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North Pole, Alaska.

Member since January 7th, 2008


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My name is Caitlin. I'm 16. I'm a sophomore in high school. I live down the road from Santa Clause. lol. And my life is usually a bit complicated....or at least that's how it has seemed for the last few weeks.

I have short blond hair, the shortest I've ever had it, I just felt like taking a bit of a risk, and being different....and that's pretty much as different as my parents will tolerate me being.
Yea, I have THOSE kind of parents; the ones who don't want their daughter to be in any way, shape-or-form, different, unless it has to do with sports or school.

Right now things in my life seem to be a little strained.
I'm starting to have second-thoughts about certain aspects, that honestly, I just really don't want to be having second-thoughts about.
It makes me feel terrible.

But those are for more person conversations than just putting up on the internet randomly.

My Great Ganny isn't doing real well right now....real bad actually.
I don't think she has much more time.
I miss her [she lives in Pennsylvania.] and I love her tons.
I hope she gets better.

On a bit of a happier note;
me and my boyfriend, Keifer, have been going out for almost a Year and FOUR months.
Loooong time.
I never expected this.
But I'm happy we have it.

I'm a random person.
Anything can set me off track.
And I mean a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.
I'm a VERY bad multi-tasker.
I really just suck at it.

I can put up with people making fun of me.
I can put up with people talking bad about me.
I deal with those kind of things my own way.
Sometimes I start something.
Other times I just ignore it.
Either annoys the person to no end.
[Which was my intention]

But what I will NOT put up with is people talking back about my friends.
Ask them. They'll tell you so.
I don't put up with people hurting them.
I don't put up with people messing with them.
Those things just bother me to no end. And I don't tolerate it.

If they're my friends; there's a reason.

I'm a person who usually has a good understanding of people as soon as I meet them.
If you seem like a real nice person, I'll let you in a lot faster, but either way, if your good or bad, it's going to take a while. Because I'm a hard person when it comes to trust.

Then, once you get my trust, you better not break it.
Because I can hold a grudge.
And that's another thing you can ask my friends.
And my ex-friends.
And my never-have-been-and-never-will-be-friends. [w/e you want to call them]

I love music.
I'm not going to say it's my life;
no, that would be my friends.
But I will say that it IS up there on my list.
WAY up there.

If it weren't for music I don't know what I'd do.
I'd probably go nuts.
It helps calm me down when I'm upset,
helps cheer me up when I'm down,
is an awesome way to over-come writers block,
and admit it; it just wouldn't be a party without the ear splitting, heart pounding, speaker blaring music, now would it?

I don't have an exact favorite kind of music.
Pretty much just Rock I guess....
but even then that's an extremely wide range.
I love the old stuff.
I love the new stuff.
I love the hard stuff.
And I love the soft stuff.
I guess I just love it all.

Well, now I'm at the point where I don't really think I have much to say.
Just a few last words?

I don't do the whole label thing.
That's just stupid, lame, and pre-set.
Who wants to live by some made-up set of rules?
I don't.

But I am interested....
if you've decided I DO fall under a lable; please let me know.
Believe me, I won't get mad or anything, I'm just curious.
In fact; I'll thank you. Now. and then. So THANK YOU!

There's still a ton you don't know about me.
So if you want to know more I'm on tagged. vampirefreaks. and mycrib.
Plus, just add me to msn if you've got it.

ti amo!


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