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Member since June 2nd, 2007



I want to make sure before anything else that I give __twelvenights from Livejournal credit for making my avatar!!! I wouldn't feel right unless I did.

If you've seen me before then you have read my about me since I'm too lazy to re-write a new one for every new site I join so here it is.

My personality is all my own!!! I have wonderful friends for whom I'd do just about anything for. My family is intresting, but I ♥ them. I'm in high school and proud of it. I'm a very passionate person. I'm passionate with my friends, my beliefs in what is right and wrong, music, my safety, my family, animals, and my schoolwork. I'm short but I can't help that so don't hold it against me or you'll be missing out!!! I hate discrimination and fakes, there's no point to it so why do it??? If your a player don't talk to me because I think that you should have respect for the person your with and for your spouse, otherwise why are you with them in the first place??? I can't hide my emotions from my friends that well. I am 100% Straight, however I am comfortable enough with my sexuality that I will admit when I find a girl attractive, but I'm never turned on by it so whatever. I'm a fan of Gods Girls for fucks sake haha. I want to be a photographer when I get older and my specialty as of now is Photojournalism (in my case concert photos). All in all I'm mostly a Happy Girl leading a shitty life.

However since this is an MCR forum I'll add a bit more since they are very important to me and I know that I won't be judged here.... I hope.

January 14th, 2005 was the beginning of my downward spiral into a severe depression. I won't go into details about how it happened but just someone who I relied on and who was the only friend I had for 11 years abandoned me. I became suicidal and I had no one and nothing to help me.... until I heard MCR and their lyrics just struck a nerve inside me that made me feel like maybe there is hope, and maybe I'm not alone. Through their music I pulled myself up and got better. I'm thankful to them everyday and I actually had a chance to meet Ray and Gerard and I thanked them in person and they gave me a long hug and told me to never give up and that just made my faith in them even more strong. That's all I have to say.


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