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Member since October 30th, 2007



I'm Abigail
You may call me Abby

* Mood: Reserved
* Listening to: Classical music
* Reading: A fanfic
* Playing: Faerie bubbles (Neopets)
* Eating: Skittles XD
* Drinking: Cherry coke zero
* Current Age: 14
* Current Residence: My room
* Interests: Skittles
* Favourite movie: Kill Bill, Queen of the damned, harry potter ect...
* Favourite band or musician: My chem (duh)
* Favourite genre of music: I'll listen to anything with Gerard way’s voice in it...fer real, bro! Like even...polka!
* Favourite artist: Gerard way <3
* Favourite poet or writer: Smooshy
* Favourite photographer: My Bff Sarah
* Operating System: Windows XP but currently i’m useing a MAC (Blah)
* MP3 player of choice: An i- pod i wish i had...
* Shell of choice: A sea shell.....?
* Wallpaper of choice: Anything MCR or skittles
* Skin of choice: The dead pale kind
* Favourite game: Kingdom Hearts
* Favourite gaming platform: Wii
* Favourite cartoon character: Felix the cat (spelling?)
* Personal Quote: Don’t ask me i’m just here
* Tools of the Trade: Adobe Photoshop CS2, A pencil and paper, Q-tips,
and paint.

Favorite name?
Amy and Savanna and Scarlet

Favorite flower? Dead roses and live roses to

Would you rather be a doctor or a dentist? Dentist because I wouldn't have
to give people shots. I don't mind needles, but I don't think I could stick
them into people. Smile i also don’t have to be around people who throw up *shudders*

Favorite popsicle flavor? The blue kind

Favorite eye color? Grey and hazel

Favorite hair color? I like most colors^^

Pet you would most want to have? A purple tiger with green stripes and sky blue eyes

Skittles or M&Ms? SKITTLES!!!! (erm sorry)

10 of Your Most Precious Stuff:

1. My MCR poster/cd
2. My journals
3. My cd player
4. My puppy!
5. My black bag with white stars (Thank you Jessica!!)
6. My emo heart/skulls with wings necklace (Again thank you Jessica!!!)
7. My hot pink feather boa
8. My fuzzy over size white hat
9. My studded belt
10.My over sized black sparkly sunglasses

5 of Your Favorite Songs

1. "The Sharpest Lives" by My Chemical Romance
2. "Situations" by Escape The Fate
3. "Our solemn hour" by Within Temptation
4. "Snow White Queen" by Evanescence
5. "Fences" by Paramore

10 things in you pencil box.

1. Pencils
2. Pencils
3. Crayons
4. Crayons
5. Markers
6. Markers
7. Chalk
8. Chalk
9. Paint
10. Gerard way (you weren't expecting thank were you!!)

5 things in your bag.

1. Gerard Way
2. A pencil
3. Frank Iero
4. A few cds
5. A notebook

8 things in your room

1. A HUGE tv....Well maybe not that huge XD
2. My shmexy band posters
3. My cds
4. My bed....
5. My Make up
6. My over sized black sparkly sunglasses
7. My skateboards
8. My stuff aminals


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