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Belgium, Grrr

Member since January 8th, 2008


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Hii my name is Rani.The letters of my name all come in Frankie,you see ?(f)RAN(k)I(e) x].I live in this shitty country, called Belgium.But when I'm 18 I'm gonna move to (NY)America,and Karoline(my best friend, she's awesome,duuudee xD) comes with me. I play electric guitar & badminton. I'm a vegetarian.I have my own style so don't try to label me, I hate that, especially when people call me emo, cause I'm totally not. I'm not depressed and I don't want to die or something. I love having fun and laughing. I like art and that sort of stuff. I love going to concerts & festivals(: My favorite band is My Chemical Romance <3 I love them so f*cking much, I'm addicted to them x] aa^^ November the 6th 2007 is the best day ever, because Karoo & I went to a concert of them that day ^^ I still can't believe it [: It was TOTALLY AWESOME -the move- GOSH, I'M GONNA MISS MY HOMIES SO MUCH, BFFE <3

xo Ranii


  • Photo #10143

    Marijke & Rani

  • Photo #9787

  • Photo #9786

    Best day ever <3


  • Super Fiz

    That's good :]
    What you been up to?

    Super Fiz, April 1st, 2008 at 02:10:35am

  • Bring.The.Words.

    oooh ,I'm stupid =D that's awesome
    yeah indeed ,we should protest (well not that it would make a difference)
    I'm happy then lmao
    jaj MSI ,I'm really curious how it will be

    Bring.The.Words., March 31st, 2008 at 03:23:44pm

  • Bring.The.Words.

    aww that's cute, we can take her with us to NY (no that would be to bad)=D
    nothing much , I'm thirsty and you my besties (uuh I don't know )?
    ooh maybe the FFTL record will be out in may (that's a bust ) (so that's later than normal)

    Bring.The.Words., March 31st, 2008 at 03:13:03pm

  • Bring.The.Words.

    hII,yw, I sure want to knwo that (the oona thing lol)=D
    ooh yes,I stole a poster of POLSSLAG

    Bring.The.Words., March 31st, 2008 at 07:22:55am

  • Super Fiz

    Hey :]
    I'm good thanks, wbu?

    Super Fiz, March 31st, 2008 at 04:18:46am

  • Jeanne Paulin.

    Hiii Rani.
    Your name is so cute btw.

    Jeanne Paulin., March 30th, 2008 at 04:35:49am

  • Colorado Sunrise.

    Pretty good.

    Colorado Sunrise., March 29th, 2008 at 07:55:50pm

  • Bring.The.Words.

    Of course;
    OOH jea I forgit to say (well you'll read it afterwards anywaysbut) good luck with badminton (even if you don't need it) =D

    Bring.The.Words., March 29th, 2008 at 06:45:45pm

  • Bring.The.Words.

    thank it's good, lol
    woo yeah I can't wait ,I'm siked up
    I hope it'll be awesome (like with MCR )

    Bring.The.Words., March 29th, 2008 at 04:12:24pm

  • Bring.The.Words.

    hiii,I'm fine ,lol
    and you my dear ?

    *hii my name is sonny mo-ore

    Bring.The.Words., March 29th, 2008 at 03:59:20pm

  • Jeanne Paulin.

    Hello. I'm Pau btw.
    I'm fine, you?

    Jeanne Paulin., March 29th, 2008 at 03:38:59am

  • color my world.

    thats good.

    color my world., March 27th, 2008 at 05:38:18pm

  • color my world.

    hey, i'm alright. yourself?

    color my world., March 27th, 2008 at 05:16:54pm

  • Fresh Til Death

    Yeah, its ironic cuz I didn't mean 2 answer twice! XD

    Fresh Til Death, March 26th, 2008 at 05:07:47pm

  • Fresh Til Death

    Good XD

    Fresh Til Death, March 26th, 2008 at 04:43:10pm

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