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Caroline Dominique .

Member since December 14th, 2007



"from the razor to the rosary, we could lose ourselves,
& paint these walls in pitchfork red."

hiya , i'm caroline .
i'd like to think i've gone through it all . i've been lower than i've ever imagined i could go , i've been sky high and i'm proud to say my chemical romance and been with me through all of it .
i'm past the "mcr saved my life" point in my life, because i believe at some point, everyone has to move on. it's like riding a bike . you can use the stabelisers until you've learnt to cope , but sooner or later , you're going to have to take them off.
my chemical romance have been my stabelisers for 3 years, and my liking of the bands music quickly moved to reliance on them. i would block out the real world, and enter a world i could cope with.
"my chemical romance saved my life" is something i could say but to be honest , that's not really it for me. i refused to let people into my head and my heart because i could sustain with my chemical romance and me . but as i got older , and more albums were released , things changed for me . i grew as a person and as a fan .
before my chemical romance, i felt weak . "i brought you my bullets" brought out something that i didn't think i had inside of me . it brought out anger and i felt empowered by it .
"three cheers for sweet revenge" inspired me and made me ask myself questions. like ; "things are shit , now what are you going to do about it ? " and although at the time , i didn't know the answer - i knew that one day i would .
"the black parade" was my answer . although i don't particularly like this album compared to my adoration for the others , the black parade enabled me to find the answers within myself to all my questions .
after the first listen of black parade i knew that things had changed . it was as if mcr had taken off my stabelisers, and i was now riding the bike all by myself. life's a bitch, but sometimes you just have to stand up and face whatever it throws at you .
of course , i can take the problems i have , almost every single one . but when life throws a curve ball , i know i always have my chemical romance to fall back on .

& i guess that's my mcr story .


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