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fancy pirouettes.

fancy pirouettes.

Member since July 27th, 2007



It's time to let go. We have grown up and moved on but we will always remember where it all started.


  • hayleyjean

    i miss you too vivky.

    hayleyjean, November 9th, 2008 at 10:31:37am

  • taking back sunday.

    gah I miss you too<3
    I know DD:

    taking back sunday., October 15th, 2008 at 04:08:39pm

  • taking back sunday.

    I haven't talked to you in forever. </3

    taking back sunday., August 31st, 2008 at 01:23:47pm

  • hayleyjean

    i love the quotes in your profile.

    hayleyjean, August 6th, 2008 at 10:07:33pm

  • g.hostFACER!

    Ooh. You guys are REBELS :D lol gosh I love fireworks.
    I'm sorry your 4th was boring. Hey, at least you got to see illegal blinking lights in the sky. That's always a plus.
    Wait.. do you live in Washington DC or just the regular Washington?
    Anywho, what about your school?
    Like.. do you like it or is it a total snooze-fest?

    g.hostFACER!, July 5th, 2008 at 04:48:14pm

  • g.hostFACER!

    Alright, good. I was like, flipping out :D
    So anyway do you guys do fireworks where you live?
    If so, then how did it go?
    Mine went really well. I marched in the parade in the morning, and then hung out with my friends all day doing rock-climbing and funnel-caking. And then I got freaked out when Ronald McDonald approached me X_X
    So yeah it was horrible. But funny at the same time :D

    g.hostFACER!, July 4th, 2008 at 10:26:10pm

  • g.hostFACER!

    *hides face in embarrassment*
    I'm sorry. It's just that your profile says male and you can't really tell from your picture.. I'm really really REALLY sorry.. X_X
    Anywho.. I'm glad you're the same way. Most girls are all like 'OMG I LOVE MY GAL PALS' [not literally but they're verging..]
    But yeah. It's a bit rare to find girls who would rather hang with the guys. So you're definitely my new favoritest person haha.
    & I understand that it might be a bit awkward. I feel that way whenever I meet someone in person for the first time.
    That's why I love the internet.. it's really hard to sense the palpable awkward-ness in the air :)

    g.hostFACER!, July 3rd, 2008 at 03:32:52pm

  • g.hostFACER!

    Well I mean if you feel awkward you can just ignore me it's totally fine.
    But I love meeting new people, especially guys, because I tend to get along with them better.
    Don't worry, I'm pretty weird and crazy, also.
    & hey, you did say on your profile that I shouldn't be afraid to talk to ya.. :D

    Anyway, basically, I'm just another one of the guys, always wanting to do dumb, random sh*t :)

    g.hostFACER!, July 2nd, 2008 at 07:30:00pm

  • g.hostFACER!

    Like your profile says, I wanna get to know you better.
    So what's something that I can't get from your profile?

    g.hostFACER!, July 2nd, 2008 at 05:47:34pm

  • g.hostFACER!

    So how are you?

    g.hostFACER!, June 29th, 2008 at 07:24:51pm

  • g.hostFACER!

    I love your profile XD

    g.hostFACER!, June 28th, 2008 at 11:36:58pm

  • hayleyjean


    hayleyjean, June 8th, 2008 at 07:35:29pm

  • jkl

    I ♥ my wifeh.

    jkl, May 25th, 2008 at 02:40:52am

  • lacey;;

    aww such a pretty profile!!
    paramore = <3
    :] hellohello!

    lacey;;, May 16th, 2008 at 09:59:07pm

  • Ga5kArTh.

    i love your quotes from the perks of being a wallflower. (:
    awesome book.

    Ga5kArTh., May 5th, 2008 at 07:32:41pm

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