stores are heaven. they make my life better.
monsterrsss get me crazy hyper.
i love photo booths at the mall.
krew bowling is how i relax.
vitamin + water = all you need.
random dancing isn't unusual for me.
i should have been from the 60s,70sor80s.
my room is like solitary confinement.
i take daily walks to the 7-ll. =].
things that make me think i n s p i r e me.
the museum of natural history and the metropolitan museum of art are two of my favorite places in the world.
new york city & philly are beast.
peace and love is all you need.
i am in love with the fictional vampire edward cullin.
i could wonder around a bookstore for hours. give me a book, my ipod and hot coco and i'm set.
i'm very o p i n i o n a t e d when it comes to it.
actually, i'm downright s t u b b o r n.
rainy days make me smile:] so do sunsets and daybreak.
i love to talk long walks in the woods. it's a great way to forget r e a l i t y .
i only go to the beach when dogs are allowed on :]
big sunglasses that remind me of willy wanka are my life. =]
make me laugh and you'll be my best friend.
65 degrees and up is my weather.
may 3 & 4th will be the best ever. 14 years young. may 29, 1993.
i like to stand out.
and i only change for me.
sorry if that sucks for you! :p
p.s. i'm single!

music isn't my obsession
it's my way out of reality and into something more.

quote of the week: "i want to document life honestly,to honor the little things, to create images that tell the story of children with respect and imagination & to share with others the details of our journey that connect us all." -rachel devine

My Chemical Romance has saved my life more that once. They are such a great band and great people too! I recently got to see them at the bamboozle may 5th, and no other show on the face of the planet could ever top MCR's show!
Gerard- Is a living proof that you can come back from rock bottom and still be great. Mikey, Frank, Bob and Ray are also my heros, they help me through the 'hell house' of mine, and give me the courage to be myself and never take anyones crap. I am proud to say they've saved me. I love how they're from NJ too! I'm so proud of them. I wish I could meet them and tell them how much they've helped me..maybe I will someday, but for now, they are all i have, and they are all I am. I owe them my life.


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