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Emma Smith

Member since November 20th, 2007


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If this is just the little bit describing me then I can't really explain myself very well, only that I'm a loving trust, worthy person, I'm sixteen with two sisters I'm the middle one :S - anything anyone says no matter how weird it is will never be weird to me because I live with a big lump of weirdness A.K.A my oldest sister and my youngest is a melodramatic!

I first got into MCR around 2003 where I saw the Helena video! I'd never seen anything like it before and I don't really think I've seen anything else that's similar to it either, it was so different and original and awwww(because Gerard cried from the ballerinas beautiful dance, runs to give him a hug) ehem excuse me my love for that incredible man is making me squee a wee bit too much.

My dream is to meet Gerard Way split up his marriage so he will love and make babies with me instead (jokes - but I'd totally love to see him live, but now he's not coming to the UK for another three years I'll be nineteen when I see him for the first time Surprised( I wasn't able to go to his latest concert here because my mum said I was too young to go to london without an adult and here I am feeling very sorry for myself!)

My Chemical Romance have changed my life, where I used to love chavtastic music, this band has made me embrace everything, and it made me come out as a rock loving freak to my friends so I had to make new ones which are way better than the ones before anyway because they like all kinds of music like me Very Happy anyway I won't bore you with any more details on crap and bollocks, this is just an essay about me and hope you like it??

Emma xxxxxxxxx


  • Photo #5965

    awesome picture from deviant art


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