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Sunnyville*cough*- GY

Member since July 14th, 2007


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Helloooo...i'm Rebekah-jayne...Great isn't it? *Mrh* ...don't call me that though...that names reserved for my Nan...everyone else calls me Bekii or Mogo in Beth's case.

Appearence and Personality

I'm 14 and was born on the sexy day of April Fools and before many of you say it...yes I do get the crappy remakes of being called an April Fool and the butt of the jokes and what not...but hey, at least it's easy to remember, aye?
I'm currently siblingness, and should hopefully remain it unless my mother gives birth to Jesus or a miracle child of some sort because strangley when I began to talk my parents decided on not having anymore kids, funny that isn't it? So i'm slightly privilliged to rule the house as the stroppy teenager that causes chaos and mess with random objects...Amazing, I know!

I was originally born with auborn red hair and green eyes but over the years it's changed to a light copper colour with really dark brown eyes. My face is covered in freckles...although you'll rarely see them...their cleverly disguised now. I'm pale and mysterious...well i'm not really mysterious...but it goes with the saying lol, I'm pretty tall compared to others my age...well 5ft 8 and a half. I have little chubby, chipmunk cheeks [ You'll think I look like a chipmunk now, hehe, I kinda do but I more or less resemble a human.]

I'm a pretty quiet/shy kid in the public eye but do not be fooled, I do have a voice and I will make it be heard if you piss me off. I go into very daydreamy/ high-like states a lot, my mind kinda runs off with itself sometimes and makes up strange ermm don't feel offended if you talk to me and I look extreamly gormo and don't reply for a while, i'm just summoning things up. I'm a real softy, kind naturing girl, who likes a chuckle. I may come accross as a bit shy, gormo, stupid or in all general-ness a bit of a freak/geek and I do like to think big. A few people find me an ickle bit annoying because I really can't stand not getting my own way and I don't like backing down; a bit silly I know, but hey I can't help it if i'm a bit immature, you'll just have to deal with it. Here's just a few other random facts about me before we get to the rest of my life : I get addicted very easily to most things,
I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie; the faster and scarier the better!
My dad named me after his favourate beer brand, "becks",
I love my feet! Strange thing to love about yourself but seriously they are cool... if you know me you'll notice that if i'm being too lazy to pick up something, i'll do it with my tootsies,
I also like my coixics! Now that is a random one... they have been battered before after falling off a spinning chair and being impaled with a metal pole; but they're all better now,
Caffeine Addict,
LOVES LIFE and I actually do,
Believer in faith,
Stuart Little makes me cry whenever I watch it,
Plays guitar, very badly, but I do it,
I'm fourteen year old girl if you haven't already gathered,
My favourate song is 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana and I was actually born to the song whilst it was on my mums tape player in the hospital,
I aspire to be a graphic photographer when i'm older, and I also strangley want to work in an American diner as a waitress, or perhaps maybe just work in a little cafe back here in's a bit of a weird thing to do, and I don't really know why I want to, but I always wanted to hehe.

Stereotyping and Music?

I'm typically classed as an emo/ indie follower. I listen more or less to nearly every indie band going aswell as a lot of rock music like Green Day, My Chemical Romance, The Used and Nirvana to name my favourates. You can label me what you want but just to clarify I am my own person and not a can of soup. I do what I want, when I want and how I want without influence.

My Life and Home

I come from this faboulous place near the beach...for those of you who don't know were it is, it's next to this place called's this famous fishy place our area. It's always raining over rarely get more than 2 days of sunshine in a row...but don't let that put you off coming to our sexy comes complete with seaweed, chippies, seagulls and an array of glorious chavs! And if that doesn't seem to take a nibble of your fancy, i'm sure that the alluring smell of stail fish on those "hot" summer days in Grimsby will!

I go to crappy public school *Groan...Crys*'s full of scary chavs, plastics and dumbasses! But then you've got us, the strange, freaky boffins of 9S1. Haha...I say boffins but well were not geniuses...but we are purty smart. For most of the time a performing arts school doesn't seem that get the entertainment of drama, music, breakdancing (not that any of us succeded in dance lmao) and finally art but our teachers are total nutters...our ex art teacher stole the coursework and did a runner, according to one teacher our curent drama teacher wanks in lesson...slightly less obvious unless your told about it lol, and the maths teachers are all foriegn and can't speak English...the one that can speak English, runs over badgers. But all of that is what makes our school great! and the fact that you get us lot that are "gifted" ...yeah, we rule, I know. I'm "gifted" (this is according to my wonderful form tutor) in Cultural Studies, English Litriture and of course...Art!...Since you don't know me...(well you might know me if you're a physco stalker but I doubt it)...i'm 'tres bien' at Art. Other subjects such as Maths, PE and anything that involves a logic explanation or participation of exercise I can proudly say I fail miserablly at!


The only reason I even managed to reach the end of year 9 is purley because I have some of the greatest pals you're ever gonna hear of. There's about eight or nine of us lot and we're fucking awesome! Not the most likely group you've probobly seen, we're a mixed lot. You've got a goth, an indie, a weemo, goody two shoes, a girly girl, and of course a gobby one. We're pretty much a bubbly group that's happy.
It's a lie to say that we all treat each other fairly, 'cause quite frankly we've all got at least 1 best mate in the group...I for certainly have. She's called Beth/ might of heard of her, she's the little, random gothic one to sterotypically lable her;

I first met Beth in Art in year 7 after I was left to sit with about 6 random people I didn't know on my first day as my friends weren't in my classes. Well anyway they were all gawping at my picture and as the modest, shy kid I am I don't say anything and stick with the other shy kid on the table which just happened to be in all my classes...and there you go, probobly the tightest friendship on Earth was born. We live at each others houses, share each others stuff and share strange interests. We've stuck through thick and thin and are the only two remaining members of our little group and according to everyone else, "the only people that still hang around togetehr without drifting apart". We have our differences, but there you go...i'm sure most friends that are split into a vegetarian goth and freaky indie chick aren't exactly the same. The only problem you get is that because your so inseperable you get yousd to be called the others name because you're constantly being mixed up by your friends. But in general she's the best thing that has ever happened to me and she's always been there for me and I for one love her for that!


  • galyer

    Ahhhhh comment-nesss!!! Look its all new layout-ness!!! Ahhhhh **has a hyper jump around**

    galyer, August 20th, 2007 at 05:45:55pm

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